
Piccard's Record Attempt in the Second Leg of the Around the World in a Solar Aircraft Mission

2015-Solar-Impulse-leg2 1Bertrand Piccard took off this morning at 6:35 UTC+4 from Muscat, Oman, onboard Solar Impulse 2. Before starting his journey to Ahmedabad, India, he revealed that he would attempt to break the FAI world record of Distance in the Experimental / New Technologies, Solar-Powered Aeroplane category.

He would thus break the record established by Solar Impulse's co-founder André Borschberg in 2013, during the Across America Mission leg from Phoenix to Dallas. Over the years the FAI has ratified a series of Solar Impulse world records, all broken by Borschberg. This record would thus be the first claimed by Piccard in command of the zero-fueled airplane (see list of records below).

Piccard is now flying the new version of the aircraft, Solar Impulse 2, which was presented to the public last year. It is wider and more resistant than the previous prototype Solar Impulse HB-SIA.

The Around the World in a Solar Airplane Mission started yesterday, when Borschberg successfully flew from Abu Dhabi, UAE, to Muscat, Oman. On their journey, Piccard and Borschberg will alternatively pilot Solar Impulse. The two aviators have agreed that while Borschberg would be the pilot of the first flight, Piccard would fly the final leg back to Abu Dhabi. 

The FAI wishes them good luck on their fantastic journey !

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Solar Impulse 2

The single-seater solar aircraft has a wingspan of 72 meters for its weight of just 2,300 Kg , producing an exceptional aerodynamic performance and energy efficiency. There is a 3.8 m3 cockpit, every detail of which has been designed for a pilot to live there for a week. However, for the sake of maximum energy efficiency, the cabin is not pressurized or heated – a further endurance challenge for the pilot.

Technical datasheet

  • Batteries energy density: 4 x 260 Wh/kg
  • Airplane Weight: 2,3 tons
  • Wingspan: 72 meter (236')
  • Solar Cells Thickness: 135 micron
  • Solar Cells: > 17,000
  • Cockpit Size: 3.8 m3

Solar Impulse world records

Since 2010, the FAI ratified 8 world records achieved by André Borschberg onboard Solar Impulse: in 2010, he broke 3 records with a flight from Payerne, Switzerland; in 2012, 2 records were ratified following a flight from Payerne to Madrid; in 2013, 3 more records were broken during the Phoenix (Arizona) to Dallas (Texas) leg of the Across America Mission.

Sub-ClassType of RecordPerformanceDateClaimantStatusId
CS Absolute altitude 9235 m 2010-07-08 André Borschberg (SUI) ratified - current record 16042
CS Duration 26 h 10 m 19 s 2010-07-08 André Borschberg (SUI) ratified - current record 16044
CS Gain of height 8744 m 2010-07-08 André Borschberg (SUI) ratified - current record 16043
CS Free Distance along a course 1116 km 2012-05-25 André Borschberg (SUI) ratified - current record 16560
CS Straight distance, pre-declared waypoints 1099.3 km 2012-05-25 André Borschberg (SUI) ratified - superseded since approved 16558
CS Distance along a course, pre-declared waypoints 1487.6 km 2013-05-23 André Borschberg (SUI) ratified - current record 16816
CS Free Distance 1506.5 km 2013-05-23 André Borschberg (SUI) ratified - current record 16817
CS Straight distance, pre-declared waypoints 1386.5 km 2013-05-23 André Borschberg (SUI) ratified - current record 16815

(photo credit: Solar Impulse)