FAI http://old.fai.org/component/content/category/171-igc 2024-07-17T12:30:48+00:00 Joomla! 1.6 - Open Source Content Management IGC Meeting Registration 2015-12-24T08:24:51+00:00 2015-12-24T08:24:51+00:00 http://old.fai.org/component/content/article/171-igc/40804-igc-meeting-registration Faustine Carrera communication@fai.org <p>Online registration for the FAI Gliding Commission (IGC) Plenary Meeting 2017 is now closed.</p> <p>If you wish to participate and have not yet registered, please contact the organiser: <a href="mailto:gyzeno@caesar.elte.hu">Mr Andras Zeno Gyongyosi </a>with copy to FAI Assistant Sports Manager: <a href="mailto:sports-commissions@fai.org">Annick Hauser</a></p> <p>Online registration for the FAI Gliding Commission (IGC) Plenary Meeting 2017 is now closed.</p> <p>If you wish to participate and have not yet registered, please contact the organiser: <a href="mailto:gyzeno@caesar.elte.hu">Mr Andras Zeno Gyongyosi </a>with copy to FAI Assistant Sports Manager: <a href="mailto:sports-commissions@fai.org">Annick Hauser</a></p> IGC 2014 Plenary agenda has been published 2014-01-18T02:48:20+00:00 2014-01-18T02:48:20+00:00 http://old.fai.org/component/content/article/171-igc/38060-igc-2014-plenary-agenda-has-been-published Rick Sheppe rws@sover.net <p><img src="images/commissions/IGC/2014/acao.jpg" width="615" height="340" alt="acao" /></p> <p>The agenda for the March 7-8 Plenary meeting in Varese, Italy has been published in the Documents section.</p> <p>{mod_download categories="1519"}</p> <p><img src="images/commissions/IGC/2014/acao.jpg" width="615" height="340" alt="acao" /></p> <p>The agenda for the March 7-8 Plenary meeting in Varese, Italy has been published in the Documents section.</p> <p>{mod_download categories="1519"}</p> Rankings 2011-10-05T15:20:22+00:00 2011-10-05T15:20:22+00:00 http://old.fai.org/component/content/article/171-igc/35089-igc-rankings Faustine Carrera communication@fai.org <p><a href="gliding/rankings/"></a></p> <p><a href="http://igcrankings.fai.org/">http://igcrankings.fai.org/</a></p> <p><a href="gliding/rankings/"></a></p> <p><a href="http://igcrankings.fai.org/">http://igcrankings.fai.org/</a></p> Gallery 2011-10-05T14:50:07+00:00 2011-10-05T14:50:07+00:00 http://old.fai.org/igc-events/igc-gallery Faustine Carrera communication@fai.org <p style="text-align: center;">[flickr set=72157627293388704]</p> <p style="text-align: center;">[flickr set=72157627293388704]</p> IGC Representatives 2011-09-29T12:30:13+00:00 2011-09-29T12:30:13+00:00 http://old.fai.org/component/content/article/171-igc/34933-igc-representatives Faustine Carrera communication@fai.org <!-- START: Modules Anywhere --><style type="text/css"> .column-1{ width:100% !IMPORTANT; } .column-2{ width:100% !IMPORTANT; } .body-container{ margin-bottom:50px; } .body-header{ font-family: Georgia; font-size: 1.2em; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; text-transform: capitalize } .lineUn{vertical-align: top;} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function hideX(n) { jQuery('#col'+n).slideDown(); jQuery('#exp'+n).slideUp(); } function showX(n) { jQuery('#col'+n).slideUp(); jQuery('#exp'+n).slideDown(); } function toggleBody(n) { div = "#body-container-"+n; img = "#header-image-"+n; if(jQuery(div).is(":visible")) { jQuery(div).slideUp(); jQuery(img).attr("src","http://old.fai.org/images/ico_open.gif"); } else { jQuery(div).slideDown(); jQuery(img).attr("src","http://old.fai.org/images/ico_close.gif"); } } jQuery(document).ready(function(){ collapseHeaders(); }) ; function collapseHeaders() { if(showHeader == "1") { jQuery(".body-container").each(function(){ bodyid = jQuery(this).attr("bodyid"); inArray = jQuery.inArray( bodyid, expandibles); if(inArray == -1) { jQuery(this).slideUp() ; 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jQuery('#officials').hide(); if (jQuery('#delegates').html() == '') { jQuery('#loading').show(); jQuery("#delegates, .delegates").load('index.php?option=com_fai&controller=members&task=getDelegates&memberID=&tmpl=component&format=raw', function(response, status, xhr) { jQuery('#loading').hide(); if (status == "error") { var msg = "Filter error! : "; jQuery("#delegates, .delegates").html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); } if(status=="success"){ jQuery('#delegates').show(); } }); } else { jQuery('#delegates').show(); } });*/ // Officials button /*jQuery('#item-607').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#delegates').hide(); if (jQuery('#officials').html() == '') { jQuery('#loading').show(); jQuery("#officials").load('index.php?option=com_fai&controller=members&task=getOfficials&memberID=&tmpl=component&format=raw', function(response, status, xhr) { jQuery('#loading').hide(); if (status == "error") { var msg = "Filter error! : "; jQuery("#officials").html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); 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} //console.log(newMail); window.location.href = newMail; }); </script> <script>showHeader = '0';</script><script>deferred_loading = '0';</script><script>expandibles = new Array() ;expandibles[0]="6";</script> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <div class="body-container" bodyid="6" id="body-container-6"> <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"> <div id="col1" style="clear:both;"> <table id="delegatetable" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr > <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> <strong>Peter Eriksen</strong> </td> <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> Secretary of Honour </td> <td class="lineUn" width="auto"> n/a </td> <td class="lineUn" align="right" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;"></div> <!--this works like <hr/> tag--> </div> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"> <div id="col2" style="clear:both;"> <table id="delegatetable" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr > <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> <strong>Reiner Rose</strong> </td> <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> Representative </td> <td class="lineUn" width="auto"> - </td> <td class="lineUn" align="right" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;"></div> <!