FAI Secretary General Badan to step down from his position - Search for his replacement underway
Friday, 06 September 2013 10:29
The FAI has announced that Jean-Marc Badan is to step down as FAI Secretary General, effective 30 November 2013. The FAI Executive Board has created a high priority working group to search for his replacement. Candidates are invited to submit their written application and CV by Wednesday 25 September 2013 (12.00 CET) at the latest by e-mail to sec.gen@fai.org. 2013 CIA World Hot Air Balloon Ranking List released: Petrehn, Donner and Zeberli at the top
Thursday, 18 July 2013 10:15
The FAI Ballooning Commission (CIA) has updated the CIA World Hot Air Balloon Ranking List ahead of the start of the 2013 competition season. John Petrehn, Nick Donner and Stefan Zeberli lead the rankings which count 918 pilots (of which about 7% per cent are female) from 39 nations in total. 13th International Youth Camp is underway !
Monday, 08 July 2013 12:07
30 young people from all around the world are participating in the 13th International Youth Camp in Bruckberg, Germany, which started on Saturday and will last for a week. CIA List of Notable Performances and Achievements now updated
Friday, 28 June 2013 10:12
Several hundred new entries have just been added to the CIA List of Notable Performances and Achievements, and many old entries have been updated. Since 1996, the Records Subcommittee of the FAI Ballooning Commission (CIA) maintains and publishes a register of notable flights and achievements, with the aim of saving for the future reliable references to flights or activities that for historical reasons are regarded as significant achievements and of avoiding claims for an achievement that has already been accomplished. You can buy a CIA Competition Logger now!
Monday, 27 May 2013 17:09
The FAI Ballooning Commission is pleased to announce that You can buy a CIA Competition Logger now ! New 2012 FAI Annual Report just out !
Monday, 22 April 2013 13:16
The FAI has released a new publication, the 2012 FAI Annual Report, designed to present the most notable achievements, developments, facts and challenges of the past year. It is meant to be a reference book for all those who are interested in air sports events and the FAI. It includes an overview of each air sport, lists of competition results, awards and records, photographs and a lot of other useful information. Main decisions taken at the FAI Ballooning Commission 2013 Annual Meeting
Thursday, 28 March 2013 10:53
The 2013 Annual Meeting of the FAI Ballooning Commission (CIA) was held from 20 to 23 March 2013 in Rio, Brazil. Here are the main decisions that were taken during the meeting: Duvoisin explains his new Eco-Balloon concept to the FAI Executive Board
Monday, 04 February 2013 10:51
Following their meeting this weekend in Lausanne, the FAI Executive Board members visited Château d'Oex and the annual International Balloon Festival. During their visit, the Board were fortunate enough to meet Pierrick Duvoisin, a passionate balloon pilot and holder of four FAI World Records. Pierrick explained his latest 'Eco-Balloon' project, which he believes will change the nature of ballooning in the future thanks to the dramatic energy-saving design and performance. CIA 2013 Newsletter
Sunday, 02 December 2012 14:35
The CIA 2013 Newsletter is now available for downloading. The newsletter is formated for letter size paper. 2012 CIA Plenary Minutes
Wednesday, 09 May 2012 21:54
The Minutes of the 2012 CIA Plenary meeting in Birstonas, Lithuania are now available on the CIA Web site in the DOCUMENTS web page under Meeting. The Plenary minutes are a PDF file and all the appendices in a separate compressed file. So please download both for the complete set. Also the 2012 Sporting Code - Section 1 - Aerostats is now also available for downloading from the Sporting Code area of DOCUMENTS. Main decisions taken at the FAI Ballooning Commission 2012 Annual Meeting
Friday, 30 March 2012 09:14
The 2012 Annual Meeting of the FAI Ballooning Commission (CIA) was held on 23 and 24 March 2012 in Birstonas, Lithuania. Here are the main decisions that have been taken during the meeting: More Articles...