
15/08/2013 Banjaluka, BiH


Throughout the competition - Live Results available - follow this link

Breaking News - first Videos available on YouTube - follow the link and the Playlists. 


Day 2:    A simple but effective opening ceremony yesterday evening formally started the FAI European Championships and World Cups in Formation Skydiving and Artistic Events.  Competitors paraded behind their national flags onto the stage one at a time - and were applauded by everyone. 


We then had speeches from the President of the Parachute Club hosting these events, Flatan Crnalic welcoming everyone;  one from the Minister of the Interior for the Republic of Srpska (a region of Bosnia Herzegovina) and finaly Graeme Windsor, President of IPC.


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17.00 - We have a tie in first place in the 4-Way Female after 3 rounds between France and the USA both on 64 points, UK in 3 rd position 10 points behind.

The Artistics Event has already completed 5 rounds in Freefly with France first then  Russia then Norway.  In Freestyle round 4 is being judged at the moment,  France currently in the top three positions.

12.00 - VFS were told at 10.30 this morning that they were finished for the day - 8-way conintues but at the end of 3 rounds we have France Aerodyne Maubeuge in first place with 70 points, Russia Barkli second on 57 and France Espoir Maubeuge in 3rd with 52 points.  This afternoon we will continue with 4-way open and 4-way Female.  Both Artisitc Events continue through the day.

We made the front page and  a full page of the sports news in one of the National Newspapers - and have had TV coverage each day.  There was a local crowd here to watche the opening ceremony, and public during the day.  The children are there each day to get the autographs of all these skydivers from around the world.  It is really exciting for them - maybe they will be the future club jumpers.

Headline News Sports Pge News

 8.00 am wheels off this morning with 8-way.   Round 1 of VFS has just completed.

Yesterday evening a Video Review met for the first time to decide on the Russian Freestyle team “Imps” loss of image for their round 2 jump. The panel decided that the loss of image could have been controlled by the team and therefore under the Artistic Events Competition Rules were denied a rejump.

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