
Brazil Delegation, Kolomna Russia

Kolomna 2013 logo
3rd F.A.I. European Parachuting Championships Canopy Piloting


7th World Cup of Canopy Piloting

Kolomna, Russia
26 August - 2 September 2013
Flag Brazil
Canopy Piloting
Carlos Ribeiro Marques
Eduardo Meirelies
Manoel Pereira Maciel Neto
Marcelo Ricci
Paulo Ribeiro Marques

Austria Delegation, Kolomna Russia

Kolomna 2013 logo
3rd F.A.I. European Championships in Canopy Piloting


7th F.A.I. 7th World Cup of Canopy Piloting

Kolomna, Russia
27 August - 1 September 2013
Flag Austria


Dominic Roithmair
Paul Alexandrow
Marco Fürst

Australia Delegation, Kolomna Russia

Kolomna 2013 logo
3rd F.A.I. European Championships in Canopy Piloting


7th World Cup for Canopy Piloting

Kolomna, Russia
26 August - 1 September 2013
Flag Australia


Keven Walters Andy Woolf Ben Lewis Dan Smith Brad Jones
Canopy Piloting Team Manager Sharney Perrow

Argentina Delegation, Kolomna Russia

Kolomna 2013 logo
3rd F.A.I. European Championships in Canopy Piloting


7th World Cup of Canopy Piloting

Kolomna, Russia
25 August to 1 September 2013
Flag Argentina
Gastón Nicolas Reyes
Javier Rodriguez
Marcos Darman
Matias Aresca
Team Manager
Pablo Javier Orfila

29/08/2013 Day 2 Kolomna, Russia


 8.00 and another early start for Day 2.  Accuracy Day


The results now being posted at the end of each Round are available on this linkThese are UNOFFICIAL results and still subject to corrects/confirmation by the Event and Chief Judges.   This event is happening so fast it is difficult for the judges to have the time to carefully cross check all calls and input - including any video reviews that are required.

Judfges working

8.30 and the first call has been given for the first load for today. 

Yesterday PD were keeping up with the results using their own method for the Speed Event:

Getting the scores

Accuracy should be easier to follow.

Accuracy 1 Accuracy 3
Accuracy 4  Accuracy 2

11.00 End of Round 1 accuracy

At least we have a minimum competition.   The dark clouds of earlier have lifted and the weather is more settled.  Straight into Round 2.

12.15 End of Round 2 accuracy

So we now have a break for lunch and time to rotate the jump order for round 3.  Back with a call for 15.00 hrs for eveyone.


14.55 Just about ready to start round 3

In the World Cujp the top three places at the end of 2 rounds : Curtis Bartholomew, USA first;  Pablo Hernandez Moll, Spain second and Dominic Roithmair Austria in third.

In the European Championships Pablo, first; Dominic, second and a Russian jumper, Aleksandr Golovkin in third place.

16.20 Finally ready with ther reverse jump order for the last round.  Anders, Chief Judge, calls the loads for thr revised jump order by load.  Then we will be ready to start the last round. 

18.30  Half way through the last round and the rain the forecasters promised arrived -  so we are on a Standby for the moment.

28/08/2013 Day 1 Kolomna, Russia

We have a new World Record in Speed - set by Greg Windmiller on the 3rd round!!   2.371 seconds

Congratulations to the winners:

1st Place - Curt Bartholomew, USA

2nd Place - Tommy Dellibac, USA

3rd Place - William Sharman, UAE

All subject to final confirmation (and ratification)

++ STOP PRESS ++   28/8/13 21.00    Live Results now available HERE


Speed course


Start with SPEED



Opening ceremony

Yesterday  evening was the Opening Ceremony.  As promised by the organiser, a short one, but effective.  In front of the podium with all the flags flying, we had speeches from local dignitaries, the sponsor of the event, the owner of the club and Graeme Windsor - and then we had a parade of the athletes behind their National Flags and each athlete was introduced by the announcer.   This was followed by the Competitors' briefing from the meet organiser and then the Chief Judge explaining the rule clarification detailed on  the Notice published in the competitors tent from the Jury.    The jump order was given and each group of 4 then decided what aircraft exit order they would  take.

