FAI http://old.fai.org/component/content/category/411-casi Wed, 17 Jul 2024 12:20:40 +0000 Joomla! 1.6 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Meetings http://old.fai.org/casi-about-us/casi-meetings http://old.fai.org/casi-about-us/casi-meetings The next FAI Air Sport General Commission Meeting will take place :

24 October 2017 in Lausanne (SUI)

Please visit the FAI General Conference website for more details 


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communication@fai.org (Faustine Carrera) Mon, 17 Oct 2011 14:29:08 +0000
FAI General Air Sport Delegates http://old.fai.org/component/content/article/411-casi/35114-casi-delegates http://old.fai.org/component/content/article/411-casi/35114-casi-delegates  
Australia Delegate Grahame Hill
  Alternate Delegate Ruth E. Wilson
Belgium Delegate Jacques Berlo
Brazil Delegate Salvator Lico Haim
Czechia Delegate Jiri Dodal
  Alternate Delegate Jan Pavlík
France Delegate Bruno Delor
  Alternate Delegate Jean-Luc Charron
Germany Delegate Claus Cordes
Italy Delegate Andrea Tomasi
Spain Delegate Carles AYMAT
Sweden Delegate Anne-Sophie Tersmeden
  Alternate Delegate Narit Pidokrajt
United Kingdom Delegate Robert Hughes
  Alternate Delegate Martin Soulsby
USA Delegate Arthur William Greenfield, jr
  Alternate Delegate Amy Spowart
FAI Aerobatics Commission Representative Nicholas Harold Buckenham
FAI Aeromodelling Commission Representative Antonis Papadopoulos
FAI Amateur-built & Experimental Aircraft Commission Representative Alfons Hubmann
FAI Astronautic Records Commission Representative Scott A. Neumann
FAI Ballooning Commission Representative Mark Sullivan
FAI General Aviation Commission Representative Hans Schwebel
FAI Gliding Commission Representative Peter Eriksen
FAI Microlight & Paramotor Commission Representative Wolfgang Lintl
FAI Rotorcraft Commission Representative Serafina Ogończyk-Mąkowska
FAI Skydiving Commission Representative Gillian Rayner

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communication@fai.org (Faustine Carrera) Mon, 17 Oct 2011 14:26:34 +0000
FAI General Air Sport Bureau http://old.fai.org/component/content/article/411-casi/35115-casi-bureau http://old.fai.org/component/content/article/411-casi/35115-casi-bureau  
Antonis Papadopoulos President n/a
Sandy Pimenoff President of Honour n/a
Graeme Windsor President of Honour n/a
Gillian Rayner 1st Vice-President n/a
Bruno Delor Vice-President n/a
Arthur William Greenfield, jr Vice-President n/a
Robert Hughes Vice-President n/a
Elisabet Mikaelsson Secretary n/a

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communication@fai.org (Faustine Carrera) Mon, 17 Oct 2011 14:26:34 +0000
Organisation http://old.fai.org/casi-about-us/casi-organisation http://old.fai.org/casi-about-us/casi-organisation Bureau and Delegates


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communication@fai.org (Faustine Carrera) Mon, 17 Oct 2011 14:25:36 +0000
About the FAI Air Sport General Commission (CASI) http://old.fai.org/casi-about-us http://old.fai.org/casi-about-us The responsibilities of the FAI Air Sport General Commission are in the areas of Definitions, Measurements Standards and Methods, FAI preferred terminologies, FAI Sporting Licences, Control of Certified FAI Achievements, World records and Sporting Events.


The FAI Air Sport General Commission meets in full (plenary) session annually, normally on the day before the start of the FAI General Conference and at the same location. The Commission Bureau normally meets the day before.

Each FAI Member Country may appoint a Delegate with the right to vote at the Annual Meeting.


Between annual meetings, the FAI Air Sport General Commission is run by the Bureau.


Each FAI Member Country can appoint a Delegate to the FAI General Air Sport Commission and participate in the work of the commission.

CASI in the FAI constitution

The FAI Constitution consists of the FAI Statutes and the By-Laws to the FAI Statutes. References to the Air Sport General Commission which show the basis for its operation within FAI are :

  • Statutes - paragraph
  • Statutes - Terms and Definitions: International Appeals Tribunal
  • Statutes - paragraph (responsibility over the General Section of the FAI Sporting Code).
  • By-Laws - Chapter 3
  • By-Laws - paragraph 3.3 (Voting)


Go to the Documents page to get the latest edition relating to the CASI.


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communication@fai.org (Faustine Carrera) Mon, 17 Oct 2011 14:23:51 +0000
Documents http://old.fai.org/casi-documents http://old.fai.org/casi-documents All the documents of the FAI Air Sport General Commission (CASI) in one page.

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ag@sel.is (Super User) Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:58:57 +0000