
4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Norwegian Team Pictures

Norway - Barton Hardie Norway - Daniel Eriksen
Barton Adrian Hardie Daniel Eriksen

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - New Zealand Team Pictures

New Zealand - Mike Beeden
Mike Beeden

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Italian Team Pictures

Italy - Giuseppe Crott Italy - Armando Fattoruso
Guiseppe Crott Armando Fattoruso
Italy - Mario Fattoruso
Mario Fattoruso

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Ireland Team Pictures

Ireland - Aaron Cosbey
Aaron Cosbey

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - GB Team Pictures

Great Britain - Maxine Tate Great Britain - Max Bruffell
Maxine Tate Max Bruffell
Great Britain - Brian Vacher Great Britain - Alexis McNaughton
Brain A. Vacher Alexis McNaughton
Great Britain - Wez Westley Great Brittain - Henry Van Halewyn
Alan Westley Henry MVan Halewyn

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Germsn Team Pictures

Germany - Tobias Koch Germany - Markus Scheuermann
Tobias Koch Markus Scheuermann
Germany - Max Kossidowski
Max Kossidowski

4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Day 3

Friday, 28th August 2015

Follow these links for more information/coverage/results from the competition:


8th European and 5th Junior European Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing Championships: Final Day



Their smiles reflect the entire Championships!


4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Franch Team Pictures

France - Cedric Veiga Rios France - Guillaume Bernier
Cedric Veiga Rios Guillaume Bernier
France - Julien Guiho
Julien Guiho

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Danish Team Pictures

Denmark - Rene Hansen Denmark - Martin Halfer
René Steen Hansen Martin Halfer
Denmark - Christian Weber Jensen
Christian Weber Jensen

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Czech Republic Team Pictures

Czech - Jan Roub Czech Republic - Jiri Blaska
Jan Roub Jiri Blaska
Czech Republic - Mark Rahbani Czech Republic - Michal Prochazka
Mark Rahbani Michal Prochazka
Czech Republic - Petr Mestak Czech Republic - Zbynek Zivny
Petr Mestak Zbynek Zivny