The brand new Section 7 of our Sporting Code has been published and will be effective May 1, 2016.
It’s been a long road and a lot of work. Thanks to all that participate and especially to Louise and Brian that went a few extra miles to come up with something as perfect and easy to use as possible.
Until 2004, Section 7 was one big lump with all disciplines included. Section 7 was then divided in 4 Section: Hang gliding, Paragliding, Accuracy and Aerobatic. For 12 years we added layer over layer of rules until we had 4 big lumps not very easy to digest. A reorganization was needed and defined as follows:
To reduce the size and complexity of each of S7A, B and C in order to make them more accessible and easier to understand by pilots, organizers and officials, and to make each section easier to maintain and update.
End result:
It took over two years to finalize the new Section 7, still in 4 parts:
Mission accomplished … till the next revision!