
32nd World Parachuting Championships Freefall Style & Accuracy Landings, Dubai 2012

Deleg Snr SA


World Champions and Medal Winners


Female Overall

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Svetlana Klenina Russia
Silver Medal Elena Laktionova Russia
Bronze Medal Liubov Ekshikeeva Russia


 Female Style

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Elena Laktionova Russia
Silver Medal Svetlana Klenina Russia
Bronze Medal Yan Cao China

Female Accuracy

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Yufeng He China
Silver Medal Maja Sajovic Slovenia
Bronze Medal Aksana Famina Belarus

Female Team Accuracy

World Champion & Gold Medal Winners
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal


Male Overall

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Oleg Fomin Belarus
Silver Medal Ronan Henaff France
Bronze Medal Jiri Gecnuk Czech Repuhlic


Male Style

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Philippe Valois France
Silver Medal Jiri Gecnuk Czech Republic
Bronze Medal Libor Jirousek Czech Republic

Male Accuracy

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Domen Vodisek Slovenia
Silver Medal Guiseppe Tresoldi Italy
Bronze Medal Oleg Fomin Belarus

Male Team Accuracy

World Champion & Gold Medal Winners
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal






6th World Parachuting Championships Junior Freefall Style & Accuracy Landings, Dubai 2012

Deleg Jnr SA


World Champions and Medal Winners


Junior Female Overall

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner  Taisia Krivoshchekova Russia
Silver Medal  Khrystsina Khlopina Bulgaria
Bronze Medal  Galina Orlenko Russia


Junior Female Style

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Taisia Krivoshchekova Russia
Silver Medal Khystsina Khlopine Belarus
Bronze Medal Galina Orlenko Russia


Junior Female Accuracy

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner  Tasia Krivoshchekova Russia
Silver Medal  Sai Wang China
Bronze Medal  Galina Orlenko Bularus


Junior Male Overall

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Elischa Weber Germany
Silver Medal Ilia Pozniakov Belarus
Bronze Medal Yiwen Liang China


Junior Male Style

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Elischa Weber Germany
Silver Medal Ilia Pozniakov Belarus
Bronze Medal Yiwen Liang China


Junior Male Accuracy

World Champion & Gold Medal Winner Kaiyuan Zhang China
Silver Medal Elischa Weber Germany
Bronze Medal Bonifac Hajek Czech Republic






11th Day of the Mondial, 8th December 2012

Saturday 8th December, Day 10 of competition.

13.30 The Mondial formally closes, with the final speach from Graeme Windsor, IPC President, and the lowering of the FAI Flag.  This was preceeded by the final medal ceremony for the Freefall Style and Accuracy Landing winners, and presentations to all the people who had worked so hard,  behind the sceans to make this Mondial the success it was.

An event to go down in the history of the FAI and IPC.  The largest and most spectacular and successful air sports event ever.

The statistics from the competition are fascinating - a total of 11,408 jumps were made during the Mondial.  We have had 170,00 hits on our website to date! and still rising.

9.30   The two final jumps of this fantastic Mondial took place in the accuracy arena.  Taisia Krivosjcjelpva, Russia jumped first and scored 0.02 mt. and then Sai Wang, China jumped and had 0.04 mt.  So the Gold Medal position in the Junior Accuracy. Female event was decided.  Congratulations to both girls - to have to wait overnight before making such an important jump and with so few spectators to cheer them on must have added to the nervous tension of going for gold.

Now there is time for planning of fun loads, the Canopy Piloting to look forward to, and the closing ceremony and final prize giving later today.

This morning we have the very last of the competition  jumps as the accuracy competition jump offs are made for the junior female gold medal.

We shall then have the spectacular event of Canopy Piloting Freestyle.  This is an event the Canopy Piloting community would like to see included in the competition calendar, and it certainly is crowd pleasing.

There are also plans for some big way formation building, so we look forward to an enjoyable day at Skydive Dubai, before the closing ceremony and concert this evening.




Today's Birthday

Emil Bartak (Czech Rep.) CF 2-Way Seq



10th Day of the Mondial, 7th December 2012

December 7th 2012

Day 10 of Competition

Results:    These are posted on our results site as soon as released by the Judge panels for uploading.  Depending on the Chief Judge this may take longer for some events than others.   Although the "live" results from the judging panels are available on the DZ - big screen, this is not linked to the uploading process.  

