
Judges Training Course - Speed Skydiving - 2014


Current FAI Judges who are interested in qualifying in this new discipline can attend the training course organised at this year's First World Cup in Speed Skydiving, August 25-3, 1Prostejov, Czech Republic.


There is a notice about  this course published on this web-site.  Follow the link, or go to Documents, Officials, Judges & Delegates and the notice is under Judges and then Judge Training Course/

World Championships & World Cup in FS, AE and SP, Prostejov, Czech Republic, Aug 2014




Bulletin No. 1 is now published on this web site, either follow the links via the Events Calendar or click here.

The entry form will follow very shortly.

2013 FAI Annual Report available now !

2013FAI-Annual-Report Capture CoverThe 2013 FAI Annual Report, which gives an overview of last year’s activities and achievements of the Federation, has been released.


COLPAR and other 2nd Category Events

colpar LOGO

The IPC Events Calendar (menu button to right of front page) now covers both 1st Category Events (World Championships, World Cups etc) and 2nd Category Events (like the following competitions).

So if you are, or may be, interested in these events read on:

COLPAR have published information on:

49th Argentina Parachuting Completion (Accuracy Landings) - 1 - 4 May - San Francisco, Cordoba, Argentina

11th Latin American Championships & 1st Friendship Cup (Accuracy Landings and Team Accuracy) 14-21 July, Voradero, Matanzas, Cuba.

12th Latin American Championships (Canopy Piloting) 2 - 7 September, Botuva, Brazil

22nd World Pops Meeting and Championships, 14-22 November, San Juan, Argentina.

In addition we have three Russian competitions, two Individual Accuracy competitions:  one in Nazran, 25-28 July and the other in Makhachkala 8-14 September and a Paracross competition in Menzelinsk, Tartars tan the 25-31 August.

Not to forget the Australian Skydiving Nationals in York, Australia 16 - 21 April.

Visit the Events Calendar for full information.


2014 World Championships - Judges Panels


The Panel of Judges appointed for all the FCE's in 2014 are now published on the Documents page under Officials, Judges and Delegates, Judges.

Or follow these links - Artistic Events   :    Canopy Formation      Formation Skydiving     Freefall Style & Accuracy Landings    Canopy Piloting    Indoor Skydiving    Speed Skydiving

or you can also find them if you go to the menu item above "About us", Judges.

1st Bureau Newsletter for 2014



Go to the menu box on the right of the page "Bureau Newsletters" to read the latest news from Graeme Windsor and your bureau.  Lots has happened in the first three months of this year.

14th FAI World ParaSki Championships, Tanay (Russia) 11-16 March, 2014

Tanay-2014-logo sm

All the final results of the combined scores are available on the following link FAI World Paraski

Championships 2014

For more pictures go to: www.paraski2014.ru

Day 5, 15th March 2014

The weather has defeated us and there will be no more parachuting taking place.  The competition will be declared after 2 rounds of Male Accuracy and 3 rounds of Female. 


On Line Judges Training Courses

on-line coursePlease can we ask for patience (a good judging virtue) from all judges and would-be judges who have tried to access the On Line Judges Training Courses.  These are still under construction and those that are completed need to be updated with the regulation changes.

The Judges committee and the Judge Training Co-ordinator, Karla Cole are working hard to bring the system up to date, and to have it available as soon as possible.

Meanwhile if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either Pia Beggren (Committee Chair) or Karla Cole via the FAI.

12th March 2014, Susan Dixon

The IPC Strategic Plan

strategic plan

A video presentation of the plan is now available by following the link

IPC Strategic Plan (2013)

4th Dubai International Parachuting Championships - 2013 & Including Speed Skydiving

Dubai Logo

We have pleasure in advising that the results from the Speed Skydiving test event are now alongside all the other results from the 4th DIPC on the IPC-wcresults page

OmniSkore have the videos and judging breakdown sheets

Skydive Mag has all the stories

Congratulations to all the medal winners and to all participants.


Ranking Lists - 2013 Finalised

Final Ranking ListNiels-Christians for 2013

Following the end of the season for FCE's the ranking lists for 2013 have been finalised.

There are few surprises as those Nations that have dominated in different disciplines continue to do so, however in one or two cases the failure to enter every possible First Category Event has had an impact.

Freefall Style and Precision Accuracy:

In the Male event the first position is spread between countries, for Accuracy : Slovenia, Style : the Czech Republic and Overall : Russia.  Russia however wipes the board in the Female events taking first position in Accuracy, Style and Overall.

Formation Skydiving;

The dominance of Belgium (first place) continues in the 4-Way Open event;  however despite France’s dominance of the 4-way Female event, first position goes to USA because they competed in all 5 of the FCE’s in the 4 years that count.  France continued their dominance of the 8-way and VFS events, but UAE are now in second place in VFS which could make 2014  interesting.

Artistic Events,

Great Britain take first place in Freestyle despite France’s dominance, due to consistence of entry but France retains their first position in Freefly.

Canopy Piloting

Continues with the dominance of the USA taking first place in all 4 elements of this discipline.

The ranking lists are available under the following drop-down menu:
“Events” “Rankings” and the guide to how it all works on this link

Susan Dixon
November 2013