Table of ContentsGeneral Information
The brand value of air sports
Performing air sports, as a pilot or a crewmember sets air
sports people apart. Air sports are highly visible activities
with a very strong element of transforming people into
responsible citizens. Air sport is about developing diverse
skills in a complex environment, enhancing decision-
making, using high-end technology, raising environmental
awareness through its inherent bird’s-eye-viewand finally
forming a distinct personality. Aviation activities support
all the skills needed in modern business life. This asset
we call
. New technologies allow for “green
flying” with the use of solar power or with hydrogen fuels,
adapting efficient departure and arrival procedures into
daily flight routine. Accuracy, character, craftsmanship,
quality and responsibility formthe backbone of the sports.
Commercial activities
2014 was an encouraging year with strong momentum
gained through active involvement of in-house and external
experts with solid and professional event-management
expertise. FAI is continuing the product refinement and
development of saleable propositions for the air sport
disciplines. Iconic events create a platform for increasing
the visibility of air sports as well as showcasing the beauty
and the thrill of sporting activities in the third dimension.
Under the umbrella-brand “World Air Sports Federation”,
FAI is continuing its efforts to become a respected partner
for athletes, its member organisations, authorities and
business partners and appealing to the public audience.
The twoFAI-owned companies havebeen re-structuredand
are to be at hand as state-of-the-art solution providers for
the professional and reliablemanagement of high-profile
air sport events.
The Breitling partnershipwith FAI went into full swing, with
amore focused emphasis on a selection of championships,
and the presentation of the Breitling Youngster Award.