This morning, sun and an 8.00 start with the first Speed round.  If all works as planned, the results will be posted at the end of each round on our website - follow the link

It is now 9.10 and we are close to the end of Round 1 Speed.  The plan is to continue with Speed and do all three rounds this morning.  The conditions here are great.

11.00 Round 2 Ends 

Three rejumps and then the Judges will break to check all the scores so that they can be posted for the first 2 rounds - at the moment anything is unofficial!.  2 rejumps were caused by cutaways and one by equipment malfuncion.



The one rejump (equipment failure) from Round 3 is done.  Unfortunately the best laid plans .... failed.  As yet we are unable to post the results as promised (even though they would be unofficial) and are currently working on it with the organiser's technical guy.  PD have the solution - they have posted two people opposite the scoring station.  One with a set of binos and one with the jump order - and they read and write down the results as they happen - and can then post them.  Of course these are very unofficial/unapproved - but they have some idea of what is going on.  Meanwhile everyone has gone to lunch continues ill continue after lunch with first round of Distance. 


Things are going so fast here - in more ways than Greg's new World Record.  We have just had a 15 minute call for the second round of Distance!!  There will then be a pause as we are to be treated to an Air Show I hear.  (I heard wrongly - just a short standby).

The results in PDF format are on the IPC Results page now for the Speed -Distance will be up as soon as the Chief Judge authorises it.


 We are on standby for the moment - due to an external air show.  We should be recommencing with 2nd load Round 2 at 17.45.  We had an exciting round of Distance with the female world distance record being exceeded twice, first by the current record holder, Jessica Edgeington and then by Cornelia Mihai.


Load 2 Round 2 Distance in the air. 


Round 2 completed - and we are now preparing for Round 3.  Just a short break whilst the judges check the results entry.

At the end of Round 2 David Maleze of France is in first place in the European Championships and 2nd in the World Cup to Nick Batsch, USA in first.  Jessica Edgeington is in 4th place and Cornelia Mihai in 6th.  Will publish the final results (unconfirmed as soon as I have them).

Distance run Distance landing
Making distance and Landing
Turning in on the Speed carve The Australian Team
Carving on the speed course The Australian Team
Pictures courtesy of Henny Wiggers, FAI Cpntroller




27/08/2013 - Kolomna Russia - Canopy Piloting European Championships & World Cup

Pond before the first liftThe Opening Ceremony will take place this evening at the end of the two days set aside for Official Practice Jumps in the Bulletin.

The pond in a quiet moment, before the sky fills with fast flying canopies as the second practice day gets underway with the first lift at 9.,00.  It is a cold start this morning - competitors may jump distance or accuracy, but the judges will measure distance first - then accuracy.  Speed after 14.00 hrs.  Two jumpers from the Czech Republic were injured this morning -  fortunately not seriously but they have withdrawn from the competition.

There are 79 competitors here, in total.

The opening ceremony is scheduled to start at 19.30 hrs, followed by a competitor's briefing by the Chief Judge, Anders Berggren.  The wind speed recording machine arrived from Cheboksary in the Turbolet by mid-day, so all is ready for the competition to start.  The Jury, Chief Judge and FAI Controller will meeet at 16.00 hours for the final confirmation.

The organisers have found a sponcor - congratulations.

They therefore are able to offer money prizes to the overall winners in each Event

BAT-Express (International transportation of consolidated cargoes and customs clearance) . Web-site:www.batexpress.ru
The prize money is:  European Championships:  1st $ 3500 : 2nd $1500 : 3rd $1000 and World Cup 1st $ 5000 : 2nd $2500 : 3rd $1500.


25/08/2013 Day 3 Cheboksary, Russia


Day 3


All the attention was on the pit this afternoon - good conditions and exciting accuracy.

1 cm - china

This excellent photograph was taken by one of the Volunteers : Natasha Dedushkino - Spicaba

Style jumper arrives

16.00 hrs.  The plan is to complete accuracy to Round 8 and all Style by the end of today - leaving the Semi-Final and Final rounds of Accuracy for the morning.  At the moment the last 3 teams female - for round 8 are in the air.  Results to round 7 in the results page below.

There is a good crowd here today, and an announcer at the pit to keep them informed.

