
15th World ParaSki Championships -- Day 2

As the results are released by the Chief Judge - they will appear on this link

Wednesday, 18th February, 2015

13.40  and we were underway with the first of the wind-drift indicator loads quickly followed by the first team in the first round of Accuracy.  As I write the second round is u

nderway and we hopefully will complete three rounds by the end of the day - prior to the Opening Ceremony due to take place at the Drop Zone at 18.00 hrs.. 


10.00  end of ski run  target

A foggy morning but that will not affect the qualifying run for the ski-race which is due to take place at 10.00 this morning.  The end of the Ski Course and the Accuracy landing area are close together.

All 53 competitors made their run, it was hard and fast and by this evening (or in fact after lunch) the start order from tomorrow's scheduled race will be known.

Meanwhile after a lunch break in the nearby tavern we prepare for the first round of accuracy, due to start at 13.30

The sun is breaking through so all looks set for a good afternoon's jumping.

finishing the qualitying run
Henny Wiggers, Netherlands finishes his qualifying run


13.15  So, the clouds came back and we are on a weather hold "standby" for the moment.

Meanwhile the top females after the qualifying run are:  1st.  Magdalena Schwertl, Austria and 2nd Christina Franz, Switzerland.  For the men the top five places are ; 1st Matej Becan, Slovenia, 2nd Reinhold Haibel, Germany : 3rd Uros Ule, Slovenia : 4th Anton Gruber, Austria and 5th Alexey Burenin, Russia.  All set for two good races in the morning.

For those of you who can read German you can follow the competition also on the organiser's Web Site: http://wpc2015.dfv.aero

PackingPacking in the sun..........


By 17.00 hrs the last team had jumped, just as the sun set over the back of the mountain and preparations were quickly made for the Opening Ceremony.

At the end of the day 3 rounds of Accuracy had been completed giving us 

Female Accuracy Ind.  

Marine Kucher, Austria, Total 7 cms

Irina Abdullina, Russia,  Total 9 cms

Erica Franz, Switzerland, Total 14 cms.

Male Accuracy Ind.

Alexey Burenin, Russia, Total 3 cms

Petr Chladek, Jnr, Czech Republic, Total 4 cms

Kirill Tyupernov, Russia, Total 5 cms.


Team  Female:  Austria, Russia 1 and Switzerland :  Team Male & Mixed : Russia 1, Slovenia and Czech Republic "B" - and the same for the Team Overall.

the tuffet late in the day

The tuffet late in the day.

Tomorrow morning is a 10.00 am start with the first of the ski races, the start order was announced this evening following the calculation from today's qualification run.

That will be followed by the second ski race with the first 15 places going in reverse order of the first run with the following places, 16 on, as per the result of the first run.

The Opening Ceremony was short and to the point with speeches from Dr. Rainer Hoenle, as President of the German Parachute Association,, followed by the Mayor of Unterammergau, and then Graeme Windsor as President of the International Parachuting Commission of the FAI.  Graeme declared the 15th World Para Ski Championships open.  I took a picture earlier of three of the Bavarian "muskateers" who opened the competition by life firing (no amunition!) some very ancient guns.

3 muskateersLive fiting