
August 3rd, Wednesday, Saarlouis, European Championships & World Cups 2011

The Norweigan Delegation entering the arena of the Opening Ceremony.  This commenced with a  moments silence in honour of those who died in the recent tragic events. German efficiency has worked well so far, let us hope it continues for today. Having called for wheels off at 9.00 - the rain that was forcast for the early morning having cleared, we had wheels off at 9.00 for the start of round 3 8-way.After a fitful morning by mid-day the weather had won - now all events on hold until 13.30. 13.30 - and the call is for 8-way.

 By 15.15 it was raining again, and everyone was on standby to 17.00 hrs. It has been an on off day today. At 1700 hrs teams called for 4-Way - the forecast is good for the evening, so we will then continue the competition with 8-way, VFS and the Artistic Events until 21.00 hrs tonight. The excellent food is being provided on the Drop Zone in the evenings - making it easier for the organisation to take advantage of the best of the intermittant weather. 1800 and the rain came back!

One of the judges was heard to comment -" we could run a canopy piloting meet in front of the hangar!"

19.30 It is still raining - the competition was called for the day. 9.00 o'clock start in the morning for 4-way.