
65th IPC Plenary Meeting, Bulgaria 2015

IPC Meeting Bulgaria 2015 bulletin 1 solid

The Agenda is now published on this web-site - either follow the Menu headings  - About us - Meetings - 2015

or click on this link

You may struggle to download files using Internet Explorer so suggest a different browser - Firefox - Chrome - Safari etc

15th World Para Ski Championships, Unterammergau, Germany, 17-21 Feb 2015- Bulletin No.2

Paraski 2015_logo-sm

Bulletin No. 2 is now published on this web site.

Please note that the final entry date is 3rd January - just after the New Year celebrations - so ask your NAC to get your entry in early! 

Results availble from this link from 18th February 2015.



5th DIPC, Dubai, 2014 - The Judges

Exi - Chief JudgeThe Chief Judge at the 5th DIPC is Dr. "Exi" Rainer Hoenle


5th DIPC, Dubai, UAE, 26th Nov - 6 Dec 2014 - Organisation

The organisation required in order to have a successful Dubai International Parachuting Competition is huge and arranged in a very formal way.  The Higher Organising Committee is made up of the Emirates Aerosports Federation and representatives from Dubai and all final and executive decisions are taken there,

Chairman Technical Committee & Meet Director

Mohammed Yousuf Adbul Rhamn

Deputy Technical Committee & Assistant Meed Director Helmut Schlecht
Chairman Transport Co-ordinator Ali Al Marzouqi
Head IT section EAF Skyudive Dubai Samer Al Shemmari

Co-ordinator IT/Results/Websites Registration

Gernot Rittenschober

 however the "on the ground" arrangements are made by the Technical Committee above.   Helmut Schlecht who has built an organisational team around him over the 6 years of the Dubai International competitions.Waiting the meeting start opt

Each person is responsible for an area of the organisation and brings his expertise to the role, whilst the whole is co-ordinated by Helmut Schlecht.

Chief conducts 1st meeting opt copyThe first meeting of some members of the Technical committee - 20th November.

Administrative Assistantce Ule Vetter Camille Jardel Roser Liorens
Administration Co-ordinator Jeugen Barth

