
Wanted: top pilots for world air games test events - pilot selection underway

Pilot selection for the test events of the World Air Games, the most prestigious and extensive aerial contest in the world, is now underway. If you believe you are a contender and you meet the qualification criteria, then contact us straight away – especially if you have experience of Hang Gliding Speed Gliding and Hang Gliding Aerobatics. See below for details. CIVL is responsible for selecting and inviting the pilots in four of the 26 individual discipline competitions: Hang gliding Aerobatics, Hang gliding Speed Gliding; Paragliding Aerobatics (solo & synchro) and Paragliding Accuracy. These four test events will take place from18 to 20th August, 2008, at Avigliana, Italy. Selection criteria are available on the FAI WAG website: http://www.worldairgames.org/2009 Full event details are on the organiser’s website (now in English as well as Italian): http://www.wag2009.com/eng/ The hang gliding and paragliding events are Cat 2 sanctioned competitions, and will be conducted at the lake-side village of Avigliana, approximately 20 km from Torino. Essentially, our brief is to invite the world’s best pilots in each discipline, from as many different countries as possible, to provide maximum media interest. There’s no entry fee, and the organisers have promised a fantastic package including transport, accommodation and food. Hang gliding aerobatics will start with an aerotow launch taking pilots above the lake. Hang gliding Speed Gliding and Paragliding Accuracy will start from nearby hill launches overlooking the lake. Paragliding aerobatics pilots will start from a helicopter D-bag. All landings will be on a large raft in the lake, at least 20m x 20m, much larger than those in past aerobatic contests. Rescue boats will be on patrol, of course. Close by on the shore will be grandstands for the public and media, with large TV screens. With no aerial sports in the Olympic Games, the World Air Games is conceived as the Olympics of the air. Planned to be held every 2 years, the WAG aims to provide a strong focus on presenting the most exciting aerial events that attract and hold the attention of the media and the pubic. Needless to say, the benefits to our sports are many if we are presented in a favourable light around the world. The 2009 WAG organisers in Torino impressed the FAI board with their recent success holding the winter Olympics and their great connections to the world’s media. The 26 different events that form the 2009 WAG include a wide variety of aerial sports, including ballooning, parachuting, aeromodelling and experimental aircraft. The opening and closing ceremonies will bring all the pilots together. Here’s what you need to do: For Hang gliding Speed gliding, Hang gliding aerobatics and Paragliding aerobatics, send an email to Dennis Pagen. For Paragliding Accuracy, contact Louise Joselyn. Include your flying experience and competition experience in the event in which you wish to compete. If you are selected we will inform you promptly and answer any additional questions you may have.