
Parachuting competitions in Kikinda: Day 8

Kikinda2011-Mens_Team_Accuracy_-_Italy_bronzeThe closing ceremony was held in the evening of the 27th in the town square beside the hotel - which was an ideal setting and convenient for the competitors. The summer evening provided a great atmosphere and as the ceremony got underway the square filled with people. We were treated to a spectacle of athletes, colour and the stirring sound of the anthems as they were played. The grand finale being the fireworks display, to be followed by a rock band which played well into the wee small hours of morning.

Today we say goodbye to Kikinda and the wonderful people we met there. We thank the organiser and Meet Director Nika Adamov, assisted by Marco Procikevic and their team of hardworking volunteers for providing us with a professional and well run competition. We leave with good memories of Kikinda which will remain in our hearts for years to come.

Report and photographs provided by, Lindy Rochow-Williams, Jury Member.

My sincere thanks go to Lindy for providing the Kikinda link with reports and photographs for this web site, and Fay Kimble for her tireless work on the results portal.