Annual Report–2013
Annual Report–2013
Air Sports
Air Sports
Air Sport General
The Astronautic Records Commission oversees space
record activities. During the Commission meeting, the
ICAREDelegates discussed the various private initiatives
in space exploration and servicing the International
Space Station.
50th anniversary of Bykovsky’s record
On 14 June 1963 at 11:58:58 amGMT, Russian cosmonaut
Valery FiodorovichBykovsky (1934 -), alone onboardSoviet
spaceship Vostok 5, took off froma cosmodrome near the
Baikonur station, Kazakhstan. He landed back onEarth on
19 June 1963 at 11:06:00 am GMT, thus having spent the
record time of 118 h 56 min 41 sec alone in a spaceship.
In 2013, 50 years after his soloflight, Bykovskywas still the
holder of the world record for Duration in the “Spacecraft
with one astronaut” category. Indeed, no one has broken
Bykovsky’s record on a solo flight ever since, although
crews of more than one person have long surpassed his
flight time duration.
The Delegates of the Commission met in Lausanne,
Switzerland, on 26 April 2013.
In 2013 the FAI Air Sport General Commission continued
in its role to further the unity of all air sports within FAI
through the implementation of the FAI Statutes, By-Laws
and Sporting Code.
International Appeals Tribunal
A Working Group tasked by the Commission prepared an
International AppealsTribunalManual toprovideguidelines
on the conduct of appeals and ensure fair treatment of
CASI Internal Procedures Handbook
The Delegates agreed on a new CASI Internal Procedures
Handbook that allows greater flexibility within the
Commission and facilitates action required between
Annual Meetings.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are currently the most
rapidly expanding areawithin the international aerospace
industry. A Working Group was created to consider UAVs
and their sportingpotential andproposea reviewof Section
12 (UnmannedAerial Vehicles) for thenext AnnualMeeting.
CASI Composition
CASI comprises 10 members selected from the National
Airsport Control organisations (NACs), anda representative
from each of the Air Sport Commissions (currently 11).
TheCASI NACMembers for 2013 / 2014areas follows, listed
alphabetically: Australia, Canada, CzechRepublic, France,
Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA.
General Section Working Group
The Commission has established a Working Group to
reviewand revise as necessary the Sporting Code General
Section. The Working Group is scheduled to report to the
next CASI Annual Meeting in October 2014.
The Annual Meeting of the Commission took place in
Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia, on3October 2013, oneday before
the start of the FAI General Conference.
“Bykovsky’s record
for longest solo flight
on a spacecraft is still
“Consider unmanned
aerial vehicles
and their sporting
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