
4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Italy Delegation

Italy       ITALY     
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Giuseppe Crott
 Italy - Giuseppe Crott
Armando Fattoruso
 Italy - Armando Fattoruso
Mario Fattoruso
 Italy - Mario Fattoruso

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4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Norway Delegation

Norway      NORWAY    
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Barton Adrian Hardie
 Norway - Barton Hardie
Daniel Eriksen
 Norway - Daniel Eriksen

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4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Russia Delegation

Russia     RUSSIA   
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Sergey Kotlyarov
 Russia - Sergey Kotlyarov
Ruslan Lavrov
 Russia - Ruslan Lavrov
Nikita Kudryashov
 Russia - Nikita Kudryaoshov
Dmitrii Shevchenko
Russia - Dmitrii Shevchenko 
Sergey Romanyuk  Russia - Sergei Romaniuk
Igor Pugachev
 Russia - Igor Pugachev
Yuriy Garmashov
 Russia - Yuri Garmashov

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4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Slovakia Delegation

Spain        SPAIN      
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Pablo Hernandez Moll
 Spain - Pablo Hernandez

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4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Sweden Delegation

Sweden      SWEDEN    
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Fredrik Eklund  Sweden - Fredrik Ekland
Lars Nystrom
 Sweden - Lars Nystrom
Johan Karlsson
 Sweden - Johan Karlsson
Niklas Emanuelsson  Sweden - Niclas Emanuelsson
Stefan Burstrom  Sweden - Stefan Burstrom

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4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, UAE Delegation

UAE          UAE        
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Cornelia Mihai
 UAE - Cornelia Mihai
William Sharman
 UAE - William Sharman
Patrick Kaye
 UAE - Patrick Kaye
Abdulbari Qubaisi
 UAE - Abdulbari Qubaisi
David Ludvik
 UAE - David Ludvik

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4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, UK Delegation

Great Britain         UK        Canadian logo sm


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Maxine Tate
 Great Britain - Maxine Tate
Max Bruffell
 Great Britain - Max Bruffell
Brian A Vacher
 Great Britain - Brian Vacher
Alexis McNaughton
 Great Britain - Alexis McNaughton
Alan Westley
 Great Britain - Wez Westley
Henry M Van Halewyn
 Great Brittain - Henry Van Halewyn

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4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Ukraine Delegation

Ukraine     UKRAINE   
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 Click on the Picture
Andrii Stalnyi  Ukraine - Andrii Stalnyi

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4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, USA Delegation

USA          USA        
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Nicholas Batsch
 USA - Nicholas Batsch
Greg Windmiller
 USA - Greg Windmiller
Thomas Dellibac  USA - Thomas Dellibac
Christopher Bobo
 USA - Ian Bobo
Curtis Bartholomew
 USA - Curt Bartholomew
Gage Galle
 USA - Gage Galle
Justin Price
 USA - Justin Price
Rob Wallace
 USA - Rob Wallace
Ryan Brownlow
 USA - Ryan Brownlow
Matthew Shull
 USA - Matt Schull
Paul Rodriguez
 USA - Paul Rodriguez
Albert Berchtold
 USA - Albert Berchtold 2

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8th European and 5th Junior European Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing Championships: Day 5

M-A 001
Male accuracy jumpers about to emplane one of the Antonov AN-2 aircraft

Tuesday 25 August 2015: Day 5  A later start to the day than yesterday, but with wall-to-wall sunshine, there's likely to be a comfortable pace of jumping today.