If you wish to see a change in this process so that the results can to be posted publically more quickly, please lobby your IPC Delegate to support this at the Annual IPC Meeting this January in Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

The latest Jury notices are published under this link

18.30 and the second prize giving ceremony of the Championships is over.  The Junior and Senior Style medal ceremony started the proceedings, followed by Canopy Formations and Formation Skydiving.  We will do full reports with photographs of all the ceremonies as individual pages.

Earlier in the afternoon another presentation was made of the Commonwealth Cup.  This was presented to the British Accuracy team by the IPC President Graeme Windsor.  This is a "fun" competition between the Brits, Ausies and Canadians and the cup is presented to the team that does best at a first category event.   A fun competition treated seriously by the contestants.

There was a record canopy formation built over Dubia this afternoon;  25 international canopy formation skydivers.  I have been promised a picture for the site for tomorrow.

Accuracy has almost completed and the results are on the results page:  Congratulations to the new World Champions, following a very exciting contest.  Tomorrow morning we have the jump off for the female accuracy 3rd place and then at 10.00 there will be a Canopy Piloting Freestyle competition.

13.00 and the Media Center was visited by Felix Baumgartner

A year ago he was here as a competitor, part of the Austrian team at the Dubai Gulf Cup, no crowd of TV cameras and paparazzi then, but probably one of the few people who has earnt celebrity status.  It was great he could find the time to visit in his busy schedule.

Meanwhile the accuracy continues in beautiful conditions and a perfect for the crowds of onlookers who have come to see skydiving.


Yesterday evening the weather defeated all attempts to complete the accuracy competition.  Style and Canopy Formations did complete as did 8-Way Formation Skydiving, and so a Prizegiving Ceremony was announced for  the early evening.  The stage was set and at around 6.30 the awards ceremony commenced. 

Medals and trophies were presented firstly to the Artistic Events winners, Freestyle and Freefly with the French National Anthem rinning around the Drop Zone for both.  This was followed by Canopy Piloting all events and the overall, this time it was the American National Anthem that dominated,

This was followed by prizes/trophies to the winners of the ParaSki Demonstration Event and Speed Skydiving, Demonstration, Test Competition.   Graeme Windsor, President of IPC then presented the FAI Gold Parachuting Medal to Tim Mace in recognition of his achievements.  At the end of the ceremony a Medal was presented to the Meet Director, Mr. Mohamed Yousef, in recognition of his contribution to Skydiving in Dubai.

With so many events ending yesterday it has been difficult to keep up with the Congratulations:

Style Female
Total Time
Gold Medal Elena Laktionova Russia
Silver Medal
Svetlana Klenina
Bronze Medal Yan Cao China


Style Male
Total Time
Gold Medal Phiulippe Valois France
Silver Medal
Jiri Gencnuk
Czech Republic
Bronze Medal Libor Jirousek Czech Republic

and at the end of the Canopy Piloting World Championships the winners are:

2-Way Sequential
Total Points
Gold Medal
France 1
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal


4-Way Rotations
Total Points
Gold Medal
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal


4-Way Sequential
Total Points
Gold Medal
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal


Total Points

Gold Medal

France 2
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal
France 1


Total Points
Gold Medal
France 1
Silver Medal
France 2
Bronze Medal
Great Britain



Today's Birthdays


Sharney Perrow (Australia) CP-Female Team Manager

Conor King (Ireland) FS 4 Way Open

Raimonds Kirejevs (Latvia) Male Accuracy

Noah Bahnson (UAE) CP - Male

Aljalila Al Nuaimi (UAE) FS 4-Way Female Jnr

Larysa Zubrytska (Ukraine) Female Style - Senior

End of the Mondial, 9th December 2012

Sunday, 9th December - It's all over

Following the final prize-giving and closure of the Competitions, there was a magnificant flying display both by an aerobatic display team and Zoltan in his magic machine.

The final closing ceremony and party/concert last night was stupendous, spectacular: superlatives are not enough to describe a fitting closure for an amazing World Championships. 

Held at the Maydan racecourse (look it up on Google!), we were greated by free drinks and finger food and then moved into the arena.  On the huge stage set up we were entertained with video footage put together from the Mondial and the 3rd Gulf Cup.  The Champions from the competition then paraded onto the stage;  the arena was filled with jumpers and fans of Usher and Katie Perry, whoes concert was to follow.  The master of ceremonies then announced that a special guest was to be presented with an award from their hignesses who had hosted the Mondial - and Felix Baumgartner came onto the stage to receive his award and congratulate all the medal winners. 

