
5th DIPC Dubai, Day 5

Take another view of the competition on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage and  Results

At the end of each day printable PDFs of the latest results will be available on the IPC Results Portal.



This is the face of the voice of 5th DIPC as Regan Tetlow continues to enlighten the visiting public and us on the daily video and in the arena.  He will come into his own today as Canopy Piloting starts and soon we will have swooping over the pond.

18.00 Tuesday, 2nd Decenber 2014

Despite the difficult wind conditions today we managed 350 jumps from the fixed wing aircraft and 45 from the helicopters.  Again maximising the good weather opportunities.

The forecast for the morning is lighter winds between 4-8 knots rising during the morning to 10-16 so it is planned to start the day even earlier - with the first helicopter lift at 8.00 for the 5th round of Accuracy (1 only teamed today - the others have re-jumps).  Canopy Piloting first load will be at 7.30.   The first fixed wing load is planned for 8.30.  Tomorrow we continue with Formation Skydiving 8-way and VFS, Canopy Formations 4-Way Rotation and Sequential and Artistic Events, Freestyle. 


The Crescent DZ is closed for the day with all Formation Skydiving competitors  released.  As their jumps are being judged we will bring you the results of the semi-final rounds.  Meanwhile the Accuracy Landing and Canopy Piloting disciplines are  still on a weather hold.  

Formation Skydiving 4-Way Female has jumped the 9th round and 6 teams have made it into the final - UAE and China unfortunately did not which is an indication of the very high standard reached by all the girls.. there is no change to the top three placings.

Even though there was no jumping on the Palm DZ there was plenty happening to keep the hundreds of spectators amused including another spectacular flying display - this time by Parabatix Sky Racers - a team of powered paragliders - just incredible to watch.


The first discipline has had the final round judged, and the first to complete at this competition is Artistic Events Freeflying.  So the Gold Medal goes to Russia 1, Silver to the UAE and France has the bronze.

Congratulations to all Competitors:

 AE - UAE Freefly RussiaFreefly1 AE France Freefly
SILVER -UAE Freefly Team GOLD - Russia Freefly Team 1 Bronze -France Freefly Team

Congratulations to all the Freefly Artistic competirors.

#Speed Skydiving has also completed their event, and so we have the following medal winners:  Gold Medal Christian Labhart : Silver Medal Moritz Friiess and Bronze Medal Dimitry Gmyzin

Speed Skydiving  Moritz Friess   Speed Skydiving Christian Labhardt copy SS-Dimitry Gmyzin 
 SILVER - Moritz Friess, Germany  GOLD - Christian Labhart, Switzerland  BRONZE - Dmitry Gmyzin, Russia 1

Congratulations to all the Speed Competitors,  also Dmitry Gmyzin who set the new Russia Speed record in round 5 with his scoring speed of 435.72

In Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open at the end of the 9th round we have a really close competition between Belgium (2nd) and USA (3rd) with just one point between them.  They now have to wait until Thursday before the jump their final round.

The first event in Canopy Formations has completed.  2-Way sequential Gold Medal winners are France 2 with a total of 189 points - in second place is the USA team on 168 Total and Russia 1 third with 165 points. 

Awaiting photograph CF 2-Way France 2 CF - Russia 1
SILVER - USA Team GOLD - France 2 Team BRONZE - Russia 1 Team

Congratulations to all the Competitors


We are back with gusting winds increasing across the DZ, by 10.15 both Canopy Piloting and Accuracy Landing are on a weather hold, particularly as the winds are downwind on the CP course.  Once we can start, the CP jumpers will make a practice jump before we go into the first round of Speed.

Meanwhile the Formation Skydiving, Canopy Formation, Artistic Events and Speed continue.   Canada continues to consolidate their lead over Belgium in 4-Way Open.  At the end of round 7 they are 9 points ahead whilst the USA is only 3 behind Belgium in 3rd place. 

In 4-Way Female the French girls are in a class of their own with a total score at the end of round 7 of 130 points, but the USA and GB have a close contest for 2nd the 3rd with 96 and 94 points respectively.

Canopy Formation 2-Way Sequential has settled into a 1, 2, 3 positioning for France 2, USA and Russia 1 with, after 6 rounds, 131, 120 and 114 points.

Speed Skydiving semi-final gives us the current World Champion Christian Labhart, Switzerland 1 in first place, Moritz Friess, Germany 2 in second and Dmitry Gmyzin of Russia 2 in third.

The organisation of this competition is huge and complex.  We even have a Weather Reporting Office on the DZ where anyone is welcome to visit and disWeather Forcasterscuss the day's prospects with the guys working there.  .


At the moment Accuracy Landing round 4 continues with the last 6 teams jumping to complete the round.

All the freefall disciplines scheduled to jump today are ready for the first take off of the fixed wing aircraft.




Today's Birthdays

Stephanie Hipp, Germany and Yuliya Pangburn, USA - Have a really great day.


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