--this works like <hr/> tag--> </div> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"> <div id="col3" style="clear:both;"> <table id="delegatetable" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr > <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> <strong>Brian T. Spreckley</strong> </td> <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> Specialist </td> <td class="lineUn" width="auto"> n/a </td> <td class="lineUn" align="right" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;"></div> <!--this works like <hr/> tag--> </div> </td></tr> </div> </td> </tr> <!-- END: Modules Anywhere --> <!-- START: Modules Anywhere --><style type="text/css"> .column-1{ width:100% !IMPORTANT; } .column-2{ width:100% !IMPORTANT; } .body-container{ margin-bottom:50px; } .body-header{ font-family: Georgia; font-size: 1.2em; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; text-transform: capitalize } .lineUn{vertical-align: top;} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function hideX(n) { jQuery('#col'+n).slideDown(); jQuery('#exp'+n).slideUp(); } function showX(n) { jQuery('#col'+n).slideUp(); jQuery('#exp'+n).slideDown(); } function toggleBody(n) { div = "#body-container-"+n; img = "#header-image-"+n; if(jQuery(div).is(":visible")) { jQuery(div).slideUp(); jQuery(img).attr("src","http://old.fai.org/images/ico_open.gif"); } else { jQuery(div).slideDown(); jQuery(img).attr("src","http://old.fai.org/images/ico_close.gif"); } } jQuery(document).ready(function(){ collapseHeaders(); }) ; function collapseHeaders() { if(showHeader == "1") { jQuery(".body-container").each(function(){ bodyid = jQuery(this).attr("bodyid"); inArray = jQuery.inArray( bodyid, expandibles); if(inArray == -1) { jQuery(this).slideUp() ; } else { jQuery("#header-image-"+bodyid).attr("src","http://old.fai.org/images/ico_close.gif"); } }) ; } } /** * 140 active * 141 associate * 142 temporary * 144 international affiliate */ var menuitems = [ ['140', 'active_members'] ,['141', 'associate_members'] ,['142', 'temporary_members'] ,['144', 'prospective_members'] // blank = do nothing , ,['1353', 'affiliate_members'] ]; jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery.each(menuitems, function(i, val) { itemid = val[0]; tag = val[1]; (function(tag){ /* jQuery('.item'+ itemid + ' a') // the <a> tag in the menu .live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('html,body').animate({scrollTop: jQuery("#"+tag).offset().top},'slow'); }); */ /** * instead of going to that tag, we will append the tag to the menu items so that if you click it on * member details page, it will also scroll. */ this_item = jQuery('.item'+ itemid + ' a'); this_item.attr('href', this_item.attr('href') + '#' + tag); })(tag); }); // Delegates button /*jQuery("#item-310").live("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#officials').hide(); if (jQuery('#delegates').html() == '') { jQuery('#loading').show(); jQuery("#delegates, .delegates").load('index.php?option=com_fai&controller=members&task=getDelegates&memberID=&tmpl=component&format=raw', function(response, status, xhr) { jQuery('#loading').hide(); if (status == "error") { var msg = "Filter error! : "; jQuery("#delegates, .delegates").html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); } if(status=="success"){ jQuery('#delegates').show(); } }); } else { jQuery('#delegates').show(); } });*/ // Officials button /*jQuery('#item-607').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#delegates').hide(); if (jQuery('#officials').html() == '') { jQuery('#loading').show(); jQuery("#officials").load('index.php?option=com_fai&controller=members&task=getOfficials&memberID=&tmpl=component&format=raw', function(response, status, xhr) { jQuery('#loading').hide(); if (status == "error") { var msg = "Filter error! : "; jQuery("#officials").html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); } if(status=="success"){ jQuery('#officials').show(); } }); } else { jQuery('#officials').show(); } });*/ jQuery('a.person_cv_link').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery.colorbox({href: jQuery(this).attr('href'), width: '610px', height:'385px', iframe: true}); }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ if(deferred_loading == "1") { jQuery("#member-container").load("/component/fai/?controller=members&amp;task=getPeopleFromMembersOrOfficialsTablesd&amp;tmpl=component&amp;format=raw", {template: template, idbody: idbody, idbody_exclusion: idbody_exclusion, commission: commission, showHeader: showHeader, idtitle : idtitle, orderby : orderby }, function(response, status, xhr) { if (status == "error") { } if(status=="success"){ collapseHeaders(); } }); } }) ; jQuery(".mailMe").live("click",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var mail = jQuery(this).attr("mailAdd").split("|"); var newMail = "mailto:"; for(var i = 0;i < mail.length;i++) { if(mail[i].length > 0 ) newMail += String.fromCharCode(mail[i]); } //console.log(newMail); window.location.href = newMail; }); </script> <script>showHeader = '0';</script><script>deferred_loading = '0';</script><script>expandibles = new Array() ;expandibles[0]="6";</script> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <div class="body-container" bodyid="6" id="body-container-6"> <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"> <div id="col1" style="clear:both;"> <table id="delegatetable" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr > <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> <strong>Peter Eriksen</strong> </td> <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> Secretary of Honour </td> <td class="lineUn" width="auto"> n/a </td> <td class="lineUn" align="right" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;"></div> <!--this works like <hr/> tag--> </div> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"> <div id="col2" style="clear:both;"> <table id="delegatetable" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr > <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> <strong>Reiner Rose</strong> </td> <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> Representative </td> <td class="lineUn" width="auto"> - </td> <td class="lineUn" align="right" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;"></div> <!--this works like <hr/> tag--> </div> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"> <div id="col3" style="clear:both;"> <table id="delegatetable" border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr > <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> <strong>Brian T. Spreckley</strong> </td> <td class="lineUn" width="150px"> Specialist </td> <td class="lineUn" width="auto"> n/a </td> <td class="lineUn" align="right" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="border-bottom:1px solid #E0E0E0;"></div> <!