
4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP -Columbian Team Pictures

Colombia - Andres Alarcon Colombia - Milton Pachon
Andres Alarcon Morales Milton Pachon
Columbia - Jaime Tristancho
Jaime David Tristancho Sanchez

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Canadian Team Pictures

Canada - Chris Day Canada - Serge Blouin
Chris Day Serge Blouin

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Belgium Team Pictures

Belgium - Fabrice Laudin Belgium - Grim Swinnen
Fabrice Laudin Grim Swinnen
Belgium - Pieter Wittevrongel
Pieter Wittevrongle

4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Austia Team Pictures

Austria - Paul Alexandrow
Paul Alexandrow

4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Day 2

Thursday 27th August 2015

Follow these links for more information/coverage/results from the competition:

CSPA Facebook Live Results from this Competition

ThursdayArrived for 8.0 am start this morning to low cloud and swirling winds so on hold for 1 hour,  Follow the link to watch the great video created by Karine Provost for the opening ceremony:

Video from the Opening Ceremony

9.00 am

Martin Lemay does a trial jump to test the upper winds and general conditions - he stayed dry.   The Meet Director called a release until 2.00 p.m. - meanwhile a Competitors Meeting with the CP Committee members who are present was called for 9.30 am. 

A questionaire on several rules issues had been circulated to all competitors and the results would be presented at the meeting.  A long and very interesting meeting took place and gave the committee members present, Greg Windmiller, Ian Bobo, Marylou Laughlin, Philip Schorno and Bjorn Korth plenty of clearly defined wishes from the competitors - reached after quite detailed discussion.  Buzz reported on the results he had received from the questionnaire which had been handed out to all 76 competitors.  He had received 61 replies, which is a very good percentage.  The discussion started with the desire to allow future organisers to pick from a selection of possible events in their bid for future FCE's.  It seemed that the feeling from the floor was for more carved events, but they gave plenty for the committee to work on.Competitors meeting

They then moved to a long discussion regarding Marker Strikes and whether or not to reinstate the penalty as defined in the previous rules - and to what penalty should be applied.  Again this was a long but fruitful discussion.  There was agreement from all present to move to positive values only on the Accuracy course - and that the maximum wind speed for Zone Accuracy, from any direction, should be set at 5m/s.  There was also a total rejection by competitors of the proposed Gate 6 on the 70m distance course.

There was also a wish from all competitors to have the ability for competitors to request a video review - the committee will work on the parameters.  Finally, again after much discussion, no change to the weight table, but a request that more competitors be weighed, particularly those leading the competition.

The meeting lasted over 2 hours and managed to positively use some of the "released until 2.00" time.  At 2.00 the winds were still unsuitable for the competition to continue and everyone was "released" until 16.00 hrs when a final decision for the day will be made.  At least the sun has come out.


We almost got caught out by a sucker hole at 15.30 and hopes were raised that we would be able to jump finally today - but the rain clouds moved back in so we were all stood down for the day.  So - wheels off 7.30 tomorrow for round 1 of Zone Accuracy (if the conditions allow).Physiotherapists at work

NouveleAir think of everything - with time to spare the physios are in high demand.

8th European and 5th Junior European Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing Championships: Day 7


 Dramatic skies

LIVE Results on this link

With the completion of the Freefall Style event for both seniors and juniors, the medal ceremony took place at the end of Day 6 on the DZ. The Champions in their respective categories are as follows:


4th EC in CP & 8th WC of CP - Australia Team Pictures

Australia - Alex Horsburgh Australia - Jesse Warren
Alex Horsburgh Jesse Warren
Australia - Kevin Walters Australia - Ryan Fryzie Sanders
Keven Walters Ryan Sanders
Australia - Tom Gilmartin Australia - Tony Kellett
Tom Gilmartin Tony Kellett
Australia - Andrew Woolf Australia - Glenn Farrell
Andrew Woolf Glenn Farrell

4th European CP Championships & 8th WC in CP, Farnham, 2015 - People working to make this happen

Martin Lemay Marylou and Buzz
Martin Lemay and Karine Provost Organisers

Richard "Buzz" Bennett, Meet Director and

Marylou Louchlin, FAI Controller

 BrianMichelle-Intime  Cindy Brown Course Trchnical Dirrector

Brian Cole & Michelle Matte-Stotyn -

InTime Scoring System and cspa

 Cyndi Brown Course Technical Director

Barb Davies Assistant to the Chief Judge

 Bjorn Chief Judge
Barb Davies - Assistant to the Cheif Judge  Bjorn Korth - Cheif Judge
GW Jury P  Jolene Brzezinski

Graeme Windsor President of the Jury with

Buzz Bennett and Marylou Laughlin

 Jolene Brzezinski - Event Judge - Distance

Ray Williams EJ

ZExi event judge
Ray Williams - Event Judge - Accuracy Dr. Rainer "Exi"  Hoenle Event Judge - Speed
Jury Training Judges

The Jury - Johannes Gritsch, James Hayhurst

Graeme Windsor, President

Training Judges, CJT Anders Berggren -Vera

Asquith, Rina Gallo, Randall Holmes, Jorana

Mihajlovic, Claude Otis, Neil McGrath, Korissa


Judges working

I never managed a photograph of all the

judges together - here they are working

at the scoring section, you will see them in

the course picutres:  Our Panel of Judges

was Bjorn Korth, Chief Judge, Ray Williams,

EJ-ZA, Jolene Bezrezinski, EJ Speed and

Dr. Rainer "Exi" Hoenle, EJ Distance: Judges,

Zeljko Tanaskovic, Julia Sotnikova, Carmen

Matadeu, Nicky Young, Bernard Nicholas

and Barbara Davies, Assistant to the CJ


 Martins feet

The end - Fish

 and amphibians

4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting, Day 1

Wednesday 26th August 2015

Follow these links for more information/coverage/results from the competition:

CSPA Facebook Live Results from this Competition


8th European and 5th Junior European Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing Championships: Day 6

Chief-JudgeFAI Controller

Chief Judge: Ulf Tingert (L) and FAI Controller Günter Berendt (R) in deep discussion


Wednesday 26 August 2015: Day 6   To bring everyone up to date with the current situation of the Championships, so far we have scored and published the following rounds. 


4th European Canopy Piloting Championships & 8th World Cup of Canopy Piloting,Jury Notices 1 and 2


Annex 1


             IPC JURY NOTICE