
2017 Plenary: What’Up With Hang Gliding


There were quite a few proposals from the Committee and Austria to discuss, and also the coming Class 1 World in Brazil.

Proposals discussed

  • Belgian proposal to use accumulated task quality for Ta calculation in cross country competitions. Due to the current use of Ta in WPRS, organizers are making competitions shorter, increasing the desire of organizers to have a task even in marginal or unsafe conditions. This happens because Ta does not take into account the quality of the day/task. The proposal involves calculating Ta as a continuous function of the sum of all available task points. Proposal discussed in detail and approved. 
  • Committee proposal to change the ‘Push rule’ to apply to all launch lanes where there are multiple lanes used, in order to achieve the purpose of the push in the first place – that is, to keep the launch lines moving. Proposal discussed and passed with a few minor wording changes. 
  • Bureau proposal regarding changes to the list of flight instruments and publishing instrument specifications in terms of altitude measuring. Proposal discussed and a working group created to update the requirements and list. 


Austrian Proposals

  • Triangle record flights – The proposal did not pass.
  • Category 1 event validity – Most of the proposal withdrawn (needs more detail to be considered by committee).
  • Leading Bonus – Proposal withdrawn, matter to be discussed by Committee.
  • Cloud Flying – Proposal discussed and the committee recommended that a “cloud flying committee” be further tested at upcoming events and added to the local regulations template for potential use by other organizers.
  • Goal Parameters – Proposal approved to change hang gliding rule to be consistent with paragliding rule. Passed.
  • End of Speed section – Proposal approved to make this rule consistent with the paragliding rule so that a pilot who reaches the ESS but not goal loses his/her time points and will only score distance and leading points. 
  • Altitude measurements – Proposal approved for airspace to be defined using height AGL or height MSL, both based on barometric altitude using the QNH of the day, and for the upper ceiling level, standard pressure flight level based on QNE.   Also, altitude evaluation (for the purpose of applying penalties) is primarily based on barometric altitude, as recorded in the flight instrument tracklog (QNE) and when necessary, corrected by the scoring software for the pressure conditions of the task (QNH).
  • Altitude infringement penalties – Issues discussed and the Steward for the Brasilia worlds will formulate specifics of a 100 meter “buffer zone” with graduated penalty provisions, to be approved by HG committee and Bureau and then included in the local regulations template for future use. 
  • Functions of Cat 1 organizers – Approved addition of new rule reading: “No person may serve as a meet official (including but not limited to meet director, safety director, organizer, etc.) and a national team member (i.e. pilot, team leader) during the same competition, simultaneously or sequentially, beginning with the first mandatory pilot safety briefing.  The intent of this rule is to prevent individuals in a position to effect scoring or results from taking part in both the organization and the competition itself.”


Brasilia HG Worlds

Recommendation of the committee to the organizers that the women have separate tasks but along the same general course line, with larger turn point radii and different launch and start times prior to the open class launch/starts. After meeting with many women during the 2016 European championships, the large majority of women preferred to have separate tasks so as to avoid flying in large start gaggles and to choose a women’s champion based on leading, not following many men around a course. The only caveat is that the women’s tasks should be similar enough to the open task so as to allow for easy retrieve of the entire team (men and women). 

Airspace penalties for Brasilia HG worlds – rather than a 100% penalty, there should be a 100 metre buffer zone with penalties to be formulated by the Steward and approved by the committee/Bureau. Those airspace penalty provisions will be included in the local regulations template for future organizers’ potential use. 


Roll call: Jamie Shelden (USA), Tom Weissenberger (AUT), Herbert Siess (AUT), Regina Glas (GER), Gordon Rigg (GBR), Daniel Dimov (BUL), Niels Jorgen Askirk (DEN), Kitano Masahiro (JAP), Jochen Zeischka (BEL), Barbara Sonzagni (ITA), Mitch Shipley (USA), Oyvind Ellefsen (NOR), Didier Mathurin (FRA). 

Picture: Flying over Krushevo during the 2016 Euro.