--this works like <hr/> tag--> </div> </td></tr> </div> </td> </tr> <!-- END: Modules Anywhere --> IGC Format for Way Point Data Bases 2011-09-23T08:22:36+00:00 2011-09-23T08:22:36+00:00 http://old.fai.org/gnss-recording-devices/way-point-data-bases Faustine Carrera communication@fai.org <p>Download the format document as PDF file suitable for browsing on line (113 KB).<br />Download a ZIP file containing the above file in a form suitable for printing (A4 paper).</p> <h4>Introduction by President IGC</h4> <p>The International Gliding Commission of FAI hereby announces its approved IGC Waypoint Format.</p> <p>This initiative was started by the IGC Sub-Committee which handles the championships rules. Organizers of championships found that they had to handle a larger and larger number of waypoint formats in their analysis of flights. One common standard was seen as being an immense help to championship organizers, and pilots and Official Observers in the field.</p> <p>Agreement has now been reached after 11 drafts, with a common-sense compromise which we believe will fulfil the objectives of the initiative.</p> <p>We must recognize the considerable amount of work which has been done to bring this to an approved standard. Thanks to the GNSS and GFAC Sub-Committees and their advisors, and particularly to Ian Strachan who acted as co-ordinator for the drafts, for the great work done by all who participated in that effort!</p> <p><i>Tor Johannessen<br /> President IGC<br /> May 2000</i></p> <h4>Introduction by Chairman IGC GNSS subcommittee</h4> <p>This is the approved IGC format for WayPoint lists, which is the name adopted to cover Turnpoints, Startpoints, Finishpoints, and may even be used to delineate the 'corners' of straight-lined airspace areas, such as TMAs, prohibited areas, restricted areas, etc.</p> <p>This format is not mandatory at this time. However, it is possible that some may require it for certain activities.</p> <p>Yes, the format may seem complicated at first look, because it will do many things. But, most everything is optional. There is only one requirement:</p> <p>CCCCCC | NN | DD MM.mmmN/S | DDD MM.mmmE/W</p> <p>and part of it is also optional:</p> <p>It gives you the W/P name (CCCCCC), or code for it if the name is longer than six characters, the nation (NN), and the Latitude/Longitude in degrees, minutes and thousandths of minutes (DD MM.mmmN/S | DDD MM.mmmE/W).</p> <p>You don't need to use the nation indicator if your list is all in one nation. - You may omit the hemisphere designators if your country is not divided by the 0/180 meridian or equator. - If your lat/long is less than 3 numbers (e.g. 001), the leading zeros need not be repeated. However, there must be a key for the waypoint list showing the method being used for omitting such data.</p> <p>However, even the full CCCCCC | NN | DD MM.mmmN/S | DDD MM.mmmE/W won't tell very much about the point, although it does describe it uniquely. That is essential for entering into an IGC-approved GNSS FR (Flight Recorder).</p> <p>The rest of the material in the standard format provides for definitive names of the W/P which many will find they want to use because they give all the distinguishing information to describe the point, particularly necessary for those not using GNSS for flight verification. There are still a lot of camera/baro users out there. Hard copy of a W/P listing can look as bare as you want with only CCCCCC | NN | DD MM.mmmN/S | DDD MM.mmmE/W or as fully definitive as using all the provisions would provide. It's hard to imagine one would not provide pilots something morethan the bare minimum, but we have allowed for that if so desired.</p> <p>The introductory material (Sections 1-4) is designed to assist your understanding of how the format can be used for lists.</p> <p>Please do not be put off by section 4 regarding accuracy responsibility. That lies ultimately on whomever produces the particular list. There may be one for a country covering all waypoints, or many for a country, each one covering different areas, produced by a different person.</p> <p>Download the format document as PDF file suitable for browsing on line (113 KB).<br />Download a ZIP file containing the above file in a form suitable for printing (A4 paper).</p> <h4>Introduction by President IGC</h4> <p>The International Gliding Commission of FAI hereby announces its approved IGC Waypoint Format.</p> <p>This initiative was started by the IGC Sub-Committee which handles the championships rules. Organizers of championships found that they had to handle a larger and larger number of waypoint formats in their analysis of flights. One common standard was seen as being an immense help to championship organizers, and pilots and Official Observers in the field.</p> <p>Agreement has now been reached after 11 drafts, with a common-sense compromise which we believe will fulfil the objectives of the initiative.</p> <p>We must recognize the considerable amount of work which has been done to bring this to an approved standard. Thanks to the GNSS and GFAC Sub-Committees and their advisors, and particularly to Ian Strachan who acted as co-ordinator for the drafts, for the great work done by all who participated in that effort!</p> <p><i>Tor Johannessen<br /> President IGC<br /> May 2000</i></p> <h4>Introduction by Chairman IGC GNSS subcommittee</h4> <p>This is the approved IGC format for WayPoint lists, which is the name adopted to cover Turnpoints, Startpoints, Finishpoints, and may even be used to delineate the 'corners' of straight-lined airspace areas, such as TMAs, prohibited areas, restricted areas, etc.</p> <p>This format is not mandatory at this time. However, it is possible that some may require it for certain activities.</p> <p>Yes, the format may seem complicated at first look, because it will do many things. But, most everything is optional. There is only one requirement:</p> <p>CCCCCC | NN | DD MM.mmmN/S | DDD MM.mmmE/W</p> <p>and part of it is also optional:</p> <p>It gives you the W/P name (CCCCCC), or code for it if the name is longer than six characters, the nation (NN), and the Latitude/Longitude in degrees, minutes and thousandths of minutes (DD MM.mmmN/S | DDD MM.mmmE/W).