12 November 1906: The first flight by Santos-Dumont

Mix110 years ago, exactly today, the first officially observed flight in Europe that was longer than 25m was performed in Paris (FRA) by the Brazilian Aviation Pioneer Alberto Santos-Dumont, resident in France and famous for his experiments with small airships and balloons.




On 12 November 1906 he flew 220 metres (722 ft) in 21.5 seconds at a height of 6 meters with his 14Bis powered airplane.

Alberto Santos-Dumont._The_famous_flight_where_a_machine_heavier_than_air_for_the_first_time_rose_from_the_ground._Paris_1906._Photo_Credit__Polfoto_-_Topfoto

 The famous flight where a machine heavier than air for the first time rose from the ground. Paris 1906.

14bis 12_November_2016_Courtesy_Jean-Pierre_Lauwers

 The 14bis on 12 November 2016.

Photo Credit: Polfoto/Topfoto / Jean-Pierre Lauwers