
5th Day of the Mondial, 2nd December 2012

Sunday 2nd December 2012 - 41st National Day

15.00 hrs
Round 5 of Formation Skydiving 8-way has been completed and USA hold the lead with 119 whilst the current World Champions, France, have 113 and Russia are in thrid place with 102.  VFS continues to be a tight contest with the UAE holding 1st pace with 122 points, France close behind in second with 120 and the USA trailing a bit with 110 - 3 more rounds to go!

Artistics Freefly has completed 4 rounds, and France 2 is leading the USA by 0.1 of a point (37.1 - 37.0) with France 1 in third place with 36.5.  Freestyle has also completed 4 rounds, with France 2 leading France 1 by 0.1 points (37.3 - 37.2) with G.B. in third place with 34.3.

Canopy Piloting is happening at the moment, and Accuracy Landings is continuing on the Beach DZ.  It will be an early finish today though, as we have to get ready for the opening ceremony at 20.00 hrs.

Each day there is a free draw, tickets available to registered persons on the DZ, for 5 Iphones and 5 Ipads!  This is drawn in the evening as jumping finishes.


The Accuracy Landing competition up until now has been split over two DZ\'s, so a 7.00am call this morning was necessary to complete Round 2. With all three Male Rounds completed we have Vodisek Domen (SLO) and Liang Yong (CHN) tied in 1st place with 00cm scores, with 5 jumpers tied for  3rd place with 01cm. Female Accuracy Round 2 is still in progress, so too are Juniors and Male & Female Freefall Style.


 No competitors\' birthdays today, but for UAE a huge day of celebration and one (on a smaller scale) the organisation here can justifiably share in.

There was a lot happening yesterday - as of this morning we have:

Accuracy Landings and Freefall Style:  Male 1 & 3 rounds with the 2nd to complete in Accuracy; 1st round to complete in Style :  Females 1 & 3 rounds completed in accuracy and 2nd to do.  No style yet.  Juniors the same as the Female event.

Formation Skydiving:  4 rounds completed in 4-way open and 4-way female, whilst 8-way and VFS have completed 3 rounds.

Canopy Formations:  2 rounds in 2-way sequential completed, and for 4-way sequential and rotations 1 round done with the 2nd to complete.

Artistic Events:  Freestyle - 3 rounds completed;  Freefly 2 rounds completed and 1 jump needed to complete round 3.

Canopy Piloting;  1 round completed in each event (Accuracy, Speed, Distance) with the 2nd round started for speed.

Today we finish earlier than usual in order to prepare for the Opening Ceremony, postponed from Frday 30th, which looks to be a spectacular affair from the sneek previews we have had of rehearsals and the rumours circulating the drop zone!  I 'm sure it will be a fitting ceremony for this fantastic Mondial.



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