</p> <p>You don't need to use the nation indicator if your list is all in one nation. - You may omit the hemisphere designators if your country is not divided by the 0/180 meridian or equator. - If your lat/long is less than 3 numbers (e.g. 001), the leading zeros need not be repeated. However, there must be a key for the waypoint list showing the method being used for omitting such data.</p> <p>However, even the full CCCCCC | NN | DD MM.mmmN/S | DDD MM.mmmE/W won't tell very much about the point, although it does describe it uniquely. That is essential for entering into an IGC-approved GNSS FR (Flight Recorder).</p> <p>The rest of the material in the standard format provides for definitive names of the W/P which many will find they want to use because they give all the distinguishing information to describe the point, particularly necessary for those not using GNSS for flight verification. There are still a lot of camera/baro users out there. Hard copy of a W/P listing can look as bare as you want with only CCCCCC | NN | DD MM.mmmN/S | DDD MM.mmmE/W or as fully definitive as using all the provisions would provide. It's hard to imagine one would not provide pilots something morethan the bare minimum, but we have allowed for that if so desired.</p> <p>The introductory material (Sections 1-4) is designed to assist your understanding of how the format can be used for lists.</p> <p>Please do not be put off by section 4 regarding accuracy responsibility. That lies ultimately on whomever produces the particular list. There may be one for a country covering all waypoints, or many for a country, each one covering different areas, produced by a different person.</p> Officials and Experts 2011-09-22T15:16:12+00:00 2011-09-22T15:16:12+00:00 http://old.fai.org/igc-about-us/igc-officials-experts Faustine Carrera communication@fai.org <p>To be created soon.</p> <p>To be created soon.</p> Athletes 2011-09-21T15:14:17+00:00 2011-09-21T15:14:17+00:00 http://old.fai.org/igc-events/igc-athletes Super User ag@sel.is <p>The search function below allows you to find athletes who have competed at FAI events (World and Continental Championships, World Air Games) and all the information related to them such as results, awards, records, badges and other achievements.</p> <ol class="padded"> <li>Enter the name of the athlete you wish to find. You may enter as many letters of the name as you wish, however you must enter at least 3 letters.</li> <li>Click the <b>Search</b> button.</li> <li>Click on the "+" sign</li> </ol> <p>If your search shows no results, check the spelling of the name entered in the search field.</p> <!-- START: Modules Anywhere --><style type="text/css"> .changeColor{ color:#0099ff; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function hideX(n) { jQuery('#col'+n).slideDown(); jQuery('#exp'+n).slideUp(); } function showX(n) { jQuery('#col'+n).slideUp(); jQuery('#exp'+n).slideDown(); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".lineUn").live("click",function(e){ jQuery(".lineUn").removeClass("changeColor"); jQuery(this).addClass("changeColor"); e.preventDefault(); idprs = jQuery(this).attr("idprs"); jQuery("#pilot-details-container-"+idprs).load('index.php?option=com_fai&controller=pilots&task=getPilotDetails', {'idprs':idprs}, function(response, status, xhr) { if (status == "error") { var msg = "Filter error! : "; jQuery("#pilot-details-container-"+idprs).html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); } if(status=="success"){ showX(idprs) ; } }); }); } ); </script> <form method="POST"></form> <form id="search-pilots-form" method="POST" action="/component/content/category/171-igc?format=feed&type=atom"> <input type="text" name="searchstring" > <span class="readon"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Search" /></span> </form> <!-- results will be here --><!-- END: Modules Anywhere --> <p>The search function below allows you to find athletes who have competed at FAI events (World and Continental Championships, World Air Games) and all the information related to them such as results, awards, records, badges and other achievements.</p> <ol class="padded"> <li>Enter the name of the athlete you wish to find. You may enter as many letters of the name as you wish, however you must enter at least 3 letters.</li> <li>Click the <b>Search</b> button.</li> <li>Click on the "+" sign</li> </ol> <p>If your search shows no results, check the spelling of the name entered in the search field.</p> <!-- START: Modules Anywhere --><style type="text/css"> .changeColor{ color:#0099ff; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function hideX(n) { jQuery('#col'+n).slideDown(); jQuery('#exp'+n).slideUp(); } function showX(n) { jQuery('#col'+n).slideUp(); jQuery('#exp'+n).slideDown(); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".lineUn").live("click",function(e){ jQuery(".lineUn").removeClass("changeColor"); jQuery(this).addClass("changeColor"); e.preventDefault(); idprs = jQuery(this).attr("idprs"); jQuery("#pilot-details-container-"+idprs).load('index.php?option=com_fai&controller=pilots&task=getPilotDetails', {'idprs':idprs}, function(response, status, xhr) { if (status == "error") { var msg = "Filter error! : "; jQuery("#pilot-details-container-"+idprs).html(msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText); } if(status=="success"){ showX(idprs) ; } }); }); } ); </script> <form method="POST"></form> <form id="search-pilots-form" method="POST" action="/component/content/category/171-igc?format=feed&type=atom"> <input type="text" name="searchstring" > <span class="readon"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Search" /></span> </form> <!-- results will be here --><!-- END: Modules Anywhere --> Our Sport 2011-09-13T15:21:27+00:00 2011-09-13T15:21:27+00:00 http://old.fai.org/igc-our-sport2 Faustine Carrera communication@fai.org <h4>The terms: glider or sailplane? Gliding or soaring?</h4> <p>The terms <strong>glider</strong> and <strong>sailplane</strong> are interchangeable but sailplane is more common in the USA.</p> <h4>Gliding or soaring?</h4> <p><strong>Gliding</strong> is a forward movement whereas <strong>soaring</strong> results from/in climbing, sometimes to very great heights or just enough height to progress forward to the next climb to proceed across country.