
5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Daily Diary - 5th November

JudgesLive Results                                                  Live On Line TV Coverage 

Today, or rather this morning, saw the completion of 3 rounds of Zone Accuracy in down-wind conditions - so a few bruises and I guess the judges looked less relaxed than they do in the picture.  Fortunately amongst the INTERESTING landings no serious problems.  After lunch it is planned to do the third round of Dragged Distance and complete the competition.  So watch the TV and the results as they get posted (once agreed by the Chief Judge).

According to the "unofficial" results we have a new star in 1st place for Zone Accuracy, Keven Walters from Australia, but the results have to be carefully checked before we can announce any winners.

Thanks to Alberto Martin Paracuelios and his daily reports from Z'Hills, U.S.A.




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