hypoxia dehydration hypoglycemia cold sun lack of sleeping, tiredness, jetlag bad physical shape alcohol, cannabis need to pee visual flaw (midair path) white dots on retina airsick wounds on ground scubadiving less than 12h before flight |
fly down, oxygen set drink, camelback eat weather check, gloves, cothes sunglasses, sunscreen, clothes, drink give up give up give up learn technique red tape, FLARM good sunglasses training (fitness) training give up
lack of experience start of season fear, carelessness, complacency personal worries, feeling "beside" nervous, anger, "testosterone" distraction (camcorder...), speeding up forgetting to hook in forgetting legloops run stop in tandem launch student without guidance risk taking with weather, aerology unavailability, overload, panic |
training learn human factor learn human factor give up delay delay 1. hook in 2. put on harness close legloops 1st improve pedagogy improve pedagogy learn human factor tuned equipment, simplified pedagogy, training |
impossible/difficult direct connection forgetting to hook in forgetting legloops, waist strap
forgetting chest strap impossible/difficult stand up impossible/difficult lying zipper failure main suspension rope break tilt cord break main riser break backplate break, separation forgotten hook-in impossible wanted reserve opening
unwanted reserve opening separation on reserve opening legs injuries spine injuries |
front opening harness? direct connection & automatic backup Fourment legloops-chest strap link, upper zipper closing from bottom? external chest strap proper rail length, tuned legloops centered rail, tuned riser-footplate cord zipper on velcro sandwich riser sliding on metal rod removable tilt cord, properly routed riser properly sewn & linked to safety frame freefall tested plate linked to safety frame 1. let go 2. turn back onto slope direct pod handle reached by both hands, 2 reserves faired & fitted pod handle bridle connected to harness safety frame ballast suited to pilot deployable airbag
face wounds by glasses loosing helmet "neck breaker" brain rotational wounds snagging cord on launch or glider
difficult reserve opening pilot chute break difficult pod opening pod opened before throwing reserve burst in terminal velocity opening injuries upon landing under reserve lockout on tow
drogue chute line break, torsion interference drogue chute-keel
glasses with round rim tested geometry, strong chin strap minimal fairing behind helmet MIPS helmet technology tethers only by cow hitches or quick links, inner radio wire, no external strings pilot chute on pod freefall tested pilot chute bungees regularly changed (prevent hardening) protected closing loop, lines stowed on pod freefall tested sail size suited to gross weight harness pitch set & 1/3 VG, pull in upon control, "hands on bar" release, dual bridle, fin proper bridle possibly on harness axis short bridle
forgetting pin with top closing A-frame A-frame top bolt fatigue failure weak A-frame top bolt through keel cable folding base bar, fatigue base bar break torn cast fittings upon downtube bend/break side wires fatigue break
forgetting haulback swan neck pin folded leading edge mylar inserts corrosion hidden by painting forgetting/loosing nose cone forgetting to close sprogs/keel zippers hang loop snagging VG cord rectangular carbon spars break by complex forces keel break weak push-out upon landing tiring, loss of interest
rigids control wires/spoilers/flaps disconnected in flight rigids stabiliser lost in flight rigids D-tubes delamination
base closing A-frame right quality/size short bolt in craddle under keel articulated folding base bar base bar inner backup wire milled fittings
Cheney bottom fittings, right sized wires, eye swage terminals? ring/shackle haulback, backup inserts adjusted in leading edge pockets anodised aluminium tubes nose cone binding by cord or return velcro "remove before flight" tags? easy harness clip-in to dingle dangle/kingpost stowing bungee on downtube base wound spars
keel inner backup wire A-frame top behind main riser advertised glider tuning procedure: VG loose 1. symmetry 2. trim, VG tight 3. symmetry 4. pitch pin secured wires/spoilers/flaps
pin secured stabiliser, reinforced craddle control during preflight check
protruding nail on ramp pitch change on slope change
low pitch on cart, tug lifts off 1st high pitch on cart, stall tumble out of cart dragging cart on launch nose AoA velcro limiter steep launch on winch tow, stall upon line break weak link break on launch face injuries on line break snagging tow line
impossible release upon lock out midair with winch tow line obstacles on landing unavoidable crash upon landing injuries upon jumping in water drowning upon water landing
surfacing start run less than 1m before slope change (except cliff without wind) tunable keel support, 20° (rigids 10°) pitch angle: base bar ~ flight position push while rolling & hold hoses base bar cradles for all bars glider/harness dual bridle restricted tension below 50m, operator's training
stronger weak links, regularly replaced simple, light & compact release base bar central part clear of instruments, sheathed line no cord loops imitating metal rings winch towing activity on air maps cut fences, trees let glider absorb energy, wrap around 1 downtube wait touching water before opening buckles 1. exit to trailing edge 2. open harness
launch with low AoA, glider overtaking launch with high AoA, slow lift off, stall loss of control on cart blown launch, lockout on tow hitting the ridge midair unwanted reserve opening tumble drogue chute thrown over base bar/snagged on wheel/skid spin close to ground loss of control close to ground poor approach, low turn gradient, lee of obstacles obstacles on landing poor landing
launch AoA 20° (rigids 10°) progressive acceleration, let fly specific reversed control on cart wings level, active control crabb toward the valley learn rules, continuous 360° watch, anticipate equipment preparation sprogs/twist tuned, VG loose in turbulence throw at trim speed, right away
wings level, VG loose/flaps on for final transition to low half of downtubes before final long straight final jugde & anticipate anticipate, watch free zone "listen" to trim |
overcrowded launch overcrowded start gate
midair lost pilots hazardous task line/final glide
overcrowded landing
low stress setup/launch system (priority set up) adapt lapse beween launch opening and 1st start, ex. 1 to 2h continuous 360° watch, FLARM mobile phone on, live tracker, SPOT flight corridor over landable & in aerologically sane zones daily turn direction for landing
principles |
mental training: visualise problems & emergency procedures aware of consequences (aviation's hardest = ground) aware of own (changing) limits: adrenalin, visual flaws, no cheating fit & awake ability to renounce: maturity use logic more than lists learned by heart simplify procedures to lower work load anticipate worsening situation, have an alternate rely on anticipation more than luck safety scale (green: fly, yellow: watch ground, red: land) anticipate human mistake, humbleness, listen to critics step in when hazard or incompetence declare incidents for common knowledge putting stress on little mistakes (almost accident)