</p> <h4>Launching: types of</h4> <p>For everyday purposes, there are several ways of launching gliders but for competitions, the most usual is by <strong>aerotow</strong>, attached by cable to a powered aircraft.</p> <p>There is a release mechanism at both ends for safety but usually the glider pilot will release from the towplane (or tug) at a pre-determined height, often 600m, or once sufficient height has been gained to make staying aloft (and/or climbing further while awaiting the opening of the contest) feasible or where very strong conditions can be exploited for the same purpose.</p> <p>In marginal conditions, returning to the airfield before the start is allowed with 2 further attempts permitted but landing outside the contest zone pre-starts will result in grounding for the day and so, zero points.</p> <h4>Permitted engines: self-launching, self-sustaining</h4> <p>The motive force in gliding and soaring comes entirely from judicious exploitation of natural phenomena, rising columns of warmed air, ridge and wave lift but some competition gliders do now carry small engines which usually retract into the fuselage behind the cockpit.</p> <p>They can be categorised in two ways – self-launching and self-sustaining:</p> <p><strong>Self-launchers</strong> can take-off like an aeroplane without outside help of any kind, very useful for speeding up launching on a busy airfield and also for lifting off to fly home from a landing field too small for a tow-plane to use. The engine must be switched off and retracted once a suitable height has been achieved and before starting the task and if started up again during flight, for example once conditions are no longer strong enough to permit a return to base, is recorded as the “virtual landing” or end of the contest day, from which point the day’s score will be calculated.</p> <p><strong>Self-sustaining</strong> engines are not used for launching but can be used to keep a glider airborne so that a field landing is avoided. In the same way, starting the engine marks the end point of the day’s competition task but allows a pilot to fly home and so avoids the fatigue and risk of damage associated with a field landing and the subsequent wait for a crew to arrive, dismantle the glider and transport it back by road.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h4>The different classes</h4> <p>Although there are now competition classes for “multi-seater” gliders, which at the present state of evolution means two-seaters, gliders with one seat behind the other and which may also be flown solo, gliding is still a sport of individual endeavour so a national team consists of individuals (or pairs in one glider) competing in a competition class for individual honours.</p> <p>The class system has evolved from three basic categories, based on wingspan. These were and remain the <strong>Standard</strong> and <strong>15metre classes</strong>, both with the same tip to tip spread but Standard class gliders have no flaps, while the 15m Class, (formerly Racing Class) gliders have them. The third traditional class is the <strong>Open Class</strong> embracing a variety of “big wings”. All have ballast tanks for jettisonable water, to enhance performance in certain conditions. Additional classes have been authorized by the FAI Gliding Commission (IGC) as new designs emerge and sufficient demand is proven. But, as producing gliders from idea to first competition flight is a very long process, not to mention investment, IGC needs to plan some years ahead of offering a first championship in any new class. <strong>National, European, Continental and World Championships in any one class have exactly the same value but may take place at different venues</strong>. With the number of classes and participants now exceeding what can safely be accommodated on one airfield, there are now 2 locations used in a European (odd years) and World (even years) championship year, taking three, or a maximum 4, classes each. For example, 2012 sees the 15m, 18m and Open classes competing in Uvalde, Texas, USA (see the <a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=31545&amp;Itemid=456">Events Calendar page</a>)and the Club, Standard and World events in Argentina (unusually, held over to Jan 2013 for the southern hemisphere summer). Women’s and Junior championships, having smaller entries, take place with selected classes at one site. In most cases, a nation may enter 2 pilots per class with reserves plus any reigning Champion. Women and Junior pilots can and, of course do, compete in any event but have their own dedicated major championships, with three pilots per nation permitted to encourage participation, as both stepping stone and impetus for these two groups.</p> <p>The <strong>Club Class</strong> arose to provide international level competition in club-type gliders for the large number of talented pilots who could not aspire to owning an expensive modern glider of their own. It has kept demand high for a number of older but still very valid designs. Using a variety of types, this class is handicapped according to a <strong>handicap list</strong> based on each machine’s known performance and no ballast is permitted on board. This class is extremely popular and is frequently oversubscribed.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Gliding 1" src="images/commissions/IGC/Gliding_1.jpg" width="300" height="200" /></p> <h4>The World Class</h4> <p>With costs rising everywhere, IGC held a competition in the 1990s to design a machine that would cost no more than half the price of an average family car. The chosen design was the Polish-built PW5 “Smyk” and as it had been hoped to produce and sell it worldwide, the mono-type competition class created for it was named the “World Class”. The new 13.5m class includes the World Class design as one type which complies with the specifications of the new class.</p> <p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" alt="Gliding 2" src="images/commissions/IGC/Gliding_2.jpg" width="300" height="225" /></p> <h4>Types of task within a championship</h4> <p>Humans being by nature competitive, it wasn’t long after discovering how to fly gliders that pilots started testing themselves against one another. Early contests were, however, limited by the rudimentary nature of the craft, the science of soaring yet to be discovered by and of course, our old friend/enemy, the weather. Tales are still told of the famous “downwind dash”, where gliders flew as far as the tailwind could push them while daylight lasted. Lots of fun, I am told, but retrieves so long that some were not back in time to fly again next day, not to mention the exhaustion of the crews who had to go after them.