
Malaysian Sports Aviation Federation Visits FAI HQ to discuss the development of air sports in their country

FAI-MSAF photos_006The newly elected President of the Malaysian Sports Aviation Federation visited the headquarters of the FAI, World Air Sports Federation, in July.
Captain Muhammad Arif Ibrahim visited the FAI in Lausanne where he met with FAI President Frits Brink, Secretary General Susanne Schoedel and FAI staff.

Under discussion was the potential of holding the FAI World Air Games 2020 in Malaysia. The delegation also introduced the Malaysian Federation’s magazine, Aerolomba, to the FAI.

Welcoming the Malaysian visit, Secretary General Schoedel said: “We are very happy to welcome Captain Ibrahim to Lausanne, and to better understand the fast-developing air sports community in Malaysia.”

Aerolomba’s Executive Director Adam Din was also present. Din is no stranger to high profile air sports, having been involved with the Red Bull Air Race World Championship since 2013. Having seen the air race on television in 2006 he spent the next seven years working to bring a leg of the Red Bull Air Race to Malaysia.

Formed in May 2003 the Malaysian Sports Aviation Federation (MSAF) is registered with the FAI. Its objectives are to help ensure the healthy development of aviation sport and recreation in Malaysia, and that it is executed with safety and security in mind with accordance to existing laws and regulations.