The implementation of a new CIVL-EN Competition Class (CECC) in Paragliding Category 1 events from January 1st 2015 was voted by the 2013 CIVL Plenary. All gliders flying in World and Continental championships will have to follow the requirements of the CECC.
The procedures and requirements of the new CECC are quite different from what the original Paragliding Subcommittee (now called Paragliding Committee: PG-C) proposal had defined. The original proposal also provided room for adjustments, which somehow was forgotten in the final text.
The PG-C believes that such adjustments are absolutely necessary if we want the CECC to fulfil its aim, that basically is to be a reliable element in “safe, fair and satisfying” Category 1 events.
Since the 2013 Plenary, the PG-C has been working on CECC adjustments, in line with the policy defined in the 2012 and 2013 Plenary: CIVL expect that the CECC requirements will be included in a new EN certification. This new EN should be adapted to real competition flying situations. It should also be “light” enough so all size of gliders can be certified at affordable cost and its requirements can be revised every 2 years.
The PG-C is fully aware that it has no control whatsoever on the administrations that implement EN or on the content of the new EN, if it is actually implemented. It can only hope that its proposals will be heard so a future Plenary might agree to replace the CECC by the new EN.