</p> <p>So, a multi-point course, most often the now classic triangle, proved to be a better idea, since those who completed the task landed back at base. Scoring was complicated, though, by the outlanders (pilots who, unable to make it back to base, have chosen to make a safe landing on another airfield or some other available piece of land, usually a farm field) so a formula had to be created which gave finishers points for speed while those who didn’t make it home were awarded points for the distance achieved. In some contests, scores were made up a combination of speed and distance points.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Present day – 2 different types of competitions (as opposed to individual forms of task within a contest): International Championships and FAI Sailplane GP</strong></p> <h4><strong>International Championships<br /></strong></h4> <p>International Championships are run all over the world. Pilots selected on the basis of their results in competitions at home can enter biennial European Gliding Championships which alternate with World Championships. In an EGC year, there are also separate World Championships for Junior pilots, up to their 26<sup>th</sup> birthday year and for female pilots. The separate female competitions were established not to discriminate but to encourage women to take their flying further as many fail to do due to the demands of family and other duties.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h4><a name="sailplane" id=""></a>FAI Sailplane Grand Prix</h4> <p>The FAI Sailplane Grand Prix, developed from an original idea to make our sport more accessible and physically visible to the general public while also simplifying the scoring system so spectators can see who has won, as that glider crosses the line in front of them, rather than wait hours for a complicated scoring system to work it out. This competition has a completely different type of start and also of scoring. A series of qualifying events is run in different countries over a period of around a year (with some leeway due to varying meteorological conditions and time zones) and the final features the top two from each qualifier so it is truly a test of champions. Entries are usually limited to 20, since everyone starts at the same time and may fly round and arrive very close together and very fast. Tasks may be routed over or close to the airfield more than once to give spectators the chance to see the race played out before their eyes and, during the time the gliders are away, tracking equipment carried in the gliders can send a real-time film of their positions and the territory onto giant screens or computers back at the field and on internet, truly involving the maximum number of people in the excitement.</p> <p>Types of task These may be speed tasks – round the classic triangle or other multi-leg course – or Assigned Area Tasks, in which the pilot chooses at what point to turn in an area as opposed to a single, imposed point. The advantage is that of being able to avoid areas of unfavourable weather while still scoring points.</p> <h4>What do you have to do to win?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</h4> <p>Cross the finish line, real or virtual, first!</p> <h4>How is the winner defined?</h4> <p>As the pilot who, over the period of a week’s competition, has amassed the highest number of points overall. This pilot is the FAI Sailplane Grand Prix World Champion.</p> <h4>Scoring</h4> <p>In classic championships, which may have 40 or more per class, a day winner can receive 1000 points. Under certain conditions, for example: where the quality of the day deteriorates to the point where too few pass a minimum distance, or alternatively, where the task proves to have been under-set with better-than-expected speeds, the leading score may be devalued according to a set protocol, with correspondingly reduced scores all down the class results list.</p> <p>In Grand Prix, the maximum possible day score is 10 points so some of the around 20 entrants, despite counting among the world’s best, may receive a zero score on some days.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h4>Records</h4> <p>To follow soon.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4>The terms: glider or sailplane? Gliding or soaring?</h4> <p>The terms <strong>glider</strong> and <strong>sailplane</strong> are interchangeable but sailplane is more common in the USA.</p> <h4>Gliding or soaring?</h4> <p><strong>Gliding</strong> is a forward movement whereas <strong>soaring</strong> results from/in climbing, sometimes to very great heights or just enough height to progress forward to the next climb to proceed across country.</p> <h4>Launching: types of</h4> <p>For everyday purposes, there are several ways of launching gliders but for competitions, the most usual is by <strong>aerotow</strong>, attached by cable to a powered aircraft.</p> <p>There is a release mechanism at both ends for safety but usually the glider pilot will release from the towplane (or tug) at a pre-determined height, often 600m, or once sufficient height has been gained to make staying aloft (and/or climbing further while awaiting the opening of the contest) feasible or where very strong conditions can be exploited for the same purpose.</p> <p>In marginal conditions, returning to the airfield before the start is allowed with 2 further attempts permitted but landing outside the contest zone pre-starts will result in grounding for the day and so, zero points.</p> <h4>Permitted engines: self-launching, self-sustaining</h4> <p>The motive force in gliding and soaring comes entirely from judicious exploitation of natural phenomena, rising columns of warmed air, ridge and wave lift but some competition gliders do now carry small engines which usually retract into the fuselage behind the cockpit.