When asked "what next" he responded that his life had been very hectic since his jump from space, but he had achieved his two childhood objectives, to jump from space and to fly helicopters - so maybe now he would do something for others and planned to fly rescue helicopters.

There was then a brilliant firework display above the arena.   We were then entertained, loudly but excellently by Usher and Katie Perry - the atmosphere was electric and it was a fitting closure to a memorable Mondial.

Thank you Dubai.

If you are looking for the medal tables and prize-giving pictures they can be found under Mondial Mutterings, and the pictures will be added over the next few days.  All the videos judged at this competition for Formation Skydiving, Canopy Formations and Artistic Events will be available on our YouTube site during the coming days - and a compilation tape for Judge Training is being prepared by Tamara Koyn - when ready they will be announced on this site.

My thanks for their help in making this reporting possible go to Fay Kimble,for her unfailing support, Claire King & Dirk Venter of InTime Scoring Systems for the Formation Skydiving, Canopy Formations and Artistics Events dynamic results and videos and Gwrt Weckbecker for the Freefall Style and Accuracy Landings results  and to all those many people on the organising committee who provided us with information on delegations, daily timings and all the background material. 

Susan Dixon, 9th Decembre 2012

Programme of Events


 Sunday, 9th December 2012

The Competition is over - today is for sightseeing or travelling home.

Until the next competition - blue skies

9th Day of the Mondial, 6th December 2012

6th December 2012 - day 8 of competition

15.00  After 6 days of sunshine, today we have low clouds covering the DZ when the wind drops!  I feel for the final round of accouracy jumpers who have been on stand-by since 8.00 this morning!  Everything else is complete in terms of having been jumped.  We are still waiting for the final judgements to be made of the 4-way Canopy Piloting events - following a team protesting their disqualification, and Style.

13.00   The Formation Skydiving 8-way event is over.  As expected the USA won with 229 points with a flying last round - and brought their average for the competition to a new record of 22.9 :  France came second with 225 equalling the USA last round total of 25.  Russia came in 3rd with a total of 192 points.

UAE, in their first World Championships in this difficult discipline, came in a very credible 6th having made the cut for the Final Round.


Today's Birthdays

Teodor Toshev (Bulgaria) Male Style
Heather Porteous (Canada) FS 8-Way Female
Sascha LASOTTA (Germany) Male Style


10.30 hrs:  

A later start this morning - 8.30am - to finalise the last round of Freefall Style and the the much awaited FS 8-Way, with the final rounds of canopy formation taking place out at the racecourse.  We have a fair degree of thin cloud cover, but not enough to ground proceedings at the moment. 

An early seekie load was caught out by the wind conditions coming into the arena over the high rise buildings and one of their number ended up taking an early swim.  So accuracy on hold for the moment, although Canopy Formations and Style continued jumping onto the racecourse.  At 10.30 the Formation Skydiving 8-way teams in the Final cut-off (6 teams) emplaned for their last round jumps. 

10.45 and the conditions are improving, looks like we will soon be underway with the last rounds of individual accuracy.

The prize giving ceremony is planned for 16.00 hrs this afternoon, and the podium is hurridly being built on the Drop Zone.




South Africa CP Delegation

Untitled Document



Deleg CP

Back to Delegation

Logo Mondial 2012 92h

Flag Sth Africa


Christopher Teague
Selwyn Johnson
Rob Kruger

Canopy Piloting Team Manager

Pierre Domps


Competitors' Tales

More Pictures


7th Day of the Mondial, 4th December 2012

Tuesday, 4th December - Day 6 of competition

17,00 The last jump of Canopy Piloting is completed and we have a winner for Distance and Overall - Congratulations to:

Canopy Piloting - Overall

Gold Medal

Curtis Bartholomew, USA

863.375 Total
Silver Medal

Nicholas Batsch, USA

819.410 Total
Bronze Medal Pablo Hernandez Moll, ESP 798.070 Total


Canopy Piloting - Distance

Gold Medal Nicholas Batsch, USA
192.221 Total
Silver Medal Jason Moldezki, CAN 288.515 Total
Bronze Medal Curtis Bartholomew, USA 279.560 Total

14.00 The last round of Canopy Piloting - Distance has started - all that is needed to complete their World Championships.  Will Nicholas Batsch beat his record distance set yesterday (to be ratified, of course)?  His distance of 154.09 mt. beats his current record of 151.95, also under consideration for ratification by the FAI.

