
SAPPHIRE Space Models Developing Program

The SAPPHIRE is Spacemodelling development program launched in 1997. It consists of four Work Goups - WG 1- Rules changes and education, WG 2- Aerodynamics, ballistics and ground facilities, WG 3 - Model rocket engines and WG 4 – Publications and Education. Work groups are composed of approximately 40 technical experts from all over the world. They recommend new designs, materials, technical characteristics of models, new measuring equipment and methods etc.

Join the program by sending proposals or asking questions to SM S/C Chairman Srdjan Pelagic, Mise Dimitrijevica 21 apt 17, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia or preferably by e-mail to srdjan.pelagic@gmail.com.

Find out more about the SAPPHIRE Space Models Developing Program.