</p> <p>They can be categorised in two ways – self-launching and self-sustaining:</p> <p><strong>Self-launchers</strong> can take-off like an aeroplane without outside help of any kind, very useful for speeding up launching on a busy airfield and also for lifting off to fly home from a landing field too small for a tow-plane to use. The engine must be switched off and retracted once a suitable height has been achieved and before starting the task and if started up again during flight, for example once conditions are no longer strong enough to permit a return to base, is recorded as the “virtual landing” or end of the contest day, from which point the day’s score will be calculated.</p> <p><strong>Self-sustaining</strong> engines are not used for launching but can be used to keep a glider airborne so that a field landing is avoided. In the same way, starting the engine marks the end point of the day’s competition task but allows a pilot to fly home and so avoids the fatigue and risk of damage associated with a field landing and the subsequent wait for a crew to arrive, dismantle the glider and transport it back by road.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h4>The different classes</h4> <p>Although there are now competition classes for “multi-seater” gliders, which at the present state of evolution means two-seaters, gliders with one seat behind the other and which may also be flown solo, gliding is still a sport of individual endeavour so a national team consists of individuals (or pairs in one glider) competing in a competition class for individual honours.</p> <p>The class system has evolved from three basic categories, based on wingspan. These were and remain the <strong>Standard</strong> and <strong>15metre classes</strong>, both with the same tip to tip spread but Standard class gliders have no flaps, while the 15m Class, (formerly Racing Class) gliders have them. The third traditional class is the <strong>Open Class</strong> embracing a variety of “big wings”. All have ballast tanks for jettisonable water, to enhance performance in certain conditions. Additional classes have been authorized by the FAI Gliding Commission (IGC) as new designs emerge and sufficient demand is proven. But, as producing gliders from idea to first competition flight is a very long process, not to mention investment, IGC needs to plan some years ahead of offering a first championship in any new class. <strong>National, European, Continental and World Championships in any one class have exactly the same value but may take place at different venues</strong>. With the number of classes and participants now exceeding what can safely be accommodated on one airfield, there are now 2 locations used in a European (odd years) and World (even years) championship year, taking three, or a maximum 4, classes each. For example, 2012 sees the 15m, 18m and Open classes competing in Uvalde, Texas, USA (see the <a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=31545&amp;Itemid=456">Events Calendar page</a>)and the Club, Standard and World events in Argentina (unusually, held over to Jan 2013 for the southern hemisphere summer). Women’s and Junior championships, having smaller entries, take place with selected classes at one site. In most cases, a nation may enter 2 pilots per class with reserves plus any reigning Champion. Women and Junior pilots can and, of course do, compete in any event but have their own dedicated major championships, with three pilots per nation permitted to encourage participation, as both stepping stone and impetus for these two groups.</p> <p>The <strong>Club Class</strong> arose to provide international level competition in club-type gliders for the large number of talented pilots who could not aspire to owning an expensive modern glider of their own. It has kept demand high for a number of older but still very valid designs. Using a variety of types, this class is handicapped according to a <strong>handicap list</strong> based on each machine’s known performance and no ballast is permitted on board. This class is extremely popular and is frequently oversubscribed.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Gliding 1" src="images/commissions/IGC/Gliding_1.jpg" width="300" height="200" /></p> <h4>The World Class</h4> <p>With costs rising everywhere, IGC held a competition in the 1990s to design a machine that would cost no more than half the price of an average family car. The chosen design was the Polish-built PW5 “Smyk” and as it had been hoped to produce and sell it worldwide, the mono-type competition class created for it was named the “World Class”. The new 13.5m class includes the World Class design as one type which complies with the specifications of the new class.</p> <p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" alt="Gliding 2" src="images/commissions/IGC/Gliding_2.jpg" width="300" height="225" /></p> <h4>Types of task within a championship</h4> <p>Humans being by nature competitive, it wasn’t long after discovering how to fly gliders that pilots started testing themselves against one another. Early contests were, however, limited by the rudimentary nature of the craft, the science of soaring yet to be discovered by and of course, our old friend/enemy, the weather. Tales are still told of the famous “downwind dash”, where gliders flew as far as the tailwind could push them while daylight lasted. Lots of fun, I am told, but retrieves so long that some were not back in time to fly again next day, not to mention the exhaustion of the crews who had to go after them.</p> <p>So, a multi-point course, most often the now classic triangle, proved to be a better idea, since those who completed the task landed back at base. Scoring was complicated, though, by the outlanders (pilots who, unable to make it back to base, have chosen to make a safe landing on another airfield or some other available piece of land, usually a farm field) so a formula had to be created which gave finishers points for speed while those who didn’t make it home were awarded points for the distance achieved. In some contests, scores were made up a combination of speed and distance points.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Present day – 2 different types of competitions (as opposed to individual forms of task within a contest): International Championships and FAI Sailplane GP</strong></p> <h4><strong>International Championships<br /></strong></h4> <p>International Championships are run all over the world. Pilots selected on the basis of their results in competitions at home can enter biennial European Gliding Championships which alternate with World Championships. In an EGC year, there are also separate World Championships for Junior pilots, up to their 26<sup>th</sup> birthday year and for female pilots. The separate female competitions were established not to discriminate but to encourage women to take their flying further as many fail to do due to the demands of family and other duties.