
ASC Presidents - Sporting Licences questionnaire

ASC Presidents - Sporting Licences questionnaire
In order to help us at the next Commission Presidents' Group with FAI Executive Board Meeting
on 3 May 2013, please fill in the relevant information below.
Reference: Agenda item 4
Which Commission do you represent?
Please choose a commission
Does your Commission require an FAI Sporting Licence to:

1) apply for a Performance or Proficiency Badge (*)

Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
2) participate in a CAT2 competition? (*)
Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
3) be included in your ranking list? (*)
Please answer 'yes' or 'no'.
In the future, should the FAI require that FAI Officials apply for an
FAI Sporting Licence? (Tick all that apply)

If yes, how should they apply for their licence?
Invalid Input
Any comments on any of the above questions?
Invalid Input
What is your name? (*)
Please give your name
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