1st FAI European ISC, Voss, Norway 11-14 April, 2018 - Judges Nomination Form
Tuesday, 10 October 2017 09:50
The Nomination Form for NAC's to complete before 31st October 2017 is now posted on this website. 9th FAI World Cup in Canopy Piloting, Dubai, 25 Nov - 2 Dec, 2017 - Entry Deadline
Friday, 06 October 2017 12:55
They also wish to remind all those yet to decide on their entry, that the Deadline is 10th October 2017, so if you wish to avoid late entry fees please hurry and get your application in. We have 19 Nations already registered: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UAE, USA. with a total of 77 competitors. This promises an exciting end to the year. IPC Plenary 2018 - Sofia, Bulgaria 23-28 Jan. Bulletin 1
Friday, 06 October 2017 12:38
The year is rapidly slipping away, and although we still have 3 FCE's before it is over, it is time to start preparing for the 2018 Plenary, to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria 17-28th January.
The Bulletin 1 is now published on this website, along with the Registration Document. Please get your registration in early and make our organiser's life simpler. Thank you.
Also a reminder that any items to be included in the Agenda must be received by the IPC Bureau (Recording Secretary) before the 1st December 2017. IBD-05 2017 : Dubai Jury change
Friday, 29 September 2017 13:46
Follow this link IBD-05-2017 This is the latest decision taken by your Bureau between Plenary meetings. A change to one of the Jury members for the FCE, 9th FAI World Cup in Canopy Piloting to take place in Dubai 25th November to 2nd December 2017 Skydiving Hall of Fame
Tuesday, 26 September 2017 12:57
A proud moment for our ex-President, Graeme Windsor and ex-Financial Controller, Richard 'Buzz' Bennett, when they were inducted as part of Class 2017 into the Skydiving Hall of Fame in Chicago. Congratulations! FS Videos from Saarlouis WC & EC Aug 2017
Thursday, 21 September 2017 16:23
Now uploaded all the VFS, 8-Way and 4-Way Female judged videos from the WC & EC in Saarlouis this August. 4-Way Open will follow very shortly. These are the video files that were judged during the competition. I apologise for those few that are missing and will speak to the System supplier, Jans Jarisch of Comstark IT to chase those that are missing from the disc I have. These are available on the IPC YouTube channel CF Videos from WC & EC Saarlouis Aug 2017
Saturday, 16 September 2017 16:57
World Record Breaking French CF 2-Way Sequential Team now watch the video
All the other judged videos from the CF World Cup and European Championships are available on IPC YouTube channel AE Videos from Saarlouis WC&EC-2017
Friday, 15 September 2017 16:51
The Winning Team - France - Round 3 - Artistic Events, FreestyleThis link will take you to all the judged videos from the World Cup and European Championships held in Saarlouis August 2017. Over the next few days we will also upload all Canopy Formation Videos and all Formation Skydiving Videos. Perfect viewing for wet weather weekends - before we welcome the Sold Freestyle performers at the next FCE - 2nd FAI WISC, Laval, Quebec, Canada 19-22 October. 6th FAI Junior & 9th FAI EC in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing in Podgorica, MNE, 2017 - Prize Giving and Closure
Saturday, 02 September 2017 17:18
Friday night, 31st August 2017 - the Closure of the European Championships with the Awards Ceremony and Closing Banquet - and a great evening was had by all. After instructions from Zaca to keep the speeches short - there were a lot of medals to award, the President of the Aeronautical Association of Montenegro, Dragan Ivancevic, thanked everyone and presented the medals; as follows Click on the * for more pictures of the medalists 9th FAI World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Dubai 2017 - Chief Judge
Thursday, 31 August 2017 22:32
Following the resignation of the nominated Chief Judge for this forthcoming FCE an Interim Bureau Decision has been made. The full story is given in IBD/04/2017 - available on this link 6th FAI Junior & 9th FAI EC in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing in Podgorica, MNE, 2017 - Day 6
Thursday, 31 August 2017 07:58
Thursday, 31st August 2017 - Day 6
10.30 pm. This evening we were presented with a fast and furious prize-giving which was nonetheless a celebration for all the successful athletes of this European Championships. I would like to congratulate all our new European Champions, and tomorrow will put together a full page with pictures of the actual medal ceremony: For now: More Articles...