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h4><a name="sailplane" id=""></a>FAI Sailplane Grand Prix</h4> <p>The FAI Sailplane Grand Prix, developed from an original idea to make our sport more accessible and physically visible to the general public while also simplifying the scoring system so spectators can see who has won, as that glider crosses the line in front of them, rather than wait hours for a complicated scoring system to work it out. This competition has a completely different type of start and also of scoring. A series of qualifying events is run in different countries over a period of around a year (with some leeway due to varying meteorological conditions and time zones) and the final features the top two from each qualifier so it is truly a test of champions. Entries are usually limited to 20, since everyone starts at the same time and may fly round and arrive very close together and very fast. Tasks may be routed over or close to the airfield more than once to give spectators the chance to see the race played out before their eyes and, during the time the gliders are away, tracking equipment carried in the gliders can send a real-time film of their positions and the territory onto giant screens or computers back at the field and on internet, truly involving the maximum number of people in the excitement.</p> <p>Types of task These may be speed tasks – round the classic triangle or other multi-leg course – or Assigned Area Tasks, in which the pilot chooses at what point to turn in an area as opposed to a single, imposed point. The advantage is that of being able to avoid areas of unfavourable weather while still scoring points.</p> <h4>What do you have to do to win?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</h4> <p>Cross the finish line, real or virtual, first!</p> <h4>How is the winner defined?</h4> <p>As the pilot who, over the period of a week’s competition, has amassed the highest number of points overall. This pilot is the FAI Sailplane Grand Prix World Champion.</p> <h4>Scoring</h4> <p>In classic championships, which may have 40 or more per class, a day winner can receive 1000 points. Under certain conditions, for example: where the quality of the day deteriorates to the point where too few pass a minimum distance, or alternatively, where the task proves to have been under-set with better-than-expected speeds, the leading score may be devalued according to a set protocol, with correspondingly reduced scores all down the class results list.</p> <p>In Grand Prix, the maximum possible day score is 10 points so some of the around 20 entrants, despite counting among the world’s best, may receive a zero score on some days.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <h4>Records</h4> <p>To follow soon.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Meetings 2011-09-02T14:47:55+00:00 2011-09-02T14:47:55+00:00 http://old.fai.org/igc-about-us/igc-meetings Faustine Carrera communication@fai.org <p><strong>The next FAI Gliding Commission (IGC) Plenary Meeting will take place from 2 to 3 March 2018, location to be confirmed<br /></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>{mod_download categories="862"}</p> <!--<h4>2012 Bureau Meeting - Frankfurt (Germany), 20-21 October</h4> <ul> <li>Minutes of the 2012 IGC Bureau Meeting</li> </ul> <h4>2012 Potchefstroom (South Africa), 2-3 March 2012</h4> <ul> <li><a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=35556:agenda-of-the-2012-igc-annual-meeting-in-detail&amp;catid=171:igc">Agenda of the 2012 IGC Annual Meeting in detail</a> (with links to annexes)</li> <li>{mod_download fileid="5263"} as PDF file</li> <li>{mod_download fileid="5232"} in a single PDF file (9.73 MB). Exceptions: the files for items 5.1 (Excel document) and 6.5.1 (Zip file) are not include</li> <li>{mod_download fileid="5447"} as PDF file (new version 18.04.2012)</li> <li><strong>Awards:</strong> <ul> <li>Lilienthal Medal: {mod_download fileid="5449}, Italy</li> <li>Pirat Gehriger Diploma: {mod_download fileid="5450}, Italy</li> <li>Pelagia Majewska Medal: {mod_download fileid="5451"}, Belgium</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h4>2011 Lausanne (Switzerland), 4-5 March 2011</h4> <ul> <li><a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=34903:igc-meeting-4-5-march-2011&amp;catid=171:igc">Agenda of the 2011 IGC Annual Meeting in detail</a></li> <li>{mod_download fileid="3551"}</li> <li>{mod_download fileid="3550"}</li> </ul>--> <p><strong>The next FAI Gliding Commission (IGC) Plenary Meeting will take place from 2 to 3 March 2018, location to be confirmed<br /></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>{mod_download categories="862"}</p> <!--<h4>2012 Bureau Meeting - Frankfurt (Germany), 20-21 October</h4> <ul> <li>Minutes of the 2012 IGC Bureau Meeting</li> </ul> <h4>2012 Potchefstroom (South Africa), 2-3 March 2012</h4> <ul> <li><a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=35556:agenda-of-the-2012-igc-annual-meeting-in-detail&amp;catid=171:igc">Agenda of the 2012 IGC Annual Meeting in detail</a> (with links to annexes)</li> <li>{mod_download fileid="5263"} as PDF file</li> <li>{mod_download fileid="5232"} in a single PDF file (9.73 MB). Exceptions: the files for items 5.1 (Excel document) and 6.5.1 (Zip file) are not include</li> <li>{mod_download fileid="5447"} as PDF file (new version 18.04.2012)</li> <li><strong>Awards:</strong> <ul> <li>Lilienthal Medal: {mod_download fileid="5449}, Italy</li> <li>Pirat Gehriger Diploma: {mod_download fileid="5450}, Italy</li> <li>Pelagia Majewska Medal: {mod_download fileid="5451"}, Belgium</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h4>2011 Lausanne (Switzerland), 4-5 March 2011</h4> <ul> <li><a href="index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=34903:igc-meeting-4-5-march-2011&amp;catid=171:igc">Agenda of the 2011 IGC Annual Meeting in detail</a></li> <li>{mod_download fileid="3551"}</li> <li>{mod_download fileid="3550"}</li> </ul>-->