
CIVL Bureau Decisions – April 2007

The following decision has been taken by the Bureau, on behalf of CIVL: During the process of implementing the changes to Section 7 which were agreed as Item 20 at the 2007 Plenary Meeting, it was found that important messages could be lost from Sections 7A and 7B. For example: "The purpose of the championships is to provide safe, fair and satisfying contest flying in order to determine the world or continental champion, and to reinforce friendship among pilots of all nations." Also, the same proposal, if followed to the letter, would result in the deletion of 2.11 (pilot qualifications for a Category 1 meet). Some of these were later added back during a subsequent proposal, but only for Section 7B. After consultation with the French delegate who proposed the amendments, it was agreed that these deletions were unintentional. The Bureau has decided to retain the relevant wording in addition to incorporating the amendments that were agreed by the Plenary. This Bureau decision will require ratification by the 2008 Plenary.