
What’s up at CIVL in April 2015?


The minutes of the Plenary plus annexes have been published and so are the minutes of the pre- and post-plenary Bureau meetings. See on CIVL web site the Document / Meeting chapter.

Since the plenary, the Bureau has taken the following decisions:


  • Claudia Mejia de la Pava is appointed Competition Coordinator.
  • Raymond Caux and Dennis Pagen are appointed Safety Officers.
  • Jamie Shelden is appointed Jury and Steward Officer.


The local regulations for the 8th FAI World Paragliding Accuracy Championship in Puncak, Indonesia, have been approved and published.

There will be no formal practice event for the 2nd FAI World Paragliding Aerobatic championships in Doussard, France. Instead, the 2015 French National will be open to foreigners and will be monitored closely by CIVL.

Hang gliding Class 5: a World championship will take part in Krushevo, FYR Macedonia, from July 16 to 30, 2016, at the same time and on the same site as the European Class 1 championship. The practice event will take place on August 16 to 23, 2015, and is open to Class 1 and 5.

Hang gliding Class 1 Women: a specific women's World championship will be organized along the "overall" World Class 1 Championship in Brasilia, Brazil, from August 6 to 19, 2017. The practice event will take place from August 27 to September 3, 2016. Please notice that the dates for the practice event have been changed, due to conflict with the Olympic Games.

Bids for championships

The following 2018 events are open for bidding. The bidding deadline is December 1st, 2015 (per Bureau decision, instead of mid October as per Section 7).

  • European HG (Class 1) Championship.
  • World HG (Class 1 Women) Championship.
  • World HG (Class 2) Championship.
  • World HG (Class 5) Championship.
  • European PG Championship.
  • Asian or Oceanian PG Championship.
  • Pan-American PG Championship.
  • European PG Accuracy Championship.
  • Asian or Oceanian PG Accuracy Championship.

Bidding information are found on CIVL website in the Event / Organising Event chapter.

World Air Games

WAG are not an usual Category 1 event. In each discipline pilots are few and must be selected according to WAG request. Paragliding Aerobatic and Accuracy pilots selections were done according to the organisers’ demand (top pilots and a maximum of countries) in agreement with the appropriate committees.


On January 1st, 2015, we were not ready for the implementation of the new GAP rule requesting to switch distance measurements from FAI sphere to WGS84 ellipsoid. The Bureau decided to postpone this implementation until further notice.

Live Tracking was allowed as the primary source of information for scoring the Valle de Bravo Hang gliding World championship.

CIVL Competition Class paragliders

Controlling gliders is an important part of the CCC implementation. CIVL has agreed to work with PWCA to identify problems, standardize as much as possible and build up a proper  database of gliders already checked.

For each CCC model, measurement files in .xlsx format will be published on CIVL web site.  A handbook and a video are under completion so procedures are understood by all. Manufacturers, testing laboratories, competition organisers and pilots alike should then be able to measure their gliders with a high degree of reliability.


(Photo Flavio Tebaldi - Valle de Bravo 2015 FAI World championship)