
No Hang gliding Euro this summer


When the CIVL made the difficult decision to cancel the European Championships in Spain this summer, we made it a high priority to look for an alternated location/organizer for this event.  We know that the European Championships is an important event for pilots in Europe as well as other nations that often bring visiting pilots.

In light of the unfortunate weather conditions that prevented all but two tasks at the world championships in Monte Cucco, Italy in 2011, our thought was that perhaps Flavio Tebaldi, the organizer of that event, would be willing to submit a short-tracked bid for the Euros this summer.

Because Flavio is a known organizer that has run several successful Category 1 events, we invited him to submit a bid using the same team and organization as prevous competition.

We have now received a reply from Flavio and unfortunately, due to short time to prepare the event, he is unable to submit a bid for this summer.

We are disappointed, as we are sure the pilots will also be, but completely understand Flavio’s commitment to safety, quality and thorough preparation.  


Agust Gudmundsson, CIVL President

(Photo Cross-Country: Karl Reichegger over Monte Cucco)