
End of the Mondial, 9th December 2012

Sunday, 9th December - It's all over

Following the final prize-giving and closure of the Competitions, there was a magnificant flying display both by an aerobatic display team and Zoltan in his magic machine.

The final closing ceremony and party/concert last night was stupendous, spectacular: superlatives are not enough to describe a fitting closure for an amazing World Championships. 

Held at the Maydan racecourse (look it up on Google!), we were greated by free drinks and finger food and then moved into the arena.  On the huge stage set up we were entertained with video footage put together from the Mondial and the 3rd Gulf Cup.  The Champions from the competition then paraded onto the stage;  the arena was filled with jumpers and fans of Usher and Katie Perry, whoes concert was to follow.  The master of ceremonies then announced that a special guest was to be presented with an award from their hignesses who had hosted the Mondial - and Felix Baumgartner came onto the stage to receive his award and congratulate all the medal winners. 

When asked "what next" he responded that his life had been very hectic since his jump from space, but he had achieved his two childhood objectives, to jump from space and to fly helicopters - so maybe now he would do something for others and planned to fly rescue helicopters.

There was then a brilliant firework display above the arena.   We were then entertained, loudly but excellently by Usher and Katie Perry - the atmosphere was electric and it was a fitting closure to a memorable Mondial.

Thank you Dubai.

If you are looking for the medal tables and prize-giving pictures they can be found under Mondial Mutterings, and the pictures will be added over the next few days.  All the videos judged at this competition for Formation Skydiving, Canopy Formations and Artistic Events will be available on our YouTube site during the coming days - and a compilation tape for Judge Training is being prepared by Tamara Koyn - when ready they will be announced on this site.

My thanks for their help in making this reporting possible go to Fay Kimble,for her unfailing support, Claire King & Dirk Venter of InTime Scoring Systems for the Formation Skydiving, Canopy Formations and Artistics Events dynamic results and videos and Gwrt Weckbecker for the Freefall Style and Accuracy Landings results  and to all those many people on the organising committee who provided us with information on delegations, daily timings and all the background material. 

Susan Dixon, 9th Decembre 2012