
World Games 2013 athlete's profile: Christopher Bobo (USA)

Name Christopher BOBO BOBO Ian
Sport Canopy Piloting
Gender M
Ranking 9
Nationality USA
Year of birth 1971
Start year in the sport 1989
Experience 20000+ jumps
Best achievement in competition 2005 World Cup Champion
FAI world records FS4 - 46 Formations


What equipment do you use?

Performance Designs Peregrine Sunpath Javelin Odyssey

What do you hope to achieve at The World Games?

Represent my country and my sport at its highest level, and to perform at the peak of my ability. Enjoy the battle to win.

How do you describe yourself ?

Humble, focused, and passionate to push myself in flight.

What does air sport mean to you?

It is a love of flight, and an outlet for true expression. It allows me to also strive athletically to constantly improve.

What plans do you have for after The World Games?

Keep flying.

Any final comments?

I am proud after all these years in the sport to be constantly challenged by individuals of like mind who simply desire the pursuit of perfect flight.