
IPC Plenary Meeting - Frankfurt 2016 - Day 3

Friday, 22nd January 2016

Today is a hard work day.  This is when the committees meet to finalise their rule changes for presentation to the Plenary, and these have to be with the Recording Secretary by 16.00 hrs today.  So all you see is people hurrying from one meeting to another, and small groups working spread out around the hotel. 

The problems with the internet have been diagnosed as a exterior cable problem and the Internet provider is working on a repair, but it will not be completed in time for the weekend.  However a member of the German Parachute Federation has provided an additional modem/router to provide a service in one of the boardrooms.  The Federation has promised that there will be a good connection for the official Plenary Days.  Fortunately the Sports Acadamy opposite, that was used for the Chief of Judges Training Workshop held before the Plenary, is available to us, and is being made good use of.

13.30 Skydive TV Presentation


We were given a very impressive presentation by Sammy Vassilev on the proposal that Skydive TV and FAI/IPC become Media Partners.

Sammy explained the history of the formation of the Company, the reasons behind its creation and the ethos behind it.  He then gave the statistics on the amazing viewing figures, what they have achieved to date in terms of exposure and the profile breakdown of their viewers.  The company is owned and managed by the husband and wife team of Sammy and Iva Nencheva.  It is A Global OnLine TV company - take a look at  http://www.skydive-tv.com  They make use of very new technology to ensure that the images are streamed around the world at a speed that ensures you do not have buffering problems when viewing.  The images can be viewed on any device.

Because of the amount of work being done by many of the delegates he was unable to present to everyone.