As you will read it in the Bureau activity report for the Plenary, soon to be published...
Selected randomly 4 pilots to be part of out-of-competition WADA drug testing scheme (FAI to choose 2).
Published on the Delegate and Info mailing-list and sent to PMA, EHPU, PWCA, test houses etc. the draft of the PG Committee project on new competition gliders requirements.
Finalized and published the Autumn Bureau meeting minutes.
Received and circulated bids from Macedonia (PG XC) and France (Aerobatic)
Started working on Section 7 re-organizing and re-writing. Gave power to Brian Harris and Louise Joselyn to work on it for a budget not exceeding 4000€.
Agreed on giving access to former Category 1 events bids to potential bidders to help them build their bids.
Published 4 News.
Decided to send our Competition Coordinator to the Plenary for overall help.
Decided to answer EHPU invitation and send a Bureau member and a PG-Committee member to EHPU General Conference.
Bought AFNOR new EN standards documents.
Started working seriously on the Plenary agenda.
Appointed Nicky Moss as Jury & Steward Coordinator Officer in replacement of Flip Koetsier.
Appointed a new Jury member for the Annecy (France) World HG Class 1, 2, 5, Sport Championships.
Discussed a proposal modifying Section 7 on the rules that shall apply to Category 2 practice events.
Discussed FAME CEO resignation.
Cancelled the 19th FAI European Hang gliding Class 1 Championship in Monte Arangoiti, Sierra Leire, Spain.