Vertical Formation Skydiving

Gold Medal France 185 Total
Silver Medal UAE 177 Total
Bronze Medal USA 168 Total

With Canada taking a very creditable fourth place - considering they have been training and vertical flying for less than a year!  The future looks good for VFS with such new teams, UAE and Canada doing well.

Congratulations to all the Medal winners

11.45 - Final Round of VFS - judging live on the big screens on the DZ

France had pulled ahead of the UAE over the last two rounds and now with a lead of 6 points should win the competition - but who knows the last round is still to be judged.  At the moment, after Round 7 France is leading with 163 points, UAE 2nd with 157, and the USA third with 149.


But that is not all we also have the final positions for Artistic Events, Freestyle and Freefly:

Artistic Events - Freestyle Points
Gold Medal France 1 64.9
Silver Medal France 2 63.9
Bronze Medal Great Britain 60.4


Congratulations to our Freestyle Medal Winners


Artistic Events - Freefly Points
Gold Medal France 2
Silver Medal USA 2 64.5
Bronze Medal France 1


Congratulations to our Freefly Medal Winners

As a follow on from the article on \"Here come the Girls - to the Mondial\" today an invitation has been sent to all delegations inviting nominations to form the FAI Working Group on Women in the FAI.



The end is in sight, one more round of CP to complete the meet for that event, accuracy is moving on with an early start this morning into Skydive Dubai, all the other events are comforably giving us two rounds per day and Artistic Events should complete today.  Speed Skydiving having finished their competiton will continue to jump today in search of records.  We hope to have video of this to add to those already posted.

The sheer size of the organisation needed, and the many people who are working so hard, early starts and late finishes, to ensure that all runs smoothly often go un-noticed, un-mentioned and un-thanked - so today I will  endeavour to photograph this massive support team and put up an article about that side of this Mondial.

Meanwhile we have a result in the Accuracy event of CP: :

  • Chris Bartholomew, USA, 1st place with 289.010 points

  • Pablo Hernandez Moll, ESP, 2nd place with 287.428 points

  • Christian Wagner, AUT 3rd place with 276.438 points



 Today\'s Birthdays 

Carlos Correa Cabral (Brazil) CF 2Way Seq Video
Igor Shtol (Kazakhstan) Male Style



6th Day of the Mondial, 3rd December 2012

Monday 3rd December - Day 5 of competition

15.30  Formation Skydiving, Canopy Formations and Artistic Events stood down for the rest of the day along with the Style jumpers, however  accuracy and CP continue.  Tonight sees the start of the training for the skiing element of the Paraski event, and the actual skiing will happen tomorrow evening from 18.00 to 22.00.  Spectators on both days will be welcome. 

After 6 rounds of Formation Skydiving have been completed, we still have a very tight competition in all events -

  • VFS:     France  142 :  UAE 140 :  USA 131  and Canada are in 4th - their first year of competition!
  • 8-Way:  USA 137 : France 133 : Russia 117
  • 4-Way Open:  USA 156 : Belgium 154 : France 152 again with Canada in 4th place
  • 4-Way Female :  USA 119 : France 118 : Norway 105 - a real cat fight!
  • In the 4-Way Female the UAE team have not improved on their 11th place


Canopy Formations also has a very close competition developing and in both 4-way events there is a tie for first place after round 4 was completed:


  • 2-Way Sequential - Round 5
  • France 1 :   107     Australia 1 :  98 and             USA1 : 95.
  • 4-Way Sequential - Round 4
  • USA and France  35 :  Russia 22.
  • 4-Way Rotations - Round 4
  • France and Russia 62 : Belarus 68.

We are still waiting for the results for Canopy Piloting and Artistic Events to be posted - at the moment in Canopy Piloting we have a result in the Speed Event.

  • 1st Place :  Curtis Bartholomew, USA with 294.805 cumulative score
  • 2nd Place:  Thomas Delibac, USA with 272.457 cumulative score
  • 3rd Place :  Jason Moledzki, Canada with 270.429 cumulative score.

