
World Championships in FS & AE and WC in SP, Prostejov, Czech Rep, Aug 2014 - Day 3

CLICK HERE  to access the Results Page.  LIVE results are anticipated for FS and AE with Speed Skydiving results being posted at the end of each round. 


Low clouds in Prostejov

Day 3: 27 August 2014

So far the weather forecast has been as predicted and this morning the rain and low cloud enveloped the airfield. The 4-Way teams are on stand by until 11.45hrs, with 8-Way stood down until 14.45hrs. The good news is the forecast is set to improve!


Everyone has waited patiently for the weather to clear and at long last the winds have dropped, the rain has stopped and the cloud base has lifted - even the sun has made an appearance.  In the normal course of events it would be all systems go to continue the Championships - except the runway is too soggy to use!  In view of the weather conditions The Meet Director - Martin DlouhĂ˝ - has requested that the competition starts at 07.00hrs instead of the 08.00hrs start schedule in Bulletin 1. The Jury has approved the amendment to the start time. See Jury Notice No 2


As a consequence of the conditions, everyone is released until tomorrow at 07.00hrs


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