
WAC Blog #12 - 25 August 2009

Programme Q is finished and Renaud Ecalle (FRA) is the winner. The protest period has not expired yet but so far, none have been filed. Francois Le Vot (FRA) is in second place with Alexander Krotov (RUS) in third. We will have full results on www.civa-results.com but our Scoring Director and his assistant are still assembling forms packages for the Judges for the Free Programme and this is their top priority. Results will be uploaded to the web when there is time. We have a warm-up pilot in the air at this moment (there are two) and then Programme 1 will begin with Gerald Cooper (GBR) will fly first in his CAP 232. We hope to fly as many pilots as we can before flying ceases this evening – the weather is quite nice now and we are flying without a break. Programme Q now takes on more importance at WAC, as it will most certainly count toward the final results, as we do not expect to get beyond Programme 1, the Free, before we run out of time. Provisions in the rules, which were introduced a few years ago, allow counting Q results if the contest is cut short but a Free can be flown. Flying will not take place at Silverstone on Wednesday and Thursday, but will resume on Friday, 28 August.

To satisfy everyone's curiousity, I have attached a PDF below to this blog so you can download Programme Q results as an interim measure until we get them up on the web.