Each day the local TV company Dubai Sports is broadcasting live from Skydive Dubai between 11 and 13 hours.  It has been a huge learning curve also for the TV production team to try and understand what is going on;  particulary as so much of the competition is happening in the air, and jumpers are landing on four different drop zones.  They are making an excellent job of it with shots of a very busy and colourful drop zone here at Skydive Dubai, and filling in with interviews - including one with Graemen Windsor, IPC President   At the end of the day they hold their \"wash up\" meeting in the Media Tent - Dubai style:

TV production



The Speed Skydiving Demonstration/Test competition completed yesterday with

 : Winner 

Marco Wiederkehr  SUI ,

Christian Ferrari GER 2nd and

Christian Labhart, SUI 3rd

Congratulations to all the competitors who took part in this event - read the article on one of their number, Tim Mace - who has  been awarded the FAI Gold Parachuting Medal, (in Mondial Mutterings).

12.00 and it is all happening.  Canopy Piloting at Skydive Dubai - 3 rounds planned for today.  3 rounds completed of Speed yesterday evening.  Accuracy continues at the beach drop zone;  Formation Skydiving and Artistics are jumping onto the crescent - and taking a speed boat ride back to Skydive Dubai.

The reports from the Jury are now also on line - up to today.

We were treated, as promised, to an amazing opening ceremony last night   Certainly another record for this Mondial, closer to an Olympic opening ceremony than to any World Meet I have ever attended.  A fascinating depiction of the history of flight mixed in with Arabic legends with use of lights, constantly changing back screens and aerial display; early flight, flying carpets, flying performers, and ending with a supurb fireworks display.   Made all the more magic by being combined with the celebrations throughout the UAE for their 41st National Day;  the walk back to the hotel in a town filled with a party atmosphere completed the evening. However, this morning we started at 7.00  



Today\'s Birthdays

Laura Polkjak (Argentina) FS 4 Way Open

Jasminka Zezelic (Croatia) Female Style - Senior 

Yaroslav Markevych (Ukraine) FS 4 Way Open

Olav Zipser (Venezuela) Freestyle Videographer




5th Day of the Mondial, 2nd December 2012

Sunday 2nd December 2012 - 41st National Day

15.00 hrs
Round 5 of Formation Skydiving 8-way has been completed and USA hold the lead with 119 whilst the current World Champions, France, have 113 and Russia are in thrid place with 102.  VFS continues to be a tight contest with the UAE holding 1st pace with 122 points, France close behind in second with 120 and the USA trailing a bit with 110 - 3 more rounds to go!

Artistics Freefly has completed 4 rounds, and France 2 is leading the USA by 0.1 of a point (37.1 - 37.0) with France 1 in third place with 36.5.  Freestyle has also completed 4 rounds, with France 2 leading France 1 by 0.1 points (37.3 - 37.2) with G.B. in third place with 34.3.

Canopy Piloting is happening at the moment, and Accuracy Landings is continuing on the Beach DZ.  It will be an early finish today though, as we have to get ready for the opening ceremony at 20.00 hrs.

Each day there is a free draw, tickets available to registered persons on the DZ, for 5 Iphones and 5 Ipads!  This is drawn in the evening as jumping finishes.


The Accuracy Landing competition up until now has been split over two DZ\'s, so a 7.00am call this morning was necessary to complete Round 2. With all three Male Rounds completed we have Vodisek Domen (SLO) and Liang Yong (CHN) tied in 1st place with 00cm scores, with 5 jumpers tied for  3rd place with 01cm. Female Accuracy Round 2 is still in progress, so too are Juniors and Male & Female Freefall Style.


 No competitors\' birthdays today, but for UAE a huge day of celebration and one (on a smaller scale) the organisation here can justifiably share in.

There was a lot happening yesterday - as of this morning we have:

Accuracy Landings and Freefall Style:  Male 1 & 3 rounds with the 2nd to complete in Accuracy; 1st round to complete in Style :  Females 1 & 3 rounds completed in accuracy and 2nd to do.  No style yet.  Juniors the same as the Female event.

Formation Skydiving:  4 rounds completed in 4-way open and 4-way female, whilst 8-way and VFS have completed 3 rounds.

Canopy Formations:  2 rounds in 2-way sequential completed, and for 4-way sequential and rotations 1 round done with the 2nd to complete.

Artistic Events:  Freestyle - 3 rounds completed;  Freefly 2 rounds completed and 1 jump needed to complete round 3.

Canopy Piloting;  1 round completed in each event (Accuracy, Speed, Distance) with the 2nd round started for speed.

Today we finish earlier than usual in order to prepare for the Opening Ceremony, postponed from Frday 30th, which looks to be a spectacular affair from the sneek previews we have had of rehearsals and the rumours circulating the drop zone!  I 'm sure it will be a fitting ceremony for this fantastic Mondial.