Coming from all around the world, contributors to aviation were celebrated at the annual FAI Awards Ceremony that took place last night in Antalya, Turkey, as part of the 106th FAI General Conference.
Ten awardees joined together in Antalya to be presented on stage with their prestigious FAI medals and diplomas by FAI President John Grubbström.
During the ceremony, the winner of the prize of the Prince Alvaro de Orleans Borbon Grant was revealed to be Todd Reichert for the "Atlas" human-powered helicoter project.
Two new awards were also announced by Breitling, the official partner of the FAI:
The attending recipients included:
It is one of FAI's two highest awards. it is reserved for those who have contributed greatly to the development of aeronautics by their activities, work, achievements, initiative or devotion to the cause of Aviation.
The Silver Medal is reserved for persons who have occupied high office in FAI or in an aeronautical organisation in one ot its member countries, and in the discharge of their duties have shown exceptional powers of leadership and influence, to the benefit of the whole international air sport community.
The diploma is awarded for a particularly remarkable gliding performance, or eminent services to gliding, to a currently active glider pilot.
This diploma is awarded to the pilot or crew of a Microlight who made the most meritorious flight which results in a Microlight World Record Claim ratified in the calendar year preceding the CIMA Meeting.
This diploma is awarded to those who have served the cause of aviation in general and sporting aviation in particular, by their work or devotion.
In total, 83 medals and diplomas were awarded for achievements in 2011.
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The awards are to reward individuals for their contributions or achievements in the individual disciplines of airsports. FAI medals and diplomas aim at giving public recognition to those who have made outstanding contributions to aeronautics and astronautics, especially in the field of sporting aviation. They are awarded each year at the Opening Ceremony of the annual FAI General Conference.