
9th FAI European Rally Flying Championship in Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia

euro rally flying 2013The pictures of the prize-giving ceremony are now available


48th Int. Igo Etrich Wanderpokalfliegen

Kraiwiesen podium 2013

The competition was a great succes for the Austrian pilots as there were 3 Austrian pilots on the podium! For Gernot Bruckmann it means his 5th win this year which is a very good achievement. Something interesting for the coming World Championship in South Africa.

12th FAI European Microlight Championships

12th FAI European Microlight ChampionshipsSee the pictures of the competition taking place in Kamenica nad Cirochou, Slovakia from 10 to 18 August 2013

2013 FAI World Championship for Multi-Task Gliders

7225-2013 W Multi-Task Gliders F3B - Nardt GER.jpgThe event was held from 4 to 10 August 2013 in Nardt, Germany - Check out the pictures !

2013 FAI World Championship for Pylon Racing Model Aircraft in Deelen, Netherlands

w-pylon-racing-deelen-6666Have a look at the pictures on Flickr !

World Games 2013 - Day 4: Victory for Feraric and Romanenko in Paragliding Accuracy - Closing Ceremony

WorldGames2013-paragliding-mens-podiumSlovenian Matjaz Feraric took the Gold at the Paragliding Accuracy competition of the World Games 2013 in Cali, Colombia. Tomas Lednik from Czech Republic took Silver and Tanapat Luangiam from Thailand Bronze (see picture).
In the female category, the Gold medal went to Lithuanian Jolanta Romanenko, while Silver was taken by Nunnapat Phuchong from Thailand and Bronze by Milica Marinkovic from Serbia.


World Games 2013 – Day 3: Bartholomew is the new World Games Canopy Piloting Champion - No complete round for Paragliding Accuracy

bartholomew-world-games-2013-cp-championCurtis Bartholomew from USA is the new World Games Champion for Canopy Piloting! Thomas Dellibac, also from USA, and Pablo Hernandez from Spain followed in the overall results of the combined accuracy, distance and speed events.

In Paragliding Accuracy, the round 5, which started on Friday, could not be completed yesterday due to changing winds.


World Games 2013 – Day 2: 3 rounds for Canopy Piloting and 2 for Paragliding Accuracy

The second day of the Parachuting Canopy Piloting and Paragliding Accuracy was in full swing yesterday in Cali, Colombia, at the World Games 2013. Three rounds took place for Canopy Piloting and two for Paragliding Accuracy.

All the athletes were clearly enjoying the effects of the warmth of the Colombian spectators who cheered, applauded and reacted very enthusiastically to Paragliding and Parachuting events, although it was the first time for many of them to witness such competitions. Media interviewed athletes, while children and grown-ups alike asked for pictures and autographs.


World Games 2013: Opening Ceremony and first rounds in airsports events

opening ceremony world games 2013After two days of training, official competitions begun yesterday morning for the Canopy Piloting and Paragliding Accuracy athletes participating in the World Games 2013 in Cali, Colombia.

The first competition day was punctuated by the airsports Opening Ceremony where athletes and officials paraded in front of the cheering public. FAI President John Grubbström, accompanied by FAI Secretary General Jean-Marc Badan, concluded the ceremony with a speech thanking the people of Cali for their warm welcome.


World Games 2013: Tickets for airsports sold out !

world games spectatorsOn the morning of the kickoff of the airsports events at the World Games 2013 in Cali, Colombia, all signs are go for Parachuting Canopy Piloting and Paragliding Accuracy, as the news came that all the tickets for airsports competitions are sold out. In total, the two events will welcome 2000 people every day.


World Games 2013: Last practice day for airsports

Yesterday parachuting canopy piloting and paragliding accuracy athletes and officials had a last chance to get ready before the competitions start tomorrow in Cali, Colombia, at the World Games 2013, in front of full rows of spectators.

Jessica EdgeingtonJessica Edgeinton from USA, one of the top female canopy piloting athletes with high hopes for the World Games Champion title, was getting ready for the competition : "We don’t have super strong wind here, but we are going faster because of the altitude [Cali is located at 1000 m], so it is challenging, especially for the accuracy event. The course set up is nice, and today we had a good practice. For tomorrow I try to keep my focus and not overanalyze everything, relax and get some good sleep," she said.