Matthias Maushake

Head Manifest

Peter Huenecke

Manifest Fixed Wing

Michael Pfleger


Marianne Kitscher


+ Marsheller/Dispatcher

Abdullah Murad 


Carsten Teil 

Fixed Wing

DZ Co-ordinator

Helmut Bastuck FS/AE/SS

Crescent DZ

Hans Geitner CF

Horse Race DZ

Doug Peacock AL/CP/SS

Palm DZ & Beach DZ


Jens Jarisch IT



Susan Dixon

IPC Webmaster/Results

Robin O'Shaughnessy

Facebook & Social Media

 Technical & Scoring

Gert Weckbecker, AL

Davide Lonardoni, AL

Jean-Claude Helguers, AL

Corrado Marchet, Video AL

Daniele Varago, Video AL

Jasper Williams, Course

Director, CP

Donovan Thatcher,

Technical CP

Freddy Scott MacDonald

Pond CP

Christopher Pope

Video, CP

Chester Monreal Barria

Video, CP

Ted Wagner



Bjoern Korth

Korth Scoring System


 Parachute Maintenance

Pablo Perazzoli

Master Rigger

 Eugeny Gruzdev
 Aircraft - Skydive Dubai

Rodrego J. Sanchez

Chief Pilot

Steve Jackson

Zach Kimsey

Andreas Schulz

Eric Von Kanel

Justin Swiel



Joseph Keffer

Dean Ricci

 Aircraft - Abu Dhabi Aviation



Rafel Valero

Chief Pilot  Bell 412

 Mike Walker

Pilot - Bell 412


 Arturo Cruz

Chief Pilot Bell 412

 Jose Callejas

Manuel Ramirez

Engineers Bell 412

 Dubai Air Wings

Kalif Kaliba - Pilot Bell 412

Cpt Tasnim - Pilot Bell 412

 Weather Service

Chris Worger

Manager DANS-MET

 Media Presentation

Regan Tetlow

Presenter & Accouncer

CP/FS Award Ceremony

Zoran Racic

Presenter & Accouncer


Bruno Brokken

Aerial Photographer

 Skydive Dubai

Alan Gayton

Operation Manager

 Ivan Semenyaka

Ground Control

Karim Malik

EFR Coordinator

Khalid Al Aref

Head of Aviation

 Skydive Dubai

Ernesto Gainza

OPS Assistant Manager

 Marius Melusel

Content Manager

 Darja Karas

Manifest Manager

 Skydive Dubai Manifest

Dana Lynn Dean

Yvonne Lorenzen

Tracy Cotter

 Sarka Blaskova

Jennifer Lieras

Diana Obnial

John Sabitsana - Loader

Alain Karas - Loader

Dave Korteza - Loader

 Skydive Dubai

Lynette Warn

Ashton Wood

Ground Palm DZ

 Leigh Kempen

Shawn Carter

Brittany Lauren Bell

Ground Beach DZ

Carl Partington

Darius Turcinskas

Max Bruffell

Ground Horse DZ


 Sandrine Timmermans

Jo Kunnen

Mirko di Siena

Ground Crescent DZ

 Skydive Dubai Around 90 other personnel acting as pilots, boat driver, rescue diver mechanics, camera etc.

5th DIPC, Dubai - Thank you


A huge thank you must go to His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammef Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Sports Council for his continuing Patronage, sponsorship and support of the Dubai International Parachuting Competition without which none of this would have been possible.

Also a thank you to the Emirates Aerosport Federation (EAF) and Skydive Dubai and the various committees and people who worked so hard to make this a success.
  Higher Organizing committee

Members of the Higher Organizing Committee at the awards ceremony


1st World Cup in Indoor Skydiving, Austin, USA - Final Report & Video


Three years ago Gillian Rayner of the International Parachuting Commission (IPC) and Axel Zohmann of the International BodyFlight Association met to discuss the feasibility of hosting a World Cup for Indoor Skydiving. The IPC went on to modify the “outdoor” rules for skydiving for use indoors to include four disciplines: Formation Skydiving (FS), Vertical Formation Skydiving (VFS) as well as for the artistic events which include Freefly and Freestyle.

In January of 2014, iFLY Austin’s Operations Manager Erin Horton secured the bid to host the 1st FAI World Cup of Indoor Skydiving. On November 13th, months of hard work came together as the President of the International Parachute Council, Graeme Windsor, declared the meet officially open. An air of anticipation passed through the banquet room for no one quite knew what to expect, as the weekend was to be the first of its kind.


5th DIPC Dubai, Day 9

Take another view of the competition on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage and  Results

At the end of each day printable PDFs of the latest results will be available on the IPC Results Portal.

Last lift of the competition - coming in to land
The party's over, it's time to say goodbye to Dubai until next year - thanks to all the competitors who made this such an exciting often very close and enjoyable competition.

Yesterday evening closed with the Medal Ceremony followed by a closing banquet on the Drop Zone (in the best DZ Restaurant in the world) and live music.

The last day we actually made 134 aircraft loads - and this picture is of the very last helicopter flight - with the tie break jumps for the Accuracy Landing Male first place - against the amazing backdrop of Dubai.

Congratulations after the Jump off


5th DIPC Dubai, Sweden delegation photographs

AL International 5

Swedish Competitors (136 & 137) on International 5 Mixed Accuracy Landing Team


5th DIPC Dubai, Day 8

Take another view of the competition on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage and  Results

At the end of each day printable PDFs of the latest results will be available on the IPC Results Portal.

CP - distance round
14.30 Friday 5th December 2014

DIPC5 is over officially with completed competitions in all disciplines.  Thanks must go to all the work doen by the Technical Committee members and the staff of Skydive Dubai and all the amazingly hard working support staff that make an event of this size and complexity possible.

There will be a prize-giving ceremony later this evening, but for now the final results for the Accuracy Landing and Freestyle Canopy Piloting are given here:


5th DIPC Dubai, Day 7

Take another view of the competition on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage and  Results

At the end of each day printable PDFs of the latest results will be available on the IPC Results Portal.

the palm

18.00 Thursday, 4th December 2014

The best day so far with a total of 1041 jumps made, split between 541 from the fixed wing aircraft - Formation Skydiving and Canopy Piloting and 500 from the helicopters for the Accuracy Landing.

The plan for tomorrow is an early start with a 7.45 first lift for Accuracy Landing onto the Beach DZ and to continue there for the Accuracy Landing Semi-Final.  Meanwhile an 8.00 first load for Canopy Piloting with Freestyle - as today the Canopy Piloting event completed.

The two rounds of Speed/Distance combined event - which was enjoyed and approved of by the competitors - two rounds of Dragged Distance and 2 rounds of Carved Speed.  I apologise for the lack of pictures on this site of the Canopy Piloting, but there will be loads on the EAF website in the days following DIPC5

The Prize Giving ceremony is planned for 17.30 tomoorow afternoon after which we will be treated to a firework display.