Table of ContentsAir Sports
www.fai.org / aerobatics → CIVA YOUTUBE CHANNELAerobatics events are highly spectacular and enjoyable
for the public and thus also get a lot of attention
from the media. In 2014, this photogenic sport saw
six Championships successfully take place under
the supervision of the FAI Aerobatics Commission,
among them the 11th FAI World Advanced Aerobatic
Championships chosen for full Breitling branding
and support. Also to be noted was the 1st FAI World
Intermediate Aerobatic Championship, a new event
which was much appreciated by the participating pilots
for broadening the base of competitors for Aerobatics.
As for the 2014 Sky Grand Prix in South Africa, which was
part of the Durban Land, Sea and Air Festival, it saw a
record-breaking crowd of 145,000 people over two days
admire 10 local and five international pilots compete for
the top spot.
−− 5th FAI World Advanced Glider Aerobatic
Championships in Torun (POL)
→ PHOTOS−− 17th FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championships
in Torun (POL)
→ PHOTOS−− 11th FAI World Advanced Aerobatic Championships
in Dubnica nad Váhom (SVK)
→ PHOTOS−− 19th FAI European Aerobatic Championships
in Matkopuszta Airport (HUN)
→ PHOTOS−− 1st FAI World Intermediate Aerobatic Championship
in Mossel Bay (RSA)
−− 4th FAI World YAK 52 Aerobatic Championship
in Mossel Bay (RSA)
Apart from these championships, the following Category 2
Events took place: the 2014 Sky Grand Prix inDurban (RAS)
and the 2nd “Open de France”, Aerobatic Championship
2014 in Châteauroux -Villers (FRA).
Early in 2014, a new Championship Guide was sent to
the organisers together with a Quality Manager for every
Championship toensure thequality of theAerobatics events.
Furthermore, the newe-learning tool for judges, launched
last year, has proved to be an important tool for CIVA. A
process to also use this tool as a knowledge test for judges
has started to help judges prepare for championships.
and possible adoption of a single new programme format
to replace the existing Known and Free programmes.
Aerobatic competitions are currently divided in three
categories. In order of increasing difficulty, they include
Intermediate, AdvancedandUnlimited. TheCommissionwill
study the creation of anew “Super Advanced” level between
the Advanced andUnlimited categories. This proposal aims
to reduce the entry at Advanced Category Championships
by encouraging the better pilots to participate in a mildly
tougher andmore challenging event, tobe held concurrently
with but separate from the Unlimited Championship.
The Delegates of the Commissionmet inWroclaw, Poland,
on 8 and 9 November 2014.