
5th DIPC, Dubai, 2014 - Delegation Switzerland

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5th DIPC, Dubai, 2014 - Delegation UAE

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United Arab Emirates 




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5th DIPC, Dubai, 2014 - Delegation Ukraine

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5th DIPC, Dubai, 2014 - Delegation USA

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United States of America



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5th DIPC Dubai, Day 2



Take another view of the competition on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage. Live Results HERE!

Breaking News - Breaking News

The Gala Dinner will not take place on 3rd December as announced at the start of the competition - instead it will happen tomorrow night - 30th November 2014

Full details will be announced at the Team Leader's Briefing tomorrow.

17.00 Saturday, 29th November 2014

The schedule for tomorrow is another early start (similar wind forecast as for today, although slightly lower high winds).  8.00 first take off for Accuracy Landing - having completed the third round today, and 10 teams have jumped the 4th round, the plan is to complete the 4th round and whatever time and the weather allows us - the aircraft will be here.  For formation skydiving tomorrow is the turn again of the 4-Way teams, both Open and Female with a 9.00 start.  Canopy Formation 2-Way Sequential will continue in the morning from 9.00 as will Speed Skydiving, along with Artistic Events Freefly.  Everyone else is released for the day.

Today we had 47 aircraft loads with a total of 604 jumps made, there were 8 rejumps - wind related - in the Accuracy Landing event.

Today's Birthdays

Firstly belated wishes to Maxine Tate of Great Britain for yesterday

and Best Wishes to Aksana Famina, Belarus for today.

15.30 Saturday, 29th November 2014

Well the forecast winds arrivedAccuracy Landings were put on stand-by at mid-day and then on stand-down until 14.00, but no change so were released for the day.  But the winds crept even higher and all competitors are now released until tomorrow.  

11.00 Saturday, 29th November 2014

The competition is really close in several disciplines.  After 4 rounds of Formation Skydiving  - 4-way Open Belgium and Canada are tied in first place with 88 points with the USA close in third with 84.    The French girls are way ahead in the  Female event with 68 points but the UAE and USA girls tie for second place on 52 with Russia close on their heels with 51.


5th DIPC Dubai, The First Day

2 cm - accuracy activity

Take another view of the competition on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage. Live Results HERE!

16.00 Friday, 28th November

A successful first day - by 16.00 the manifest closed - early this evening because of the Opening Ceremony - more pictures of that later.  By the end of the day 4 rounds had been completed in Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open and Female, 4 rounds of Artistic Events Freefly and 2 rounds both of Speed Skydiving and Canopy Formations, 2-Way Sequential.  A third round of Accuracy Landing had been started.  In total 74 aircraft loads jumped, with a total of 984 jumps being made.


5th DIPC Dubai, Switzerland delegation photographs

AL Switzerland_mixed

Switzerland Mixed Accuracy Landing Team


5th DIPC Dubai, USA delegation photographs

AL USA_mixed_-1USA Accuracy Landing Mixed Team


5th DIPC Dubai, Russia delegation photographs

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Russia Accuracy Landing Team


5th DIPC Dubai, Day -1


Invitation to opening ceremonyred
Take another view of the competition on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage.

Click on any picture for a large version.

 This invitation has been issued to everyone in Dubai - should be a fantastic event: