
Australia AE Delegation

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AEAmandine Genin AEWade Edwards
Amandine Denin Wade Edwards (Videographer)

Artistic Events Team Manager

Amy McDermott


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Brazil AL & FS Delegation

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Accuracy Landings - Male

Alexandre Gomes Soares
Rodrigo Gonçalves
Diego Gabriel da Silva
Gilson Borges Pires da Silva
Ricardo Pereira dos Santos

Accuracy Landings & Freefall Style Team Manager

Sthefanie Gatto


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Brazil FS Delegation

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4-Way Open

 4-way open Fabio Vieira Diniz
André Correa de toledo Ferraz
Guillermo Gorg
Daiton Alcantara Ribeiro
Kalley Ricardo Clementino Ferreira (Videographer)
Marcia Farkouh (Alternate)

4-Way Female

Juliana Rodrigues de Souza
Cássia Bahiense Neves
Lailla Grazielli Surcin
Beatriz Figueiredo Ohno
Noel Carlos Barbosa (Videographer)
Patrícia R. G. V. Faria Silva (Alternate)


Pedro Ushizima Junior
Timóteo Salgado Pereira Pinto
Luís Rogério Martinatti
George Narita
Paulo Mendes Fróes
Renato Fernandes Acerbi
Ziara Maria Mansur Abud
Alisson Paulo de Vargas
Rodrigo Nogueira Kristensen (Videographer)
Nelson Jorge da Silva Jr. (Alternate)

Formation Skydiving Team Manager

Arídio Amaranto Moura da Silva


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Brazil CF Delegation

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2-Way Sequential

Emerson Hyppolito
Olavo Falleiros Junior
Carlos Correa Cabral (Videographer)
Eber do Amaral Rodrigues (Alternate)


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Brazil CP Delegation

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Carlos Ribeiro Marques Marat do Nascimento Leiras Fabio D Aguila Pelayo Manoel Pereira Maciel Neto
João Tamborindeguy Fernandes Ronaldo Marcondes Tkotz Rene Simenauer Marcelo Ricci

Canopy Piloting Team Manager

Giuliana Rollo


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Brazil AE Delegation

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FreeStyle - Team 1

Juliana dos Santos Vidotti

Rogerio Gormanns Robotton (Videographer)

FreeStyle - Team 2

Solange Majoros Dominguez
Augusto José Palhares (Videographer)

Freefly - Team 1

Paulo Henrique Perini
Flavio Cunha Sodre Santoro
Livia Sayuri Ferreira Itikawa (Videographer)

Freefly - Team 2

Rogerio Gormanns Robotton

Vitor Paccola Benassi
Rogerio Fleury da Silva (Videographer)

Artistic Events Team Manager

David Root


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1st Day of the Mondial 28th November 2012

28th November 2012

18.00      Formation Skydiving Draw



 1 5 12 E
 2  6 D B K
 3  O 8 7
 4 N 13 18
 5 10 21 M
 6 19 H 11
 7  C G 1 A
 8 20 9 15
9 16 F P Q
 10 2 J 4
JO L 22 14
 1 N 21  B  5
 2  14  C  13
 3  22  M  20
 4 17  H  16
 5  J E  12 4
 6 7 19  15
 7  G  K  8  2
 8  O  L F  P  A
 9  10  11  18
 10  9  Q  D  1
 JO  3  6  19
 1 A 11 13
2 J 14 16
3 5 1 7
4 17 F 9
5 6 8 D
6 N C M L 13
7 2 10 4
8 E B H  I G
JO 15 12 K


Happy Birthday today to :
Vadim Abramov (Russia) 4-Way videocamerman
Oleg Poda (Ukraine) - 4-Way Open


13.00 The winds - gusting over limits - meant there was no jumping for accuracy or canopy piloting this morning, and all competitors are on standbby until 15.00 hrs, but there really does not seem to be any sign of it dropping.  The style jumpers are on a standby following a 15minute call so we may see them jump before the day is out. 

Disappointing for all the press who have arrived, including a TV production company from Chanel 7 in Australia!  Here to do a \"story\" on the Australian Team and cover this huge event.  Working in the media centre it is fascinating to see all the press, from all over, here to report on the largest ever parachuting event.


In passing . . .

This Mondial of 6 World Championships knows no bounds and we’ve already run out of superlatives in utter wonderment at the scale of things around us. From the 5* cuisine to the air-conditioned team tents for competitors – with accompanying flat screen TV, fridge and beds – the organisers have truly excelled themselves to accommodate the needs of everyone here.

The GB Freestyle Team of Andrea (Pixie) & Alistair Hodgson, World Championship Silver Medalists in 2010 and World Cup & European Championship Bronze Medalists in 2011, are not only known for their skydiving skills, but the fact that Alistair took up skydiving after he lost his legs whilst on active military service.  Consequently he has perfected his own landing technique, whereby he needs a grass strip on which to slide to a stop.

It came to light that the DZ which will be used for their particular discipline, was actually comprised of sand and gravel – and not a blade of grass in sight. With one practice jump completed, it was clear that the allocated DZ could will jeopardise Al’s safety and even their continued participation in the Championship.

Within 48hours, a mini DZ of Astroturf was laid exclusively for his benefit (see picture).

No superlatives needed.




Work in progress

8.00 am.     Almost there, still some links to input, and checks to be made against the final registration lists - but today is the final day of preparation for everyone on site.  The weather forcast is better for today, maybe starting to cool down (all relative).








The picture on the front is of the DZ with the competitors tents, taken from one of the Hotels, the Ocean View Hotel, where many of the teams are staying.  This Hotel has only just been completed and they have opened especially for the Mondial - they will close again to finalise things before the \"official\" opening on 1st January 2013.  As with anything new there is some \"finishing off\" to do.

Australia Delegation

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Logo Mondial 2012 92h
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Head of Delegation

Lisa Perdichizzi

Accuracy Landings & Freefall Style Team Manager Faye Cox
Formation Skydiving Team Managers Kyle Binning
Erica Tadokoro
Canopy Formations Team Manager Amy McDermott
Canopy Piloting Team Manager Sharney Perrow
Coaches: Brad Turner
Ronald Perry
Accompanying Persons (Medical / Media) Gregory Bennie
Eileen Stones
Susan Bostock
Stephanie Campbell

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Estonia Delegation

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Deleg-TitleFlag Estonia

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Head of Delegation

Klaire Kuusk

Formation Skydiving Team Manager Liis Raudvere
Accompanying Persons (Medical / Media) Katrin Topp
Anna Rink
Vratislav Maly

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Egypt CF Delegation

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4-Way Rotations

Ahmed Ibrahim Helmy Hussein
Essam Mostafa Mafoz
Mahmoud Mohamed saleh
Haytham Abdel Rahman Abou ouf
Reda Rabie Abdel Rahman (Videographer)


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Argentina AL & FS Delegation

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Accuracy Landings - Male

Gerónimo Marcelino Gutiérrez
Juan Carlos Pérez
Sergio Dalcol
Fernando Roberto Conil
Hernán Ezequiel Frias

Matías Nicolas Gutiérrez


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