After a late finish last night in the fading light the Chinese Girls were the last team to jump. and the last jumper scored 0.00.  Talking to Bob King (Judge) he was very impressed with the way the whole team coped with the changing wind conditions - which had caught out many of the other jumpers - he said "they handled the conditions beautifully, doing all the right things" - and he should know being a former National Accuracy Champion himself.

This morning we started with Style, Female although the plan is to continue with all events - the weather looks good but the temperature has dropped a little.  It was cold at altitude this morning.

Pictures from the Style area


Debriefing Style area
Debriefing Style area
Blue Skies Coaches viewing
Cold Blue Skies Coaches Viewing

The Jury have been at work again - this time they received a protest with regard to the light conditions yesterday evening, but using the complaints procedure they discussed the protest with the competitor and it was withdrawn, as SC Section 5 5.2.9 states that the Meet Director and Chief Judge will decide if the weather conditions are suitable for jumping and judging.

24/08/2013 Day 2, Cheboksary, Russia

Dramatic skiesDramatic skies over Cheboksary at the end of the day.


17.30  And the rain returns, but everyone is put on a two hour stand-by so we wait to see.   There is an army of young volunteers to help with the language and generally look after the competitors and those working to make this compeetition a success.  Many of them are language students from the local colleges and enjoying the opportunity to practice their language skills.   The lead photograph was taken by one of the volunteers - Eugeny Petrov - spaciba.

 Some of the Volunteers arriving in the morning

Some of the Volunteers arriving for work

12.00   The Jury is being kept busy here, first protest yesterday, allowed (see yesterday's report) and now a second one today.  The Junior French Female was put out 3rd on a pass in accuracy.  The protest was allowed, the competition rules for Juniors states 2 on a pass.

Otherwise things proceed - round 5 of male accuracy results are now published on the DZ - and will be on this site shortly.

We also have the final results (not approved yet) of the Junior Female Style:

First place is Taisya Krivoshchekova, Russia - Total 27.50

Second place is Leocadie Ollivier-Depuru, France - Total 28.54                                                                                

Third place is Lucia Lippold, Germany - Total 30.03

Congratulations to all three girls. 


We also have the results of the Junior Male Syle (unofficial, of course)i

In first place:  Raphael Lautencher, Germany with 22.41 points

In second place : Anton Sayevich, Belarus with 23.83 points

In third place : Bonifac Hajek, Czech Republic with 25.81 points

Congratulatins to all three young men.


On the way to altitude
On the way to altitude over Cheboksary.  This morning started at 8.00 with the first widi load.   The programme for today is male style and female and junior accuracy.  The Juniors completed their three style jumps yesterday.

Today the town of Cheboksary is arranging for free busses to the airfield enabling the local inhabitants to come and watch - there is an area set up for the children to play on two very different bouncy castles.  It will be interesting to see how many turn up.  Despite the weather yesterday evening there were plenty of spectators for the Opening Ceremony.

Romania Delegation Cheboksary Russia

Cheboksary logo
7th FAI European Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing Championships

4th FAI Junior European Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing Championships


13th FAI World Cup in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing

1st FAI Junior World Cup in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing


22 - 26 August 2013

Flag Romania
Accuracy Landings - Male
Zoltan Arpad Domschy
Accuracy Landings & Freefall Style - Male - Junior
 Romania Junior Male Alexandru Nicolau
Accuracy Landings & Freefall Style - Female
 Romania Female Team

Simona Stan

Steliana Elena Popa


Gabriela Balascau

Accuracy Landings - Female : Andreea Padurean : Ana-Maria Serban


Accuracy Landings - Female - Junior
Diana Mariş

Italy Delegation Cheboksary Russia

Cheboksary logo
7th FAI European Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing Championships

4th FAI Junior European Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing Championships


13th FAI World Cup in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing

1st FAI Junior World Cup in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing


22 - 26 August 2013

Flag Italy
Accuracy Landings - Male
 Italy Male Team Francesco Gullotti
Luke Comia
Manuel Cidale
Giorgio Squadrone
Giuseppe Tresoldi
Accuracy Landings - Female
 Italy Female Milena Zanotti
Accuracy Landings - Male - Junior
 Italy Junior Male Luigi Pinchieri
Accuracy Landings Team Manager Paolo Bevilacqua