Aviation and Space: Diary-notifications and anniversaries for 2017

FAI records

Throughout 2017 the FAI will mark some important anniversaries in aviation and space flight.






These will include:

  • The 90th anniversary of Charles Lindbergh’s historic New York to Paris flight (May 1927)
  • The 80th anniversary of the disappearance of pioneering aviator Amelia Earhart (July 1937)
  • The 220th anniversary of the first parachuting jump (October 1797)
  • The 40th anniversary of Alexandr Fedotov's absolute altitude record on an aircraft (August 1977)

A full list of records and achievements in aviation and Space flight that the FAI plan to mark throughout 2017 include:

Date Name Country Category Description Performance


06.01.2015 SCHMELZER Tijl BEL Gliding - Africa Record Speed over a triangular course of 100 km - First to pass the 200km/h barrier using thermals rather than mountain waves 179.00 km/h Current
21.01.1987 MCCALLIN Lois USA Human-Powered Aeroplane - Female category


37mn 38sec Current
17.02.2012 SINGH Parmjit IND Microlights Distance in a straight line without landing 313.13 km Current
21.05.1927 LINDBERGH Charles USA Powered Aeroplanes

Distance in a straight line without landing - First solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean (New York-Paris)

5809 km Superseded

BOTT Jacques

FRA Hang Gliding Out-and-return distance 366.4 km Current
23.06.2016 PICCARD Bertrand SUI Powered Aeroplanes - Electric Distance - First solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean aboard an solar-powered aircraft (New York-Seville) 176.35 km/h Current





Not a record

09.07.2012 DANJO Akihiro JPN Aeromodelling - Free flight Duration 19 min 40 sec Current
23.07.2016 KONYUKHOV Fedor RUS Ballooning - Absolute record Shortest time around the world 268 h 20 min Current
08.08.1997 MURRAY Jennifer GBR Rotorcraft Speed around the world. Eastbound
22.44 km/h Current
23.08.1977 ALLEN Bryan USA Human-Powered Aircraft

First human-powered aircraft capable of controlled and sustained flight aboard the MacCready Gossamer Condor

Not a record
31.08.1977 FEDOTOV Alexandr RUS Powered Aeroplanes - Absolute Record Altitude  37'650 m Current
04.10.1957 Astronautics

Sputnik 1: first artificial Earth satellite

Not a record
BAUMGARTNER Felix AUT Parachuting

Vertical Speed Records without a Drogue - First person to break the sound barrier without vehicular power

1'357.6 km/h Current
14.10.1947 YEAGER Chuck USA

First to break the sound barrier

Not a record
15.10.1927 COSTES Dieudonné/LE BRIX Joseph FRA Powered Airplanes First nonstop flight across the South Atlantic Ocean (Senegal-Brazil) Not a record
GARNERIN André-Jacques
FRA Parachuting First parachuting jump Not a record
03.11.1957 Laika (dog)

First animal in orbit (aboard Sputnik 2)

Not a record
13.11.1907 CORNU Paul FRA Helicopters

First well documented helicopter flight

Not a record
16.12.2012 UEYAMA Kenichi JPN Aeromodelling - Radio Control Flight

 Speed in a closed circuit

219.85 km/h

19.12.2007 DUVOISIN Pierrick SUI Hot-Air Balloons - 
250 m3 and less

Duration - Very small balloon

6 h 20 min 38 sec

1937 BATTEN Jean NZL

First woman to receive the FAI Gold Air Medal


Not a record