
2013 FAI European Championships for Control Line Model Aircraft

6969-2013-control-lineBekescsaba-HUNAeromodellers compete in Bekescsaba, Hungary, from 3 to 10 August 2013

8th FAI European Advanced Aerobatic Championships in Radom, Poland

8607-8th-Euro-Adv-Aero-Radom-POLThe competition took place from 1 to 11 August 2013

2013 FAI Junior European Championships for Free Flight Model Aircraft in Pazardzik (Bulgaria)

Euro-J-Free-flight-2013-pazardzik-BULThe pictures of the competition are on Flickr !

World Games 2013 athlete's profile: Nunnapat Phuchong (THA)

Name Nunnapat PHUCHONG  PHUCHONG Nunnapat
Sport Accuracy Landing
Gender F
Ranking 88
Nationality THA
Year of birth 1987
Start year in the sport 2008
Experience 1000/1000/500
Best achievement in competition 85


World Games 2013 athlete's profile: Christopher Bobo (USA)

Name Christopher BOBO BOBO Ian
Sport Canopy Piloting
Gender M
Ranking 9
Nationality USA
Year of birth 1971
Start year in the sport 1989
Experience 20000+ jumps
Best achievement in competition 2005 World Cup Champion
FAI world records FS4 - 46 Formations


The 2013 Paragliding World very best!


The 13th FAI World Paragliding Championship came to an end in Sopot, Bulgaria, on July 26th.

The French are the big winners with the Overall and Team titles. Poland takes the Women title.

Thanks to the organisers for their very good work and website. The following excerpts are taken from it.

"During this main paragliding event of the year 2013 we had 5 unique tasks. Each task had its special weather conditions. From first task with absolutely covered sky and slow thermals till final fifths race with strong sunny conditions which are really common for Sopot actually at this time. Each day weather became stronger requiring more and more speedy flying manner and skills from pilots. But exactly those who were able to show best self control and ability to make independent decisions and “read” weather could set the advantage from the first competition day and keep it till the end of this great championship."


  • 1 - Jeremie Lager  (FRA)
  • 2 - Charles Cazaux  (FRA)
  • 3 - Davide Cassetta  (ITA)

"These pilots demonstrated an outstanding ability not to follow the mass instincts and judge rationally. This helped them to get advantage in the first most difficult task. And later all they had to do just to keep their achievements."


  • 1 - Klaudia Bulgakow  (POL)
  • 2 - Seiko Fukuoka  (FRA)
  • 3 - Nicole Fedele  (ITA)

"During all the races we witnessed the acute competition of Klaudia Bulgakow and Seiko Fukuoka. Klaudia had a win! The third place belongs to a famous Italian pilot Nicole Fedele. Congratulations and applause for these brave ladies!"


  • 1 - France
  • 2 - Italy
  • 3 - Venezuela

"The stable fine positions of French pilots during the race have brought them a deserved victory. The Italian team has won the second place due to excellent flights of its members who twice were first in the Task results. Venezuela team have deserved the third winning place by its incomparably vivacious team spirit!"

See more at:http://airtribune.com/13-fai-world-paragliding-championship

8th FAI Junior World Gliding Championships in Leszno, Poland

W-J-gliding-leszno-201328 July to 10 August 2013 - Standard Class/Club Class

The 9th edition of the World Games 2013 is now on !

world-games-2013-opening-ceremonyThe World Games 2013 are officially underway in Cali, Colombia, after yesterday’s Opening Ceremony at the Pascual Guerrero stadium in front of more than 35.000 spectators. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos opened the event in the presence of FAI President John Grubbström, IOC President Jacques Rogge and International World Games Association President Ron Froehlich.


World Games 2013: Time to shine for AeroMusicals

aeromusicals 1AeroMusicals, an Aeromodelling discipline that combines aerobatic skills, flying precision and music, will have a great opportunity to promote itself at the World Games 2013 which will take place from 25 July to 4 August 2013 in Cali, Colombia. Two world-class AeroMusicals pilots will showcase their sport in front of thousands of spectators and TV viewers for 5 days, in between the Ju-Jitsu and Wushu events, at the Coliseo Evangelista Mora.


Glider aerobatic events in Oripää, Finland - 7th flying day

7692-7693-oripaa-fin-2013 2Today is the 7th flying day at the 16th FAI World Glider Aerobatic Championships and 4th FAI World Advanced Glider Aerobatic Championships. There is one pilot left to fly to have the first Known Compulsory for both categories completed. The forecast for today is better and the Organisers aim to have all 59 pilots to fly their free.

This picture was taken after the early morning briefing at 05:00.

2013 F3A World Cup Valle Isarco in Varna, Italy

brixen podium 20131. Gernot Bruckmann (AUT) 2. Hannes Schenk (ITA) 3. Günther Ulsamer (GER)