
5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Daily Diary - 8th November

Final Approved Results                        On-line TV Coverage of the Championships

Competitors meeting

The competitors meeting was held at 15.00 hrs with Dr. 'Exi' Rainer Hoenle (Committee Chair, CP) explaining the changes to the rules proposed for the coming year.  These were generally well accepted and the questions raised by the competitors will be considered by the committee at the next IPC plenary meeting in Jan/Feb 2015.

The closing ceremony happened as planned at 18.30 and medals and diplomas were awarded.  This was followed by the closing banquet, with good food and a happy and relaxed atmosphere.  Jim Heyhurst handed out the various certificates for National records that had been broken during the competition.




5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Daily Diary - 6th November

Final Approved Results                        On-line TV Coverage of the Championships

Congratulations to all our new Canopy Piloting World Champions


Overall World Champion

Curtis Bartholomew


USA CP Curt Bartholomew

 Carved Speed World Champion

Curtis Bartholomew


 Drag Distance World Champion

 Jason Saunders


 Zone Accuracy World Champion

 Keven Walters



65th IPC Plenary - Vashets, Bulgaria - 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2015


IPC Bulgaria_nac


Bulletin No. 1 is available on this site for the 65th IPC Meeting to be held in

Bulgaria, Vashets, Spa Hotel ATA from 28th January - 1st February 2015

5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Daily Diary - 5th November

JudgesLive Results                                                  Live On Line TV Coverage 

Today, or rather this morning, saw the completion of 3 rounds of Zone Accuracy in down-wind conditions - so a few bruises and I guess the judges looked less relaxed than they do in the picture.  Fortunately amongst the INTERESTING landings no serious problems.  After lunch it is planned to do the third round of Dragged Distance and complete the competition.  So watch the TV and the results as they get posted (once agreed by the Chief Judge).

According to the "unofficial" results we have a new star in 1st place for Zone Accuracy, Keven Walters from Australia, but the results have to be carefully checked before we can announce any winners.

Thanks to Alberto Martin Paracuelios and his daily reports from Z'Hills, U.S.A.


5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Daily Diary - 4th November

Live TV On Line Coverage              Live Results    


After a 7 am start 3 rounds of speed were completed with Chris Bartholomew, USA in first place.  There then followed two rounds of Distance after which Pablo Hernandez fo Spain was in first place.

5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'hills, Nov 2014 - Pre-Competiton reports

5thCP logo

Promotional video


3rd November - End to Training and Opening Ceremony


Training jumps continued through the day until time for the Opening Ceremony.  This consisted of speaches and a demonstration jump from a military team.  Unfortunately two of the team members suffered a canopy collision during the jump which looked much worse than it actually was, with one jumper suffering a broken leg and the other a broken shoulder.  We wish them a speedy recovery.  


World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Delegation Argentina

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5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships

Zephyrhills, Florida, USA

1st - 7th November 2014

Delegation:  "Argentina"


Marcos Javier Rodrigues  Head of Delegation/Competitor
Marcos Ivan Darman  Competitor
Diego Andres Zazzarini  Competitor
Gaston Nocholas Reyes  Competitor

 1 - Argentina

World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Delegation Australia


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5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships

Zephyrhills, Florida, USA

1st - 7th November 2014

Delegation:  "Australia"


Ronnie Perry  Head of Delegation
Sharney Perrow  Team Manager
Andrew Woolf
Ben Lewis  Competitor
Brad Jones  Competitor
Kevin Walters  Competitor
Mark Edwards  Competitor
Robert McMillan  Competitor
Glen Farrell  Competitor
Darren Griggs  Competitor

 3 - Australia

World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Delegation Austria


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5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships

Zephyrhills, Florida, USA

1st - 7th November 2014

Delegation:  "Austria"


Dominic Roithmair  Competitor
Marco Fuerst  Competitor


World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Delegation Belgium


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5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships

Zephyrhills, Florida, USA

1st - 7th November 2014

Delegation:  "Belgium"


Grim Swinnen

Pieter Wittevrongel


Roy Seber  Competitor
Laurent Venhecke  Competitor
Ronald Emonts  Competitor

 4 - Belgium

World Canopy Piloting Championships, Z'Hills, Nov 2014 - Delegation Brazil


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5th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships

Zephyrhills, Florida, USA

1st - 7th November 2014

Delegation:  "Brazil"


Carlos Marques  Competitor
Manoel Neto  Competitor
Paulo Marques


Eduardo Meirelies  Competitor

 8 - Brazil