
5th DIPC Dubai, Monaco delegation photographs

FS 4-way_Open_Monaco

Monaco Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open Team


5th DIPC Dubai, Moldova delegation photographs

AL Moldovia

Moldova Accuracy Landing Team


5th DIPC Dubai, Qatar delegation photographs

AL Quatar

Qatar Accuracy Landing Team


5th DIPC Dubai, Romania delegation photographs

AL Romania_Mixed

Romania Accuracy Landing Mixed Team

FS -_Romania_4-way_Open

Romania Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open Team

5th DIPC, Dubai, Day -2


Skydive Dubai aircraft

Take another view of the competiton on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage.

13.00 26 November   An invitation has been issued to all registered participants, officials and judges of DIPC5 to the use of the Dubai Wind Tunnel FREE OF CHARGE tonight, 26th Nov, from 18.00 to 21.00 on a first come first served basis. (click here for the full details)

 Click on the pictures for larger images.


5th DIPC Dubai, Austrian delegation photographs


AL Austria

Austria - Accuracy Landing Team


5th DIPC, Dubai, 26 Nov - 7 Dec 2014 - Preparation

Dubai 2014 new DZ sm
The Drop Zone at Dubai waiting completion of the final parts of the infrastructure, before the arrival of the first competitors.   The actual competition starts on the 28th November, although of course, there is the opportunity to make practice jumps on the previous days..  Following the final registration date there are 41 Nations registered although 2 have observer status and will not be jumping. 

1st World Cup in Indoor Skydiving, Austin, USA, Nov 2014 -Day 3

Final Day of the World Cup of Indoor Skydiving

Today was the third and final day of the 1st World Cup of Indoor Skydiving. The final results, together with a judged video for each flight, are available at the relevant link above.  The final rounds were conducted with a huge number of spectators in attendance and the atmosphere was electric, although there was not much risk of a change in the final ranking in FS.   Flying kicked off with FS Open followed by FS Female.  The two rounds were rapidly completed and the judges kept up pretty well with the scoring. FS Open was won by the Bad Boys from the Czech Republic and Female FS was won by Aerokart Deep Blue from France.  After a break when the FAI Officials were given another opportunity to fly, the Artistic Events took off.  Judging AE is slower than FS so while waiting for the scores to come out, the iFly staff gave a brilliant demonstration of what can be done in a tunnel.  The final round brought some change to the Freestyle scores with Olga Bakulina from Russia slipping from second place to third, replaced by Collective Freestyle (Michael Sylva Jr).