
What's up in October 2012?


The CIVL Bureau and others Officers are getting ready for the Bureau Autumn meeting in a few days. A look on its agenda shows that it should not be too boring...


  • Decide how precise we want the minutes of this meeting to be.

  • Decide if we want to turn SC and WG proposals into Bureau proposals.


Jury and Steward

Review of Jury and Steward reports for 2012 championships

  • HG Euro – Kayseri, Turkey. 
Jury:Flip Koetsier.
 Steward:Claudia Meija.

  • PG Euro – St-André, France.
 Jury:Dennis Pagen.
 Steward:Ali Gali.

  • PG Asia –Linzhou, China.
 Jury:Agust Gudmundsson.
 Steward:Dennis Pagen.
PG Accuracy Euro – Ohrid, Former Yugoslavia, Republic of Macedonia. 
Jury:Andy Cowley.
 Steward:Nikki Bodill.

  • PG Accuracy Asia – Wai-ao, Chinese Taipei.
 Jury:Roman Pogacar.
 Steward:Violeta Masteikiene.

Review of Steward reports for 2012 pre-championships.

  • PG pre-World – Sopot, Bulgaria.
 Steward:Leonard Grigorescu.
PG Accuracy pre-World – Bjelasnica, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegivina.
  • PG Accuracy pre-World Games – Cali, Colombia.
Steward: Louie Joselyn.

Selection of Jury and Stewards for the 2013 championships.

  • PG World – Sopot, Bulgaria.
PG Accuracy World Games – Cali, Colombia.

  • PG Accuracy World – Bjelasnica, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Selection of Stewards for the 2013 pre-championships.

  • PG European – Kapaonik-Raska, Serbia.

  • PG Pan-American – Loma Bola, Tucuman, Argentina.
PG Accuracy European – Vrsac, Serbia.
PG Accuracy Malaysia – Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia.


  • Extension of the Remote Jury to all Cat 1 competitions.

  • Review of the process for recruiting, selecting, paying the right officials.

  • Review of the Jury and Steward role.

  • Necessity to rewrite the J&S Handbook.


Subcommittees and working groups

Review of reports.

  • Paragliding – Calvo Burns.

  • Hang-gliding – Oyvind Ellefsen.

  • Aerobatics – Dennis Pagen.
Paragliding Accuracy – Nikki Bodill.
Safety – Raymond Caux.

  • Software – Jörg Ewald.

  • Record and Badges – Scott Torkelsen.

  • Jury and Steward – Flip Koetsier.
Sporting Code – John Aldridge.

  • Competition Structure – Stéphane Malbos.

  • Pilot screening – Brian Harris.

  • Competition coordination – Brian Harris.

  • Website content – Stéphane Malbos.

  • Environmental Affairs – Thomas Sénac.


  • How can SC and WG be restructured for efficiency?

  • Prospective for SC and WG Chairs for next year.
3-5-1 of FAI By-Laws allow us to elect the SC and WG Chairs for 2 years. Should we do that?



  • Intermediary report.

  • Who should pay for CIVL Bureau members’ expenses like this Bureau meeting? CIVL or the members’ federations?


Sporting Code

  • Some modifications have not been implemented in the May 2012 edition of Section 7. 
(“… as far as appropriate”, French proposal for PG Cat 2").
  • Should it be extended to other disciplines?


Bids for cat1 competitions

2015 is a FAI World Championships year : HG, PG, PG Accuracy, HG and PG Aerobatic.

  • How can we improve the quality and screening of the bids within today rules?
 (Delegation from the Plenary to the Bureau to look for bidders)

  • Should be change the rules altogether? Define proposals to the Plenary.
Should we require signed Organisers Agreement with the bid?

Review of Bids’ documents:

  • Guidelines for presentation of bids.

  • Bids check-list.

  • Budget sample.

Practical guidelines for organisers of competition

  • Review report on the project of rewriting it – Louise Joselyn

  • This includes a new template for Local Regulations.


PMA, EHPU and the future of PG Competition glider

  • Review meetings and projects.
Define strategy.


Internal Regulations

  • They should be simplified, adapted to the reality of the way we work, modified so Bureau, Subcommittees and Plenary work better.
  • Review the new document.


Other documents

  • CIVL Handbook - Review this document published on the Web (see Front page).
  • Bureau Handbook - Review this new document.
  • CIVL Long Term Plan - Do we need one? 
What is really long term and what is aims and purposes? 
Include it in the Internal Regulations?
  • Safe pro, Para pro - Needs reviewing. Who could be in charge?


Plenary meeting

  • - How can it be restructured for efficiency? What can be omitted or done in simpler way?
- Can the SC and WG meetings be reorganized for efficiency?
- What do we want in the SC / WG / Plenary minutes? Who will write them?
- Should we change the Plenary dates? January, December, November…? Make simulations…
  • - Bureau elections - See new Internal Regulations project (to come).
- Can we adapt the way Bureau is elected within today rules?
(Formalising what happened in the last Plenary: the Prez presents the people he whish to work with. All candidates introduce themselves.) 
- Should we make proposal to the Plenary to change these rules? 
(According to FAI Law-bys 3-2-1, we can vote for as many secretaries as we want; we don’t need to vote for a treasurer; this could give us flexibility and the possibility to choose more Bureau members that are not delegates. According to FAI Statutes 5-1-2-8, we can elect the Bureau for 2 years.)
 - Should we make proposal to FAI General Conference to change these rules? 
(For instance, possibility to elect the Bureau for up to 4 years.) 
- Prospective for Bureau members and SC Chairs for next year.


CIVL Competition Coordinator, Secretary and PR

What is needed?


Section 7, CIVL Internal Regulation, Term of Reference

  • We will need to prepare new wording to include eventual Bureau proposals to the Plenary.

  • - Bid procedures?

  • - Bureau members and elections?
- SC and WG members and elections?
- …?


Other pending matters…

Go through the Bureau To Do list.