
FAI Chief of Judge Training Workshop, Frankfurt, 16-17 Jan 2016 - Day 1


CoJT Participants

L to R: Lindy Rochow-Williams, Faye Cox, Pascal de Haes, Exi Hoenle, Rina Gallo, Gill Rayner,
Kirk Knight, Randy Connell, Bernard Nicholas, Karla Cole, Ron Miasnikov, Bjorn Korth, Zeljko
Tanaskovic, Susan Dixon, Pia Berggren. (Missing from photo: Jurate Janusauskiene)

The first meeting of the FAI Chief of Judge Training Workshop convened at 14.00hrs in the German Sports Academy in Hessen (Frankfurt) with Karla Cole as CoJTCC in the chair. In her opening introduction she emphasised how much help she had received from Helmut Bastuck of the German Parachuting Federation in being able to stage this workshop.

CoJT Bastuck
Karla presenting Helmut Bastuck with a thank-you gift for his extensive help


Whilst the majority of the participants were well known to one and another, each was asked in turn to introduce themselves to the group by giving a brief outline of their judging experience and in which disciplines they were qualified. Karla went on to explain her own experience which together with her enthusiasm and ambition, had been the driving force in taking on this new role as FAI Chief of Judging Training Course Coordinator.

During 2015 16 FAI courses across several disciplines were undertaken and of the 72 trainees, 59 passed giving a pass rate of around 80%.

In the 12 months since her appointment she has been struck by the enormity of the task ahead. Not only the huge differences - and attitudes - between NACs, but so far has received in excess of 200 communications concerned with matters relating to judging. Questions were received from a broad array of correspondents, from experienced FAI Judges to the grass roots jumpers through to NACs and other FAI Chiefs of Judge trainers.  It soon became clear that major discrepancies existed across the board as far as judging courses and trainers were concerned..

This workshop has been designed to bring together thoughts and ideas on how to set about achieving a standardised and universally acceptable FAI Judge Training Courses. 

Introductory Powerpoint Presentation

The first task for the participants was to write down on cards those questions which they themselves felt needed addressing. It wasn't long before the board was adorned with blue cards, though it was likely that many of the cards ie questions, would disappear as the topics were addressed over the weekend.

CoJT quest


One aspect of today's agenda was a 'Discovery Afternoon' where the group would explore more about CISM and ASIANIA, respectively introduced by Pascal de Haes and Faye Cox. The ASIANIA Powerpoint Presentation can be viewed as a video, which has been timed to advance automatically in the time it takes to read each page.  The CISM Powerpoint Presentation is also viewable as a video and can be read at your own pace by using the play/pause controls.

Whilst we had no representative from COLPAR, Bjorn Korth told us how he had run a successful CP course in 2015. He went on to explain that for those COLPAR members who didn't have a National rating,  COLPAR had its introduced one of its own. He too, like Faye, also recognised that once again the English language was a hurdle that many trainees struggled with, even though they were highly qualified and capable individuals.

Overall the afternoon workshop was a brain storming session where ideas, feelings, opinions and wishes were aired, giving rise to areas that will be further addressed over the weekend.

The workshop drew to a close at 19.00hrs with a 8.00hrs start for Sunday.

CoJT Smiling
Brain storming session in full swing!



FAI Chief of Judge Training Workshop, Frankfurt, 16-17 Jan 2016

FAI Workshop-logo


It's been a long held view that the courses for the training of future FAI judges, in all skydiving disciplines, should be standardised in terms of content, evaluation and paperwork in order to ensure that the ab initio judge has an equal chance of qualifying, regardless of where in the world the training is undertaken.

In order that standardisation can be achieved, Karla Cole took on the role of IPC Judge Training Course Coordinator (IPC JTCC) last year with a view to realising this goal. In spite of all the technological communications at our fingertips – emails, SMS, conference calls, Skype etc – something as important as this deserves face to face discussions around a single table, in the same time zone. With this in mind, Karla has organised for as many FAI Chiefs of Judge Training as possible to attend her inaugural workshop, which is being held over two days prior to this year's Plenary in Frankfurt.

Fundamental to this vision is:

• The trainees experience the best training possible, on their way to becoming good FAI Judges

• The NACs know they can send their National Judges on a reliable training course

• The CoJT can feel safe in the knowledge in what she/he has to teach is standardised

• The CoJT has the full support and backing from the IPC JTCC

• Last but not least, future competitors' performances will be determined by universally trained judges on the panels at events.



IPC Plenary Meeting, Frankfurt 23-24 Jan, 2016



The Agenda for the meeting is now published and available either by following the drop down menu at the top of the page : ABOUT US - MEETINGS - 2016 Frankfurt 2016 (GER) 23-24 January, 2016 - or on this Link

The supporting Annexes are now published and available on the above link.

Flying high: final FAI World Air Games medals awarded

airshow-end-wagsTwelve sets of medals were awarded at the Closing Ceremony of the FAI World Air Games in Dubai, as the sun set on the two-week event celebrating air sports from around the world.


Medals galore! FAI World Air Games champions crowned


23694521165 1895c40d42_kDozens of medals were presented at the first of two ceremonies taking place at the Palm Dropzone today (December 12).

Mounting the podium this time; microlight and gyrocopter pilots, formation parachutists and speed skydivers.


Medals galore! FAI World Air Games champions crowned


23694521165 1895c40d42_kDozens of medals were presented at the first of two ceremonies taking place at the Palm Dropzone today (December 12).

Mounting the podium this time; microlight and gyrocopter pilots, formation parachutists and speed skydivers.


Marco Wiederkehr flies to Gold at 533km/h

23609679081 7de51e106d_kMarco Wiederkehr is officially the world’s fastest skydiver. He won the Speed Skydiving event here at the FAI World Air Games and set a new world record while doing it.

“I set the new world record on my first jump,” he said after the competition was over. “I hit 533km/h. That’s 140 metres a second, or a kilometre in 6.5 seconds.”

He added: “There are only six people in the world who have gone faster than 500km/h in speed skydiving and they are all here.”


WAG 2015 - Day 12

Saturday, 12th December


Formation skydiving and the 90-minute turnaround

23588283171 ae1ed5d6f1_k_copyBriton Simon Guest only has 90 minutes. That's the turnaround time between jumps in the FAI World Air Games 4-way Formation Skydiving competition.

Along with teammates Mike Hayes, Pete Mather and Ady King, they have just completed one of ten 35-second runs in which they managed 18 points.


Skydiving for beginners: at introduction to Parachuting disciplines

22919348623 e4f52377e1_kThink skydivers just jump out of a plane, freefall for a bit then float down to the ground? Here at the FAI World Games, there's a lot more to it than that.

There are about 20 parachuting gold medals up for grabs (several of which have already been claimed for the Canopy Piloting event), spread across six disciplines. Here's our five-minute guide to the various competitions taking place.